Your choice of words belies the filthy liar you are. "Settlers"? "Theocracy"? Gimme a break.
Nobody believes you. No Kahanists would call Israeli citizens "settlers".
I predict you will be allowed to make three more posts, and then will be banned.
Name calling is for children. Please add something intelligent to this thread or just don't add anything at all. So far, you've called me a muslim, arab, nazi, troll, maronite, anti-semite. Have any other names in your bag? I am far from anything you have called me. I support Israel 100% and against islamic terrorist scum 100% no can tell me otherwise.
Muslim Nazi troll? What? First of all I'm Catholic and far from a Nazi. How on earth could you have even thought I was either Muslim or Nazi just from my mere 4 posts in this thread? I have not said anything racist or even mentioned anything related to Islam. Let's have a proper debate here, (it was a proper debate before you jumped in) I am far from racist, muslim, or anti-semitic.
Oh yes, you're one of those Maronite "Catholics"... aha, one of those "Christians" whose priests dedicate entire sermons to Sheik Nasrallah and who, two summers ago, threw wild, drunken rallies in the streets of Beirut, with yellow- and green-spraypainted hair, for Hezbollah. 
No offense, but yet again you show your stupidity. How can you even come to the conclusion that I am a Maronite Catholic? I don't even come from the middle east. I am of a Dominican Catholic background.
Let me make my position clear. I do support Israel and I do support all settlers. I started this thread to ask the paticular group of Kahanists who would like to establish a theocracy in Israel about the Kingdom of Israel's true borders.
From my understanding the goal is to create a Sanhedrin (a group of 70 Rabbis experienced and wise beyond everything). Chaim's goal is not to, over night, suddenly transform Israel into a relgious nation. He is realistic that this action is impossible. Rather, he wants to start with schools and encourage secular Israelis to return to Torah and Judaism.
Judaism isn't just a religion. It is also an identity and culture of a group of people. Our Torah is like the US Constitution. These are the rules which we shoudl live by. We are not meant to be secular people. On the other hand, we are supposed to live the Jewish way of life. being that so many of us, including me, are relatively less observant, the goal is to gradually reach the point of having a religious identity throughout our nation.
Thanks for the info. Was looking for a post like this. The reason I'm interested in this whole theocracy topic was because of a Kahane interview I read last week called Israel's Ayatollah. Here is the link:'ve grown a strong admiration for Kahane over the last few months. I liked his message regarding the Arabs, his solution is really the only one for peace. But do all Kahanist support a theocracy? I can see you are a secular Jew trying to come closer to Judaism, Kahane mentioned in the interview that the majority of people who voted for him were people like you, mostly secular. So what it basically comes down to is, are the majority of Kahanists with expel the Arabs and create a kingdom or just expel the arabs? Obviously I understand the most important at the moment being the latter.
The Gaza Strip used to be called Philistia during the biblical times. The Torah called the inhabitants of this place "uncircumcised" among other things. They weren't Israelites. The Kingdom of Israel along with Judah were outside of Philistia. The inhabitants of Philistia and the Israelites fought against each other. There were no Jews there.
So what I'm trying to say is wasn't the Gaza evacuation justified just on these principles alone? Atleast to those Kahanists who want a theocracy in Israel? Since the Kingdom of Israel can't have the ancient Philistia land on its borders since it never had it in the first place.
Any thoughts on this?
one of the possibilities for a Milchemet Mitzvah (commanded war) is if someone else attacks us, ex. Arab-Muslims. we are not allowed to give in because that would be a hillul hashem
So let's say there is a Kingdom in Israel today. Could this land have been annexed into the kingdom? Or does the Torah say this part of the land can not be in the Kingdom of Israel? That's pretty much what my original question leads to.