Author Topic: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?  (Read 97478 times)

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #100 on: February 03, 2008, 02:02:52 PM »

Also, you compare Africa and African Americans ALL of the time. You compare Jews to African Americans all of the time. But you never bring up some of the evil white  people who do the same thing. Your mantra here is basically "It's not as bad as when blacks do it..." How insanely dumb that thought is. EVIL IS EVIL IS EVIL no matter what color, or community you live in.
Erica, I've explained the principle of proportionality to you 500 times. Do you want me to start with the statistics again to prove it?
I've explained to you that I know about the statistics already. I've told you that over and over and over ...and yet OVER again. But from MY perspective, I can only give you what I know to be true. All of this "Your evil is worse than MY evil" talk is tiring. I'll continue to do what I have to do to make sure that my kids are part of the solution. You do what you do best... complain, lament, compare, weigh, analyze... in the end, you're still no better than anyone else in this world. And neither am I.

You're twisting and evading the issue again.

NOBODY at JTF has said white crimes are less evil than black crimes. Where did you get that idea?

 A white mugger is EQUALLY as bad as a black mugger. A white rapist is EQUALLY as bad as a black rapist. Right?

What we ARE saying is that a much much greater proportion of the black community are muggers and rapists compared to the proportion of muggers & rapists in the white community. If you're familiar with the statistics you would know this to be true.
You don't have to SAY, "white crimes are less evil...". My problem with you and your cohorts is that you don't bash everyone who commits the same crimes. You convienently leave evil whites out...and you say that it's because so little of the population is doing it. Let me explain something to you. When I prepare my kids for school each day I constantly worry about their safety when I'm not in their presence...not because of how many blacks commit crimes but because there are evil period looking to victimize little kids. I dont' send them out of the house warning them about the precentages. I send them to school hoping that they'll be cautious because ANYONE  could hurt them. I know about the stats. I NEVER denied that.

erica we do bash everyone..even fellow jews.

We might dis blacks more than whites..but the reality is that we do it 89% more times than we do for whites...That, my friend, is the true definition of equality...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #101 on: February 03, 2008, 10:25:03 PM »

You're twisting and evading the issue again.

NOBODY at JTF has said white crimes are less evil than black crimes. Where did you get that idea?

 A white mugger is EQUALLY as bad as a black mugger. A white rapist is EQUALLY as bad as a black rapist. Right?

What we ARE saying is that a much much greater proportion of the black community are muggers and rapists compared to the proportion of muggers & rapists in the white community. If you're familiar with the statistics you would know this to be true.
You don't have to SAY, "white crimes are less evil...". My problem with you and your cohorts is that you don't bash everyone who commits the same crimes. You convienently leave evil whites out...and you say that it's because so little of the population is doing it. Let me explain something to you. When I prepare my kids for school each day I constantly worry about their safety when I'm not in their presence...not because of how many blacks commit crimes but because there are evil period looking to victimize little kids. I dont' send them out of the house warning them about the precentages. I send them to school hoping that they'll be cautious because ANYONE  could hurt them. I know about the stats. I NEVER denied that.

Why would we bash two communities equally when their proportional levels are criminality are so different?

Does the better business bureau attack two building companies 'equally' when one builds 1 bad house out of 100 and another builds 50 bad houses out of 100?

I don't think so................

Offline q_q_

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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #102 on: February 03, 2008, 10:51:40 PM »

Well it's good to follow the halakha when one is married..however, what the husband and wife do in the privacy of their home is not even Gd's business.

So you are saying you can do what ever you like, as long as its behind closed doors and no one sees?

I was once told that a boy in school was challenging this very religious, but worldly rabbi with crazy questions.. and he asked.. What should a man do if he is married, but he is gay.. And does not find the wife attractive.
The Rabbi , who had insisted that we have an answer for everything, had to answer !  He said, the woman can turn over - as long as she does not find that undignified/humiliating.

So.. maybe you cannot do -anything- from what he said it seems that you cannot dishonour the wife in the bedroom!

I think you`re also not meant to use condoms. And the commandment is to be fruitful and multiply, so other forms of sex would not cut it. Though I guess they would not be prohibited
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 10:54:40 PM by q_q_ »


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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #103 on: February 03, 2008, 11:01:01 PM »

Well it's good to follow the halakha when one is married..however, what the husband and wife do in the privacy of their home is not even Gd's business.

So you are saying you can do what ever you like, as long as its behind closed doors and no one sees?

I was once told that a boy in school was challenging this very religious, but worldly rabbi with crazy questions.. and he asked.. What should a man do if he is married, but he is gay.. And does not find the wife attractive.
The Rabbi , who had insisted that we have an answer for everything, had to answer !  He said, the woman can turn over - as long as she does not find that undignified/humiliating.

So.. maybe you cannot do -anything- from what he said it seems that you cannot dishonour the wife in the bedroom!

I think you`re also not meant to use condoms. And the commandment is to be fruitful and multiply, so other forms of sex would not cut it. Though I guess they would not be prohibited

There's an online book about Kosher sex and it said 'unnatural sex' is permitted between a husband and wife 'occasionally' if it helps maintain romantic interest but it cannot be performed 'all the time'.

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #104 on: February 03, 2008, 11:18:16 PM »

Well it's good to follow the halakha when one is married..however, what the husband and wife do in the privacy of their home is not even Gd's business.

So you are saying you can do what ever you like, as long as its behind closed doors and no one sees?

I was once told that a boy in school was challenging this very religious, but worldly rabbi with crazy questions.. and he asked.. What should a man do if he is married, but he is gay.. And does not find the wife attractive.
The Rabbi , who had insisted that we have an answer for everything, had to answer !  He said, the woman can turn over - as long as she does not find that undignified/humiliating.

So.. maybe you cannot do -anything- from what he said it seems that you cannot dishonour the wife in the bedroom!

I think you`re also not meant to use condoms. And the commandment is to be fruitful and multiply, so other forms of sex would not cut it. Though I guess they would not be prohibited

There's an online book about Kosher sex and it said 'unnatural sex' is permitted between a husband and wife 'occasionally' if it helps maintain romantic interest but it cannot be performed 'all the time'.
That sounds very treif to me...

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #105 on: February 04, 2008, 07:00:18 AM »

Well it's good to follow the halakha when one is married..however, what the husband and wife do in the privacy of their home is not even Gd's business.

So you are saying you can do what ever you like, as long as its behind closed doors and no one sees?

I was once told that a boy in school was challenging this very religious, but worldly rabbi with crazy questions.. and he asked.. What should a man do if he is married, but he is gay.. And does not find the wife attractive.
The Rabbi , who had insisted that we have an answer for everything, had to answer !  He said, the woman can turn over - as long as she does not find that undignified/humiliating.

So.. maybe you cannot do -anything- from what he said it seems that you cannot dishonour the wife in the bedroom!

I think you`re also not meant to use condoms. And the commandment is to be fruitful and multiply, so other forms of sex would not cut it. Though I guess they would not be prohibited

There's an online book about Kosher sex and it said 'unnatural sex' is permitted between a husband and wife 'occasionally' if it helps maintain romantic interest but it cannot be performed 'all the time'.
That sounds very treif to me...

no comment
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #106 on: February 04, 2008, 12:02:01 PM »



Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #107 on: February 04, 2008, 05:54:13 PM »



Well I hope ED is married.  :::D

Just Erica

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Re: Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
« Reply #108 on: February 05, 2008, 10:36:48 PM »
Your post was not clear so that's why I was asking.

My question continues by asking how your public school system failed to reach out to your other peers? You are already a unique one amongst the people in your community because you speak intelligently and write maturely, so I'm not surprised that you concieved children within wedlock.

I'm by no means saying this is the case with all blacks, but does the typical ghettoized mother and father (if applicable) teach their children ANY values, besides the act of sex? What about respect for human life, property, manners, etc? The issue of not teaching kids about sex is part of a much more broad problem within your community, namely the lack of teaching ANY real values.
They didn't fail to reach out to my other peers. We were all taught sex ed at the same time ( my age group) and about 89% of us decided against having sex until we were mature enough to handle the  consequences. The other 11% learned nothing because once their parents found out that sex ed was being taught in our school,  they forbid their kids to take the class, then they did not follow through with the teaching. They closed up like clams and treated sex as if it was a bad word or a bad act. That made their children depend on sources outside of the home...unreliable sources, at that.

I believe that it's a parent's job to tell their children about sex and answer the tough questions that follow. But I also think that by saying that even when parents don't step up to the plate that qualified professionals in schools shouldn't give the information out. That's like telling the kids to go out, have sex irresponsibly and bear  lots of kids in the process. You really don't give the kids a choice when you take sex ed out of the homes AND out of schools. One situation has to balance out the other when one isn't available.

This isn't only a problem in the black community. This is a national problem. Its also an international problem. I have yet to meet a  parent who isn't afraid to draw pictures, explain in debth, and provide helpful information about sex to their children. I mean,with my own mom, it was really hard to get her to talkabout the birds and the bees with me. I threw her for a loop when I asked her what 'making love' was ,at 9 years old. She sat me down in her bedroom and preceded to  sweat,  wring her hands, go into minor descriptions about the beginning stages of sex..THEN she lost her nerve, turned on the television (where ironically "The Miracle of Childbirth" was  showing on PBS) and like a puff of smoke, she was gone.

When parents can deal with the fact that when they have sex, it isn't a dirty thing, then and only then they will be comfortable enough to talk to their kids without leaving their kids confused.

Where did 89% come from? These are NOT the statistics I see in your community.
You keep on going in circles. My point was that much of your community teach NO values, including a parent's proper teaching of sex to his child. Your community has a vicious cycle of single mothers raising five kids, a high spread of STDs, and an even more alarming rate of rape. If you want me to brief you on what else goes on, a high preponderance of crime, including violent crime, drug use, etc, poverty, infant mortality. Above all, everyone seems to have horror stories of how rude groups of black men are, how loud and inconsiderate and how easy their inclinations toward violent behavior are.

Everyone is playing king of the jungle here, so again, sex education is not preventing them from acting like animals during mating season. Even if sex education is an "international" problem as you say it is (take Africa for example), you just cannot compare your communites woes to the rest of society; it just isn't as bad. Problems always occur, but not to the same degrees of intensity.
89% of the people I attended school with! See, unlike you, I can use the % and not include everyone in a race! And you dont' see ANY statistics in MY community because #1, you have never had to live there. #2. You don't know HOW MUCH of my community teaches're just speculating because you don't like blacks. And guess what, black women aren't the ONLY women who happen to have relationships with future deadbeat dads. Check out Maury Povich. Give me a percentage of how many white women you see going through the same thing on that show. I NEVER EVER denied that the black community has a high rate of crime and other problems. And to tell you the absolute truth, I don't know  how many times I have to repeat myself over and over and over again but this is getting pretty sickening. Arguing with you back and forth over things we fundamentally agree  on doesn't make one bit of sense to me.

NOT ALL blacks are the way you described them. NOT ALL BLACK MEN behave the way you heard someone say they do. And to clear a matter up, if a child drops out of school before they get a chance to be in a sex ed class, it would really do them no good in the real world, right?

Also, you compare Africa and African Americans ALL of the time. You compare Jews to African Americans all of the time. But you never bring up some of the evil white  people who do the same thing. Your mantra here is basically "It's not as bad as when blacks do it..." How insanely dumb that thought is. EVIL IS EVIL IS EVIL no matter what color, or community you live in.

I don't hate any racial group, including blacks. And I was very specific not to make generalizations in my posts. My point is that the black community has more moral problems than any other racial group, and the black community's record--THE SAME record brought up by black Congressmen and leaders in their speeches--on sexual assault, on bastard children,  and on abortion is far more severe and reflects the overall low-morals trend that exists within it.

And I'm sick of you. I'm sick of your constant defending of blacks no matter how much truth is thrown at you. Is that all you know how to do?
This is where we misunderstand each other... I told you that about 89% of the people I graduated elementary school with didn't go on to to immoral things because sex ed was available. You misunderstood me by thinking I was saying that 89% of the entire community fared well. ....

Hold that thought...

(checking on dinner)...


Secondly, you can best believe that the black community isn't comprised of only rapists, murderers and such. Yes the stats are staggering but I don't see you guys giving the good blacks any kind of credit for anything. Our conversations here are usually back and forth about

Some of you: "Blacks are evil"
Me:"Not all blacks are evil"
Some of you:"Well , Erica tell me what's good about the black community."
Me: "Well the black community's good culture lies in..."
Some of you: "Well, that's not good enough! What about all of the rapists, murderers, gangster rappers, bastard children"
Me: "Well, I know that exists...I'd be a fool not to but...."
Some of you: "Well why are so many blacks on welfare? "
Me: "I don't now why some blacks are on welfare, but I agree that they should get educations so that they don't have to go through that..."

Does anyone read my posts all the way through; without stopping after you've read the first thing you disagree with?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 11:27:06 PM by Just Erica »