Israel > Save Israel
Israel's Bolshevik Bureaucracy
In Israel, "The Supreme Court" and the Bolshevik bureaucracy are the most powerful and these jobs are not up for election. They are dictators. The Supreme Court can over rule both The Prime Minister and The Knesset if it makes Right Wing decisions such as legalizing Arutz 7. Private national radio stations are illegal in Israel so they made a law to give Arutz 7 a license and the Bolshevik Supreme Court over turned the law even though there is no Constitution in Israel to interpret in order to make their decisions. They just do whatever they want.
I wonder what will happen when we take over. If we win the Knesset and Prime Minister elections, they are going to give us trouble in changing the whole layout of the political system to take away their power.
I think that this is why you need to employ the techniques of organised anarchists to achieve your goals.
Democracy will never be favourable to you when there is money to be made from being a traitor.
Being a traitor pays, and so the scum-bags will always have more money than you to conduct their campaigns.
Secession from the state should perhaps form the basis of any further political activism. I will write more about this later when I have time.
Our first act in Knesset should be to dissolve the evil Bagatz
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