[Bablefish translation - I have corrected the worst mistakes - I hope you are able to understand this text]
The "Cologne City indicator" [Kölnischer Stadtanzeiger], Cologne largest newspaper, recently offered a forum to a washgenuine ex-RAF-terrorist for its good-human round envelope against the realistic condition tendencies in the medialen representation of the juvenile delinquency, increasing in many places. The dire at "branding with history" (KStA of 18.01.2008) is that Klaus Juenschke appears as an x-arbitrary sociologist, who has to obviously pass realizations on from group works with young prisoners of the JVA Ossendorf. It perplexed the obvious sense of mission, with which itself the portaited instead in Agitprop excursions is fared: there is no increased juvenile delinquency among Muslims, which itself already by the German debt in I. and II. World war as well as by crimes of Germans in past centuries to prove leaves. For the remainder Exkulpation of the deliquents, the fogyishreference to omissions at the schools, strained already in another place, provides.
What for does a APO GRANDPA look for here eifernd the footlights? Searches reveal it then: Opportunity to authentic jail-research had Klaus Juenschke redundantly, hummed it to eleven nevertheless years because of joint RAF bank robbery, with which for 134.000 DM booty a policeman had to die. During the process he cried once: "for Ulrike [[Meinhof]], you pig!" and pushed the judge to soil. - now also different ex-RAF'ler feels today destined as relevant propaganda still like Christian Klar, which probably bucked itself 2007 its pardon thereby. The fatal is not however only that Juenschke instructs, instead of regenerating into quiet social sphere auxiliary activity its former erring in notorious moral superiority float remaining the Babbitt society, but beyond that, and substantially more seriously that the old-communist led Cologne city indicator prepares from free pieces its stage for it: completely uncritically and without each reference, around what described sheet it actually acts here.
http://www.pi-news.net/2008/02/forum-fuer-ex-raf-terroristen-klaus-juenschke/The "Cologne City indicator" [Kölnischer Stadtanzeiger] is the main newspaper of Dumont Schaumberg in Germany.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6lner_StadtanzeigerThe RAF was a homicidal group of antisemitic, anti free market socity, anti-democratic leftists, who supported the PLO and supported directly the murder of dozens of innocent Jews.