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This guy weiss and friends are up to it again

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The worse part of the whole thing is that this garbage is a side show put on to distract people from the real issues of the Iranian rag heads proceding on with with their atomic weapons program. They are trying to deflect blame on Israel for the reason they need to have this weapons program. We are in dangerous times because people are too dumb to stay focused on the real issues and get drawn in to displays of nonsense like that gathering of fools.

An email I got from my friend...  I'll share it with you all....

"Very sad is not the words for it.

These activities aid and abet the enemy.   By their association they sow
confusion and permit that enemy to camouflage their intentions while
pretending to be on a search for the truth.   These people are treasonous
and they should be made an example of.   These people are what the Germans
used to call "nutzlicher Juden"   they are "useful Jews" they are used by
predators so as to deceive and confuse their intended victims of their real
nature and intentions.

I once read a book by the Warsaw ghetto underground commander Anton
Zuckerman.  His book was memorable for a number of things he raised but one
thing was about the Jewish nature and it's individualistic drive of
survival.  Commander Zuckerman had to develop cohesion both in his fighters
and in the community he was submerged in.  The Germans were very devious,
and with the Kompt Heller racketeers had even created phony resistance
organizations to use to identify those who would resist.   Anton said that
at one point before the "gross aktions" of July 1942 the Gestapo ran over
3,000 Jewish collaborators and secret agents inside the Jewish ghetto.  Once
the gross aktion began to take place Zuckerman's men took out four of these
agents in secret executions, but the collaborations did not stop and the
Germans continued to know more about what was going on inside the ghetto
than the Jewish fighter organizations could.  In November 1942 it changed
Zuckerman's men shot and wounded both the captain and his deputy of the
Jewish police.  Anton was shocked because he thought he was going to have to
kill them but in fact their shrieking in terror and pain in the open streets
had a far more salutary effect on the other collaborators.  By January 1943
after a few more had their faces altered with a blowtorch or their legs
broken the Germans could not find out what was going on inside the ghetto.
Zuckerman quoted the Torah "so all Israel will hear and fear" is indeed how
it works.  If these people are not made an example of the Commander will
tell you then your collaborators will grow you will not be able to trust
your fellow Jews because they will all think they can cut a deal that will
make them different.  These men must be grabbed their arms and legs
fractured-broken- and then thrown into the Jewish neighbourhood where their squeals
of agony will serve an educational purpose.   Forget what the non-Jews say
and do, it is what the Jews will do that matters, and I can guarantee you
the non-Jews will not save you.

Sorry but the reality does have a bite " - L.Riteman

"Those who are kind to the cruel in the end will be cruel to the kind"-Qohelet Raba 7:16

I happened to see this guy and one of his buddies on the Gilchrist experience on public access. He was saying the most off the wall things and the two black hosts were eating this all up. I these self haters think that saying these vile things that they will be spared when their 'friends' take control they are in for a big surprise.


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