Clinton supporter stabs Barak Obama supporter
FEBRUARY 25--Meet Jose Antonio Ortiz. The Pennsylvania man allegedly sta\
bbed his brother-in-law in the stomach after the pair quarreled about their respec\
tive support of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinto\
n. According to cops, Ortiz, 28, stabbed Sean Shurelds last Thursday night in the \
kitchen of an Upper Providence Township home. According to a criminal complaint, a\
copy of which you'll find here, the 41-year-old Shurelds, an Obama supporter, tol\
d Ortiz that the Illinois senator was "trashing" Clinton (apparently in regard to \
recent primary and caucus results). Ortiz, a Clinton supporter, replied that "Obam\
a was not a realist." While not exactly fighting words, the verbal political tiff \
led to some mutual choking and punching. And, allegedly, a stabbing in the abdomen\
. Ortiz, pictured in the mug shot below, was charged with a felony aggravated assa\
ult count and two misdemeanors and jailed in lieu of $20,000 bail. Shurelds was fl\
own to Hahnemann University Hospital, where he was admitted in critical condition.