I am a strong proponent for traditional family values, although I'm not what you'd consider a "prude" either. While a younger man I admit to having indulged in an "alcoholic beverage" a couple of times, one thing that I noticed is how alcohol can effect your sense of reason... Many experts agree that alcohol has a way of making people lose their sense of inhibition, in simple terms, people can become "uninhibited" and subsequently "let their guard down"--- and needless to say, that can often result in people engaging in the sort of illicit sexual acts they might not normally do when sober, including "same sex" behavior, illegal orgies, etc, etc... Sometimes women who are normally "pure" and "upstanding" can become "sexually deviant" under the influence of alcohol, and THAT'S a BIG PROBLEM-- A problem that can easily lead to unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexual transmitted diseases... Sure, it's great when adults can enjoy alcohol in a responsible manner, but unfortunately that's not usually the case... I believe that our society would benefit if possibly the legal drinking age was bumped up to around 40-45 years of age, at least then we'd be guaranteed that those drinking alcohol would be more inclined to act responsibly.