Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Resolution - Parliament RSK

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--- Quote from: Mornar on February 26, 2008, 03:53:24 PM ---Da li vi ljudi mislite da ce Krajina pripadati srbiji u buducnosti?   
i ako da, kada?

--- End quote ---

Strong arguments are documented in this resolution.
You will have a problem when the UN council will recognize these statements.
They will it is just a matter of time.

Friend, you and your government better start to negotiate with us !

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
You missunderstand the idea of greater serbia, It's to unify all the Serbian lands like it was before Tito invented these borders.


--- Quote from: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on February 26, 2008, 04:30:13 PM ---You missunderstand the idea of greater serbia, It's to unify all the Serbian lands like it was before Tito invented these borders.

--- End quote ---

That's correct,

 just like Germany united all GErman lands after the collpse of the USSR.

The Serbs wnated the same after the collapse of Yugoslavia - SFRJ - in 1990.


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