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Rabbi Mayer Schiller -- a spokesman for racial separation
--- Quote ---"A beloved teacher at Yeshiva University High School for Boys — a Modern Orthodox, not chasidic, institution — Rabbi [Mayer] Schiller also spent years writing and preaching in defense of European culture, group identity and, most controversially, racial separatism. Rabbi Schiller, 49, has made common cause with and spoken before a cast of characters and organizations that would send most American Jews running to the Anti- Defamation League: American white supremacists, anti-abortion extremists, Conrad Muhammad of the Nation of Islam and right-wing European nationalists. In a series of interviews with the Forward, Rabbi Schiller declined to discuss for the record his published views on race. Officials at Yeshiva University High School, also known as MTA, said Rabbi Schiller's silence stems from an agreement that he made with school administrators five years ago, prohibiting Rabbi Schiller from discussing racial issues with students or in any public forum ... Several of Rabbi Schiller's former students and rabbinical colleagues said they oppose his separatist views, but that his fascination with controversial nationalist causes stem not from a hatred for racial minorities, but a rejection of post-Enlightenment universalism and secularism."
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He has spoken in an AmRen conference in 1994.
I actually had this so called man as a teacher when I was in high school at MTA about 15 years ago. This guy is basically a Jewish Pat Buchanan in my opinion. He is full of crap. He used to bash Modern Orthodxy for not being idealist enough. Well what the heck is a chasid teaching in a Modern Orthodox institution and talking about being an idealist. If he is so idealistic teach in a Chasidic school.
This man never said anything about Israel when I was in his class in 1991. Check his wikipedia article. He is a spokesman for Skvair Chassidim in New Square in Rockland County, NY. They are part of the vicious Satmar movement that hate Israel. Chaim has an audio on someone help me. about new Square". They all voted for Hilary Clinton these zombie's in Satmar because that is what their Rebbi said they should do against Lazio. They did this to free their own criminals who were in jail for ripping off the taxpayers with phony schemes to get money for their community. And this is who this so called "Rabbi" speaks for. This Rabbi is scum (being nice) in my opinion.
I read Amren and enjoy the comments people make.
I believe they also had Michael Levin (a CUNY professor) as a speaker at their conference as well. I don't know what Levin's views are on Israel, but I did read a commentary of his on the use of torture, and how it's the moral thing to do when the lives of innocent people are in danger.
I had a friend in Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim who was a student of Rabbi Schiller, apparently he is a baal teshuva who is hard core anti-Zionist. I read his book, he is a very good writer.
For anybody interested by the way on these audio's on the link above from JTF has this audio in the middle of the list
JTF-02142001-Naturei Karta-Clintons [Length 6:01]
Clinton rescues whacko Jewish criminals
This discusses the town of New Square in Rockland Country who this so called Rabbi Schiller supports. I know Chiam really doesn't fell there is much difference between Satmar and Neturi Karta and feels they are one and the same.
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