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Arguing with Jewish liberals on AOL chat

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--- Quote from: Marzutra on December 25, 2006, 10:01:54 AM ---
--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on December 21, 2006, 11:14:56 PM ---Habiru, last night I "discussed" world events live in person with two grown negro men.  They are equally insane, minus the intelligence that the liberal Yehudim have and waste.  In addition, the majority of negroes operate on a extremely primitive level; immediately acting on every base impulse be it sexual or criminal.  They truly seem incapable of thinking in advance of the consequences of their every action. 
No amount of facts, dates, documentation, eye-witness reports, etc., can have any effect on the mentally ill Jews, because they all operate on a delusional substitute for reality in order to cope within the framework expected of them in an insane society.
There is, at least, hope for the mentally ill Jews; when they get mugged and raped by negroes or illegal aliens, it is possible (though rare) that they might just see the light.
(but don't count on it).  The negroes, in general, seem unable to even modify their behavior patterns to avoid repeated punishment.

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Kol hakovod Massah, I agree with your perception 200%.  I, myself have chosen, not to associate with Blacks for the reasons you have stated above, amongst a few others.  It is not racism that influenced my choice but my not wanting to bother myself with all these troubles.  Perhaps the evolutionists do have a point due to the vast majority of blacks resemble the hominid with their continual display of primite/primitive qualities.  Now, when one combines that with the ineptitudes promulgated by Liberalism/Socialism and all the other immoral G-dless "Utipian" faiths the outcome is truly tragic.  Liberals are the most closed minded, intolerant and intolerable human beings I have ever had the mis fortune to enter into debate/conversation with.  I'll even go as far as to state that I have had better results discussing "higher" topics with a Black than Liberals.  Blacks even though largely lacking in the intellectual and reasoning departments are often smart enough to entertain logic while the Liberal, especially Judenrot, are so combatative and closed minded that they directly turn to insult, show their great arrogance and are totally intolerant of any other opinions or "freedom of speech" that is different from their own.  This tragic ability of "rationalizing" every, any and all abominations/immoralities/wrongs into something "tolerated"/excused or even "justified" is enough for me to conclued that "Liberalism is a mental disorder".
I hate liberals.  I have chosen too, to get rid of ALL my liberal friends because they truly ruin ones day especially if you happen onto a "conversation" with one before 9:00am...

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Two excellent posts I could not agree more. I also have found some headway can be made with blacks if you can show them the facts plain and simple. Sadly the same can not be said for white radical liberals. Nothing will sway them from the ridiculous positions they hold. Marzutra the last part of your post sums it all up for me. I could not agree more with that in particular. 


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