Author Topic: Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime  (Read 5220 times)

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Offline Raptorman

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Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime
« on: November 18, 2006, 09:45:54 AM »
I am white and while some would claim I am a racist I don't suffer idiot Nazi's scattered about the web crying about how Jews want to destroy western civilization, the white race and blah, blah.

If only Israel was as strong as these Nazi idiots claim she wouldn't be having to fight for her life as she is now doing.

That aside I found a blog that raises interesting points  concerning the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and its efforts to support and have passed an Orwellian federal ‘anti-hate’ bill.

If Rev. Ted Pike is correct, this blog may soon be illegal.

“For the past eight years, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith has tried unsuccessfully to pass its Orwellian federal ‘anti-hate’ bill. It has failed largely for one reason: Republican control of Congress,” writes Pike. “Repeatedly, Republican opponents of their hate bill, such as Rep. Roy Blunt and Sen. Bill Frist have been able, with Republican congressional backing, to block passage,” but now, with Democrats in control of Congress, “such freedom-saving clout no longer exists. ADL’s federal thought crimes bill, ‘The Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act,’ will be reintroduced soon after January 1. Since no Democrat in Congress has ever voted against the hate bill, it will pass.”

According to Rabbi David Saperstein of the Interfaith Alliance Foundation, Americans “cannot stand idly by while our brothers and sisters, parents and children, live in fear that racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, and xenophobia[" (appears they got it all covered, doesn't it)/b] "continue to go unchecked. We cannot stand idly by while hate crimes destroy the sense of community that we and so many others have worked so hard to build.”

and we are reminded of this

“English-Turkish cyber-hate expert Prof. Yaman Akdeniz, speaking at a B’nai B’rith conference on how to end dissent on the net, rejoices that David Irving is behind bars,” writes Pike, never mind that, when it comes to so-called Holocaust deniers, Irving is fairly wishy-washy. “[Akdeniz] said ‘continental European countries such as Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria and Belgium have strong anti-hate laws, which have resulted in the imprisonment of hate-mongers. In Holland, 657 websites were removed. And in Germany, more than 700 hate websites were shut down.’”

Similar behavior was prevented in America, where the Constitution and the Bill of Rights once held sway. However, now that the ADL-friendly Democrats are ruling the roost, we may see America go the way of Europe, eradicating web sites and blogs that not only criticize Israel but also homosexuality and other subjects that often elicit contentious debate.

Yeah, sometimes people like this make your teeth hurt but he does raise some interesting points while missing one very important point.  Hate crime legislation can get you a prison term in Germany for espousing Nazi stuff but if the Israel lobby is so powerful why is it Muslim hate sites, hate speech at Mosques and hatred spewed towards western civilization is given a free pass in the countries of the European Union?

A Muslim scholar can call for the extermination of Christians and Jews but should Raptorman utter "[censored]" in public he would be arrested at a minimum while possibly facing a prison term. Why is this?

You all realize if a federal hate crime bill passes it would probably mean the end of JTF?
"Can you cite one speck of hard evidence of the benefits of 'diversity' that we have heard gushed about for years? Evidence of its harm can be seen - written in blood - from Iraq to India, from Serbia to Sudan, from Fiji to the Philippines.  It is scary how easily so many people canbe brainwashed by sheer repetition of a word." - Thomas Sowell writing for the Jewish World Review August 29, 2006


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Re: Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 12:20:28 PM »
I don't know enough about American politics, but surely there should be something we can do.

At the very least we can all pray, and hope.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2006, 01:31:45 PM »
Re:  "...You all realize if a federal hate crime bill passes it would probably mean the end of JTF?..."

What are you talking about???...JTF are Civil Rights Leaders!


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Re: Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2006, 01:35:09 PM »
It's all about words!  We can still feel the same emotions but we need new words to express ourselves.

They can outlaw 'negro', '[censored]' and all the other terms - but we will just keep making new ones.

They can outlaw discussions of 'race' - so all we need to do is find a new word to express the same meanings.

They can play funny games with us all they like, we will just keep avoiding them and devising new ways to express ourselves.

It's a good mental exercise :)

Na Na

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Re: Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2006, 06:29:21 PM »
JTF is very much in danger... heh heh heh


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Re: Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2006, 01:00:37 PM »
It's all about words!  We can still feel the same emotions but we need new words to express ourselves.

They can outlaw 'negro', 'schvartza' and all the other terms - but we will just keep making new ones.

They can outlaw discussions of 'race' - so all we need to do is find a new word to express the same meanings.

They can play funny games with us all they like, we will just keep avoiding them and devising new ways to express ourselves.

It's a good mental exercise :)
What happens when thay make saying something negative about Islam a crime?


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Re: Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2006, 01:19:20 PM »
It's all about words!  We can still feel the same emotions but we need new words to express ourselves.

They can outlaw 'negro', 'schvartza' and all the other terms - but we will just keep making new ones.

They can outlaw discussions of 'race' - so all we need to do is find a new word to express the same meanings.

They can play funny games with us all they like, we will just keep avoiding them and devising new ways to express ourselves.

It's a good mental exercise :)
What happens when thay make saying something negative about Islam a crime?

That should be the least of your worries.

Na Na

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Re: Is JTF in danger? Political Blogging as Hate Crime
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2006, 03:19:46 PM »
It's all about words!  We can still feel the same emotions but we need new words to express ourselves.

They can outlaw 'negro', 'schvartza' and all the other terms - but we will just keep making new ones.

They can outlaw discussions of 'race' - so all we need to do is find a new word to express the same meanings.

They can play funny games with us all they like, we will just keep avoiding them and devising new ways to express ourselves.

It's a good mental exercise :)
What happens when thay make saying something negative about Islam a crime?

That should be the least of your worries.

JTF being shut down is one of your biggest worries...