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The Clinton Chronicles

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With the vast majority of Washington "on the take" from Big China & Big Saudi (effectively rendering U.S. leadership null & void), and with the National Guard being killed off in Baghdad, the Armed Forces stretched too thin to maintain the empire, and chaos reigning supreme as hordes of 3rd world barbarians literally "seize" every square inch of the U.S., it seems like a great time for those who value Freedom to simply secede.
Secession, anyone?
If Bush's fiasco in Iraq has taught the world anything, it would be that Washington is now incapable of stopping civil disorder (even the kind instigated by 12th C. morons).
Why has America already lost the "War Of Terror"?
Answer:  Because of so-called "political correctness"; the kind of mental illness which teaches that war must be fought with no harm to civilians or structures, and teaches that a nation can start a war and enter into a war as long as there is no sacrifice required from its citizenry in order to win it. 

Wow!  Scarily, Massuh, you seemed to just boil it down to the unfortunate essence.


--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on December 23, 2006, 07:57:39 AM ---With the vast majority of Washington "on the take" from Big China & Big Saudi (effectively rendering U.S. leadership null & void), and with the National Guard being killed off in Baghdad, the Armed Forces stretched too thin to maintain the empire, and chaos reigning supreme as hordes of 3rd world barbarians literally "seize" every square inch of the U.S., it seems like a great time for those who value Freedom to simply secede.
Secession, anyone?
If Bush's fiasco in Iraq has taught the world anything, it would be that Washington is now incapable of stopping civil disorder (even the kind instigated by 12th C. morons).
Why has America already lost the "War Of Terror"?
Answer:  Because of so-called "political correctness"; the kind of mental illness which teaches that war must be fought with no harm to civilians or structures, and teaches that a nation can start a war and enter into a war as long as there is no sacrifice required from its citizenry in order to win it. 

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Entirely Agreed.  Very accurate and well thought.  Something must be done.  It is very apparent that all major Western top government are corrupted to the core.  Where is Agusto Pinnochet when one needs  Socialism has collapsed every individual and State it tragically infects.  Sadly, this time it is guided by those whom wish to control my opinion. I'd still love to see Clinton, Carter and the rest of those bastards dragged in front of a similar court that judged Saddam Hussein's guilt......death by firing squad, hanging or old sparkey!  Whatever happened to that Congressman Tancredo wasn't he supposed to bring out some documentation on Sandy Burgler?

Hail Columbia:

--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on December 23, 2006, 07:57:39 AM ---With the vast majority of Washington "on the take" from Big China & Big Saudi (effectively rendering U.S. leadership null & void), and with the National Guard being killed off in Baghdad, the Armed Forces stretched too thin to maintain the empire, and chaos reigning supreme as hordes of 3rd world barbarians literally "seize" every square inch of the U.S., it seems like a great time for those who value Freedom to simply secede.
Secession, anyone?
If Bush's fiasco in Iraq has taught the world anything, it would be that Washington is now incapable of stopping civil disorder (even the kind instigated by 12th C. morons).
Why has America already lost the "War Of Terror"?
Answer:  Because of so-called "political correctness"; the kind of mental illness which teaches that war must be fought with no harm to civilians or structures, and teaches that a nation can start a war and enter into a war as long as there is no sacrifice required from its citizenry in order to win it.
--- End quote ---

I completely agree with you.  If the Titanic known as the United States is going to sink, then it is the responsibility of the states to escape on the lifeboats of secession.

If I am correct is it not perfectly acceptable under your Constitutional Republic that if a State, which is really a nation in its own legality, was unhappy with Federal Government to separate from the Union?  I recently read a very good short book by John T. Flynn called "The Decline of the American Republic" written in 1955.  He speaks about the mass violations, with examples, of the Federal Government over stepping or trampling your Constitution in violation of its actual and legal stated arrangements with the Union.  Would that not be grounds, seeing this expansion of violations and total bankruptcy on mass today, for separation?  Just wondering why one of your Governors of any State doesn't place the petition before the State Legislature for separation.  Perhaps other would follow the lead collapsing the Federal Power Grab for the Socialization/Large Central Government there...  Just a question.  It seems very apparent that starting the FDR, most certainly well before, your Federal Government has over stepped itself on mass.  I thought it interesting how those in charge allowed Wilson to stack your Supreme Court with ultr-lefting judges, similar to todays' situation, to "re-interpret"/affectively change your Constitution....and the masses seem unable to unite or do anything about this continual bankruption/socialization of your country.  Canada is a lost my opinion.  The people here are dumber than Charrah.  The most deprave of world leaders are admired; Arafag, Clinton, Carter, Trudeau, Chavez.... to give you some idea of how lost Canada is... You really have a unique nation.  It is too bad what is happening now.  I suppose your Constitution is like the Bible, Quraan or "Communist Manifesto"...nobody actually reads it....  :-\


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