I think I heard that too. But whatever, sometimes its not allways good to get your reward in this world. In the next its much better. But if you use it the right way then its great.
exactly the guy is the richest Jew in Israel, he has so much power in Russia and other former parts of U.S.S.R, he also owns many Israeli channels, its shame he doesn't use that money to advertise Torah and JTF
I dont know where he lives, I dont even think he lives in Israel
He lives in Bnei Brak, but he's living in London temporarily to oversee his business there.
Wouldn't have guessed that.

Bnai Brak is very religious and broke. (from what I allways thought).
Also would someone know what is the Bukharian Quarter in Jerusalem called today? - is it Mea Shaarim? - I just know that like my grandfather's generation some of his family and other Bukharians went and settled their basically until the soviets closed the borders (even thought some still sneaked out, and I have a story with my Grandfathers uncle that killed 2 guards, fighting them).
Also the some of the Big Talmedi Hachamim and Mekubalim like Rav Kaduri ZTL, live and lived their.