Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Long live General Lewis Mackenzie

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Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
@ Dalmacija, Im not really sure but he's a retired UN General. So that counts for something at least. And he seems impartiall but all he says is pro Serb. Because even if you are as objective as a computer you are Pro Serb.


--- Quote from: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on February 24, 2008, 09:11:48 AM ---@ Dalmacija, Im not really sure but he's a retired UN General. So that counts for something at least. And he seems impartiall but all he says is pro Serb. Because even if you are as objective as a computer you are Pro Serb.

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Hvala gospodine!


--- Quote from: DALMACIJA on February 24, 2008, 02:59:12 AM ---NICE VIDEO!

Who is this man? What does he represent?

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He is ret. Canadian general sent to Sarajevo 1992-95.He was against Serbs but when he sow what was going on he change his mind and start talking against muslims and US.He was pushed by a lot of countries to be antiserb.He sad that Sarajevo massacres was staged by muslims,Srebrenica same thing and he was arguing that it wasn't massacre because 2000 muslims was killed and that muslims had put 5000 missing  as killed!He wrote a book called 'my journey to Sarjevo'where he exposed muslims and croats.Very honorable man he is!Very good solider he was!

Google his name and you can find more information about him.


--- Quote from: SerbChicago on February 24, 2008, 11:22:03 AM ---Google his name and you can find more information about him.

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thank you = Hvala !


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