Author Topic: new words of wisdom from barry chamish...  (Read 2299 times)

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new words of wisdom from barry chamish...
« on: March 03, 2008, 08:26:27 PM »
let's push the envelope here just a tad... shall we...? all you jtf spies pay strict attention now... this one's really going to rock your world... so for all of you spooks out there... "this bar's for you..." nik. out...

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Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 12:25:35 -0500
To: [email protected]
From: "Barry Chamish" <[email protected]>
Subject: time

NEW details of my upcoming Miami trip at end of article.

                                                            TIME TO TAKE ISRAEL BACK by Barry Chamish

The city of Netivot, in the western Negev, as well as the
southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo came under fire Saturday night after midnight...
Terrorists opened fire toward IDF soldiers near the Jewish town of Psagot in the Binyamin region on Saturday night.
At least 20 missiles were fired by Gaza terrorists at the coastal city of Ashkelon between midnight and 8:00 a.m.
               - INN news from Israel yesterday

     Israel is in the beginning stages of complete chaos. Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned the enemy that Ashkelon cannot be attacked. Oh sure, Sderot, that's okay, it's
full of Moroccans and you can do what you want there. But Ashkelon...real people need the place.
     Then came the live fire attacks on Jerusalem, not by Hamas but by our "peace" partner Fatah. What gall, and just when we had begun handing half the town to them. Yes, actually physically started divvying up the town!
     After Ashkelon, the port of Ashdod will be enflamed by Katyusha missiles. Step by step, little by little, Hizbullah and Syria will make sure Tel Aviv is flaming rubble. Look at the destruction of Ashkelon by a mere 20 missiles. All the firetrucks in all the stations, in all the land, won't put Tel Aviv back together when it's hit by 10,000 rockets in a day.
     But let's look at this chaos as an opportunity. From out of the ashes Israel will renew itself by purging the nation of its highest betrayers. When the nation burns, while tohu vebohu rules every corner, we will have our moment to seize and interrogate the criminals who brought the nation to its bloody knees.
     I await the magical moment when the mob that is us will storm the President's House and imprison Shimon Yech Peres. There are guards there and a few may not abandon their posts. The rest will be overcome. We shall not have the same resistance to the capture and arrest of Yossi Beilin and Carmi Gillon. They will immediately be charged with the cruel casualties they brought us with their Oslo "peace" accord. The crime; the murder and maiming of 10,000 good Jews, military and civilian. The punishment; whatever befits the machinations of the felons.
     To learn the facts finally, the interrogations will be long and merciless. But Peres and Gillon will tell us the truth about their murder of Rabin, the frameup of Goldstein, the systematic elimination of political opponents from straight shootings, to "accidents," and unexplained sickness. And Peres will finally say who he was working for and detail all the corruption of his cronies.
     If not...if not.
     From Beilin, who unlike Peres, was the real father of Oslo, we will extract what the real purpose of Oslo was. After a few hours he will speak of an Israel without borders, as he bragged to his cohorts. We will offer him the opportunity to tell us who funneled their money to him from Europe for his initiatives to mass-murder the Jews of Israel. If he is reluctant in any way to confess...
     He won't be...this coward will do anything to save his sniveling life.
     In a few days we'll know who murdered Sharon, Ben Elissar, Arlosoroff, Raful, Gur, Judge Azar, Wayne Owens et al. We'll finally know who kidnapped the Yemenite infants of the '50s and why, at the same time, 108,000 Sephardic children were irradiated in their brains to "treat" ringworm. We'll know all about the Gush Katif atrocity and all the agents and spies in our midst. And we will learn at last, the truth of Weizmann, Kastner and the Holocaust.
     And that is only after a few days. By then Israel's military will have overcome or not.
     Either way, finally, as Israel burns to cinders or doesn't, we will have our own sweet victory over the worst curse ever to have plagued us, Labor Zionism. 


(ignore last info and we'll meet you here):

Barry Chamish will be in the Miami area lecturing on Rabin And The Murders For Peace. Sunday, March 9, 2:30 PM

HCS Chabad
Los Caminos De Israel
2221 N 46th Avenue in Hollywood, Fl 

        For info call Peter 954 981 7725 or write:  [email protected]

Watch the following clips of recent Chamish speeches. If you are impressed, join us for an important event in Miami.


My last article on Shlomo Aviner brought tons of agreement:

Look at the true face of Ehud Olmert:

From Israel's greatest singer, Ariel Zilber, who I have loved since the 1970s when he recorded Rootzi Shmulik, watch his greatness now.


Part of Jerusalem Officially Labeled PA Territory

( Israeli authorities have placed several signs near the Atarot area in northern Jerusalem recently warning travelers, “You are entering territory under the control of the Palestinian Authority.  Israelis are absolutely forbidden to enter!”  Approximately 25,000 residents of Jerusalem, some of them Israeli citizens, live in the areas now designated as PA territory.

Jerusalem Forum chairman Aryeh King said Wednesday that approximately 1,200 dunams of property owned by Jews were located beyond the signs.  The government violated laws regarding Jerusalem by putting up the signs, King said.  The signs prove the government is acting to make its policy of splitting Jerusalem a reality, he said.

In my world, this is big news. I bought a stand alone DVD burner. I can charge just $10. for this very special DVD because I don't have to buy the recorded discs from a studio anymore. Write me at [email protected]

Or at: 

Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080-0157

The same $10 offer applies for:

The Best Of Barry 2007 - A brand new MP3 with 124 radio shows from 2007. A week of me on one disc.
Preventing The Israeli Holocaust - Recorded in Denver last year, I outline the Israeli political disaster as it exists at this moment, complete with missiles.
The Vatican's New Crusade For Jerusalem - Recorded in Jerusalem and filled with expert guests, I explore the history, then and now, of the Vatican's covert fight to make Jerusalem its capital.
The Secret War Against The Settlers - How the Israeli ruling establishment works with the CFR to eliminate Judea and Samaria.
Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin And Wayne Owens - Recorded in Salt Lake City, the first half is the complete Rabin assassination, followed by how the same gang did the same thing to Utah Congressman Wayne Owens.

Get my books on including the newest, Bye Bye Gaza, only $10 to and white:

"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."