There's a HUGE difference between not judging someone... and calling an abomination "ok" when G-d said it wasn't "ok".
I know part of the judging thing is a Christian concept and Judaism treats the issue entirely different, but I'm pretty sure it didn't mean judging obvious abominations.
I'm fairly certain it means if you don't have evidence, don't judge. And I'm fairly certain that the not judging thing probably only applies to people who at least attempt to be righteous. Otherwise, how could the Bible work? Let me explain...
If you can't judge at all, how could you judge that you think we are racists? How can you judge that we are judging? Isn't it judging if you make videos about JTF and slander us? I think that seems like judging to me!
I think someone uses catch phrases when it's convenient. Sounds like a pretty sorry excuse to me. You do not have any idea what's actually in the Bible, do you?
First of all, I dont' judge your religion, I don't judge your upbringing, I don't judge Jews. I DO tell you when you're acting racist towards me. That's nothing but the truth. It can be proven. I'd be judging if I didn't know that this was how you were. Oh, and to make another thing clear. I only call those out who say racist things to me. Whenever I refer to people being racist on this site, I say "some of you".
I dont' come in here pretending that some of you give me racist feedback, call me racist names, and say other things that could be considered racist statements. It happens here. So there's no judgement if it's clear that that's what's going on.
And you just made a point. In your religion, you look at it in a different way (homosexuality). I am an individual and what I feel isn't based on how someone else feels. I can say that I'm more emotional when it comes to this but not because my dad was gay. I was more emotional about it because I actually saw the way people treated homosexuals before my dad came out. One guy I knew when I was younger was beaten to death by some evil animals because they didn't like the fact that he wore makeup and a dress every once in a while. One female I knew in grammar school was teased for being "a boy" because of the way she acted. She wasn't openly gay then but she always had a rough way of carrying herself which led people to believe she was a lesbian. It hurt me to no end with all of the gang bangers and drug dealers on the corners in urban neighborhoods, or sex offenders living next door to us nowadays, the one thing people feel it's right to do is beat up, kill, tease or judge a homosexual simply because they're not comfortable with the dynamic.
Oh, and before I forget. I won't even pretend to KNOW the Bible from cover to cover...I've only been saved for 2 years. I wasn't a Christian at any time before that. So my feelings were well engrained in me before I made the decision to turn to G-d. If any of my gay friends are having trouble, I pray to G-d that he helps them because I'm just a person.
I think people have a different interpretation of what "Judge not..." means. To me, it means don't judge until you've walked a mile or two in another's shoes. Until you've experienced what they've gone through to get to where they are, it's not fair to call them evil, sick or anything else.
On racism, I think that some of you are old enough to know better than to say things that the KKK would be proud to hear, even if it's in fun (at the other person's expense.) I dont' have to judge some of you for how you treat me, it stares me in my face everytime I log on.