Author Topic: Dozens Of Congressmen Support CAIR Despite Known Terror Ties  (Read 1296 times)

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Dozens Of Congressmen Support CAIR Despite Known Terror Ties
« on: February 11, 2008, 09:23:24 PM »
Federal prosecutors describe CAIR as being an organization that supports terrorism…so WTF are these members of congress doing still supporting them?

Homeland Security: In a new court filing, federal prosecutors describe the Council on American-Islamic Relations as a supporter of terrorists. So why are Democrats still supporting the organization?

CAIR’s boosters on the Hill, where it’s headquartered just three blocks from the Capitol, have known for some time that several people in positions of power within the group have been directly connected to terrorism and have either been prosecuted or thrown out of the country. Yet lawmakers have gone right on singing CAIR’s praises and doing its bidding. That agenda includes suing John Doe witnesses, censoring critics of Islamism and denying the FBI antiterror tools.

These cheerleaders, who include a handful of Republicans (see box), also know by now that CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror-fundraising case last year. And that FBI wiretaps revealed that CAIR’s founder, Omar Ahmad, and executive director, Nihad Awad, last decade attended a secret meeting in Philadelphia with Hamas leaders and other terrorist sympathizers.

In fact, Ahmad himself was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the terror case, which counts a CAIR founding director among its criminal defendants.

But now, in a separate case involving a senior CAIR official who trained to kill American soldiers in jihad, prosecutors are tying CAIR even closer to terror. In court papers filed in December, federal prosecutors described CAIR as not just an apologist or sympathizer, but a supporter of terrorists.

“From its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders,” the filing states, “CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists.” The government also cited evidence “the conspirators used deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists.”

Perhaps some members of Congress had been fooled by CAIR’s deception. But now they have no excuse. Now Sen. Barbara Mikulski, who saluted CAIR’s “important work,” and Sen. Paul Sarbanes, who applauded “CAIR’s mission,” know better.

The criminal briefing should also disabuse Rep. John Conyers, who’s trumpeted CAIR’s “long and distinguished history.” Rep. John Dingell, who said “my office door is always open” to CAIR, now has an obligation to slam it shut.

No red-blooded American lawmaker wants to do anything that would facilitate the support of terrorists, not even Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who’s gushed “CAIR has much to be proud of.”

Continued support of CAIR plays right into its hands. Such endorsements are promptly posted on its Web site in an attempt to legitimize itself in the media. It also uses outreach events with the government as a kind of insurance policy against investigation.

But CAIR’s tricks are wearing thin. Now it is resorting to thinly veiled threats, warning presidential candidates to avoid any “anti-Muslim rhetoric” or suffer a backlash at the polls. The group already attacked former GOP hopeful Rudy Giuliani for using the phrase “Islamic terrorism.” Democrats, typically, have taken the hint. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama won’t even describe the enemy as terrorists, let alone Islamic.

To continue to embrace CAIR and cater to its demands is the equivalent of legitimizing the Muslim Brotherhood, a group which gave birth to Hamas and al-Qaida.

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: Dozens Of Congressmen Support CAIR Despite Known Terror Ties
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 10:25:36 PM »
naturally leftists side with muslims