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Jewish Reactions To Christmas And Self-Hating Jews Comparing It With Hanukkah
I think the Rabbi was correct, when unaffiliated Jews see religious Jews proud of the Torah it brings them back in ways sniveling never will. The Rabbi didnt try to have the trees taken down only add a Menorah to a place with a lot of Jews. Seattle has one of the biggest Jewish populations in the US so his actions made sense.
Promoting Judaism in this way seems silly and a waste of efforts.
I also disagree that unaffiliated Jews are brought back to Judaism by things like this.
From what I read, this looks to me like there was just a big misunderstanding. The rabbi wanted to add holiday spirit and the airport has more important issues to be concerned with than how to decorate for the holidays.
One thing I will say is that Chanuka is not Christmas and everything does not have to be tit for tat. The most important time of the year is Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur anyway.
Perhaps the most significant thing that Chabad could do in terms of air travel would be to arrange minyanim for travellers that need it(perhaps through a forum like this one). Another thing they could experiment with is renting space at a major hub to set up a tefilen booth. I'm going to suggest these ideas to them.
David Ben-Ariel:
Even though I am a Christian who hates the Roman Catholic Cult's pagan holidays dressed in Christian drag, that hypocritical rabbi would do well to follow Judaism to Israel and end his self-imposed exile.
CAPAI Christians Against Proselytizing Among Israel
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