Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Kosovo will be World War 3

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Ultra Requete:
YOu must do the same thing the Kahanist are planing in Israel; kick out all Albanains from Kosovo. Think who'll gain most from full scale war betwween Russia and NATO... The answer is the The Mo-slimes. Besides Russia is earning too many petro dolars and euros from its oil and gass export to western Europe. Not to mention the Israeli Iranian conflict is more likely to be the trigger to WW III. 

If not much is going favorable, let it be. Let most of NATO support Slamic Terrorism of Kosovo. Theory and experience of past 1400 years clearly says that Slamic Terrorism firstly destroys it's own infidel friends and supporters. This has ever been their expansionist practice and agenda, now coming to an abrupt end.  >:(

The situation is volatile, but strictly speaking for and at this hour, if Russia overcomes NATO, then  Slamic Terrorists shall feel themselves to be the happiest lot. Perhaps the Russians can do it only when the innocent Serb population is directly at peril.  :o

WW-3 can be a plug with multi sparks. But in the end only Red Dragon shall remain with Slamic Terrorism and both shall peter out together. Israel, Serbs, US, Russia, NATO etc all others have to come together to the will of G_d.

Till then as a token of self assertion, Serbs of North Kosovo shall form their own rightful democratic authority for Kosovo with due affiliations.

So the Train Station has been well taken... O0

With Regards... :)

Yes I agree too.

Does anybody know how many monasterys and churches there were in Kosovo before albanazis destroyed hundreds of them?


--- Quote from: Srbin on March 05, 2008, 11:34:06 AM ---Yes I agree too.

Does anybody know how many monasterys and churches there were in Kosovo before albanazis destroyed hundreds of them?

--- End quote ---
about 1000-1500??

I hope that they all know what they are doing!

Nobody needs WW3!!


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