Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
If I ever become rich
If i get rich enough i will buy Kosovo, since it seems that it's FOR SALE.
Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
Dalmacija, I won't hand out money:P I will provide sercurity for schoolchildren. Buy a armored schoolbus, schoolbooks and related stuff.
--- Quote from: JR-Obilic on February 12, 2008, 04:33:04 PM ---If i get rich enough i will buy Kosovo, since it seems that it's FOR SALE.
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Buy Christian Serbia O0 and go broke on the muSSlims ;D (throw out the muSSlims in other words;))
I think some misunderstood, I meant I would pour money into the country by way of buying up businesses or building things like schools and stuff..
I would never give money to a politician, unless s/he stood for what the Save Serbia section stands for and was PROVEN to be faithful.
--- Quote from: Zoran on February 13, 2008, 11:30:24 PM ---I think some misunderstood, I meant I would pour money into the country by way of buying up businesses or building things like schools and stuff..
I would never give money to a politician, unless s/he stood for what the Save Serbia section stands for and was PROVEN to be faithful.
--- End quote ---
Well we share the same opinion. Many millions have dissapeared in politicians hands who were supposed to go to the people.
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