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I just saw today that voice of Judea broadcasts their web casts on I'm curious as to whether or not this is something that Chaim and the JTF webmaster might consider uploading the video broadcasts on youtube. It would give someone like me, who doesn't have cable TV access, to see the video broadcast, and can attract a more nationwide and hopefully international audience as well. Since I already asked my question for the next "Ask JTF" broadcast, I'll just post it here for now. I'm also curious to know if Chaim and JTF are allied with each other. The messages and opinions are almost identical to Chaim's broadcasts. Something good to ask about in future "Ask JTF" forums.


I'd be interested as well.

- as long as YouTube doesn't ban it because it's not "politically correct"

Chaim is the National Chairman of the JTF.

lately i have been producing the voice of judea. i am helping out in the meantime while the original equiptment gets repaired.  i do all my editing with my macintosh and overall its pretty easy.  the only problem is that so much quality is lost.  however, the more i play with the settings the better its coming out.  i have to convert the original file to get it into imovie then i have to convert it again to get into a playable format for youtube then youtube converts it to their own format. 

so, if you do decide to go ahead with youtube, apply for the directors account. it allows you to upload videos that are larger then a 100 mbs and longer then 10 mins. 


--- Quote from: jeffguy on August 29, 2006, 08:55:20 PM ---I'd be interested as well.

- as long as YouTube doesn't ban it because it's not "politically correct"

--- End quote ---

If YouTube doesn't ban the "Voice of Judea" broadcasts, they probably wouldn't broadcast the JTF broadcasts either. The only factor I can see YouTube objecting to is the racial epithets and the name calling often used by Chaim and sometimes even David.

But it would be great if this could be broadcast.



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