Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Flag this video: Claims west sponsored terrorism in Yugoslavia
--- Quote from: Cohen on February 16, 2008, 07:46:50 PM ---Flag this
--- End quote ---
Hehe do not expext pro western reaction on here :P
Sorry but the west is still sponsoring terrorism in Yugoslavia.
They are also supported by some Jewish groups who are their slaves.
SerbChigcago gave a good explanation.
The western nations prepared the neighboring nations of Serbia to participate in the biological extermination of the Serbs. That's the truth.
we Serbs know very good who came to Bosnia in 1992 and fought on the side of Croatia and Bosnia against Serbian Orthodox communities.
Thousands of Muslim Mudzahenid fighters from all the corners of the world joined the Croatian-Bosnian forces in their fight against the Orthodox Serbs.
This Afghan is telling the truth about Yugoslavia. That is good.
But he is just a minority of the Muslim world.
The only mistake here is the guy mistaking Zionists for self-hating, anti-serb, wonderbread jews like LANTOS... This is due to lack of education and the fact that Jews like the ones on this site are still a minority. I don't think he should be flagged but definitelly he needs to know that real Jews dont think like that.
And for the record, the west did sponsor terrorism in Yugoslavia. If creating 2 muslim states in Europe and arming muslim armies to fight as their puppets against Serb Christians isn't terrorism i don't know what is?
I'm only sorry Serbs risked their lives to save 500 AmeriKKKan soldiers in WW2 only to be repaid like this.
Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
I'm not sorry we did. All those 500 airmen and their families support Serbia. One airman wrote an open letter to USAF and told them they were doing the wrong thing. They protested against the trial of General Draza Mihajlovic.
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