Author Topic: Chaim Ben Pesach: Israel CANNOT WAIT!!!  (Read 2196 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Chaim Ben Pesach: Israel CANNOT WAIT!!!
« on: March 04, 2008, 03:19:33 AM »
Chaim, I am relatively new here.  I have been very impressed not only with your organization, but your many knowledgable and honest speeches.  But I have been following the course of events in Israel for a while now.  With each passing day the situation gets more and more drastic.  Is there any progress being made regarding your attempts to make aliyah and get back to the land?  I am in great fear for the lives of my fellow Jews. 

I read the political situation as follows.  The Moshe Feiglin strategy, to take over from within Likud and reform the whole system, may be too gradual a process, and by the time it can effect any real change, it may be too late.  With disastrous consequences if things are NOT changed and fast.  But I worry also that the courts will try to stop him even if he gets enough support.  In fact I am fairly certain the leftists and the courts will do everything in their power, lawful and unlawful, to stop him.  Will he take the necessary approach to combat this?  We both know it would necessarily involve violence.  Who in Israel, in his faction and in the general populace is really ready to stomach some necessary violence?  This is all speculation.  The only thing is, the Moshe Feiglin strategy is THE ONLY THING ON THE HORIZON!  He was forced to do this because running his own party, he would have been banned.  There is really no alternative.  Nothing viable.  The fact that this is the only thing with even a tiny bit of chance is all the more worrying. 

Chaim, is there any chance you will be able to get back to Israel in the near future, and is there anything truly innovative we can try to make this a mass movement in quicker fashion?   I know you are working hard to do this all the time, but I am distressed for klal Yisrael and just want to stress this, and maybe we all can think of some good ideas to push this movement further and with greater expediancy.