Author Topic: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel  (Read 5637 times)

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Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« on: December 21, 2006, 10:41:22 PM »

They want 50% of the emloyees to be female and are engaging in affirmative action for women. I just want to say I really think this belongs here. I blame blacks for black culture in Africa and here. However, affirmative action for blacks is mostly the fault of white males. Same thing with affirmative action for woman which also IS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. I mostly blame the white males and nobody else but please this is as much affirmative action as it is for blacks and that is why it belongs here. White women should be embarrased that they are lumped with african americans but they are not sadly and many view blacks as their brothers because of affirmative action and being both so called "minorities". 
Anyway here is the article
By Debbie Schlussel
Hey, Guys, remember that store, "Best Buy," where you used to buy your electronic gadgets? Well, you're no longer welcome.

After reading today's USA Today article on the feminization of Best Buy, perhaps a name change is in order: Breast Buy. Men, you are out--and uteruses (uteri?)--are in at the mass-retailer.

Read these excerpts. Best Buy looking for sales associates from Victoria's Secret? Low, soft music? Affirmative action for female hiring and promotions? Huh? Is this an electronics store or the set of ABC yenta-fest "The View"?:

Best Buy Now = Breast Buy; Guys Not Wanted
"We were a boy's toy store designed for boys by boys," says Julie Gilbert, vice president of Best Buy.
Well, no more. The "feminization" of the consumer electronics business is underway.

Instead of hitting high-tech hysteria at Best Buy (BBY) this holiday season, shoppers may notice a softer, more personal atmosphere. Music is quieter. Lights are lower. Salespeople talk to customers about their lifestyles . . . .

Aisles have been widened so baby strollers fit through easily. And more stores are displaying little living rooms with wide-screen TVs and surround-sound speakers to show customers what the equipment will look like in their homes.

Women now influence 90% of consumer electronics purchases, from the type and look of the big-screen TV to the color of the iPod speakers for the living room, Best Buy says. The Consumer Electronics Association estimates their influence is less, but still significant and growing. It says women influence 57% of purchases, or $80 billion of the $140 billion spent on consumer electronics this year. . . .

"Women likely will notice and appreciate some of the changes more."

About four years ago Best Buy realized that women were warming up to technology. . . .

Overnight, it seemed, consumer electronics became a design element. . . . "The products we sell and the services we sell are about trends and fashion."

Best Buy executives started focusing on feedback from female shoppers, and it wasn't good. Many women felt that the sales staff - the "Blue Shirts" that tended to be young men - were dismissive.

"Women couldn't get anyone to help them," Gilbert says. "They weren't treated with respect."

This constant whine from women is total BS. I've never had a problem getting anyone--at Best Buy (er . . . Breast Buy) or elsewhere--to take my money. Puh-leeze. Some of these women want a psychologist or hairdresser, not someone who's selling them an IPod.

So in 2002, the company embarked on an ambitious "customer-centric" plan that started out with four distinct personalities for its stores to focus on. It gave the personalities names like Barry (an affluent tech enthusiast); Jill (a busy suburban mom); Buzz (a young gadget fiend) and Ray (a price-conscious family guy).
In 2005, 40% of 300 stores it redecorated were aimed at Barry, with a separate home-theater department and specialists in mobile electronics. Jill stores had personal shopping assistants for busy moms. Buzz stores had lots of video games, and Ray stores focused on low prices. Some stores had two or more personas going at once.

"We've evolved since then," says spokeswoman Dawn Bryant. . . .

Eventually, all of its nearly 750 U.S. stores will be revamped with a softer, more user-friendly decor and more personalized services, basically the Jill model. Some stores have been completely redesigned, while others have undergone only small changes so far. . . .

New Best Buy Slogan?
Best Buy decided to expand the number of stores with Magnolia displays from 127 to 300 this year. And they included more lower-priced TV systems in the displays, too.
"Women are drawn to flat-panel TVs," Gilbert says. "They want that big, clunky TV out of the living room."

To lure more female shoppers, Best Buy also is changing its workforce. . . .

The company is pushing to add more female Blue Shirts and store general managers. About 25% of its U.S. employees are women. Though that percentage hasn't changed, the total number of employees has risen, so more women are employed at Best Buy.

The company also is beginning to promote more women. Since January, it has increased the number of female store general managers by 4% and the number of women in training to be general managers by 4%. It has doubled the number of women working in home theater departments in the past four months, it says. . . .

"Women consumers are seeing a lot more women in our stores, and that makes it less frightening and less intimidating," says Anna Gallina, general manager of Best Buy's North Palm Beach, Fla., store, which has 40% female employees. [DS: Huh? I've never been "frightened" or "intimidated" shopping at Best Buy. What are these conniptive, hysterical women talking about?!] She says she's seen big changes in the company since she joined 10 years ago as assistant manager of a store in Miami. . . .

To find more female employees, the company has started recruiting not just from electronics competitors — such as Wal-Mart, Target and Circuit City — but from other types of retailers. "We're recruiting from Nordstrom's, Victoria's Secret, Origins or other stores where women love to shop," Bryant says. "We can teach them about consumer electronics. But we want them to understand and be excited about women's lifestyles."

Gilbert, who has helped direct the feminization of Best Buy, also leads 22 groups of about 25 female employees each who meet once a month. The women are from all ranks of the company, and the groups' goals are to build leadership skills, network and push innovation through the company. The so-called wolf packs are part of a strategy to train, support and promote women within Best Buy.

Their goal is for 50% of the workforce to be women, including one day the CEO, says Gilbert, whose title is vice president of Women's Leadership Forum (WoLF) and Entrepreneurial Initiatives.

"We're working with the Girl Scouts, with private female colleges and others to recruit amazing women so we can delight our women customers," Gilbert says. "Imagine opening your front door, and it's a woman on the Geek Squad." . . .

"We're not going to paint the stores pink."

Thank Heaven for small favors.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2006, 10:45:41 PM by adam613 »


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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2006, 04:35:06 AM »
Are guys welcome anywhere any more?

I doubt it: only their money is welcome.  :(

There's a massive problem with the fetish for having 50% of all formerly majority-male workforces made female: affirmative action doesn't apply to parts of the economy where women are more than 50% of the workforce already, e.g. teachers or hairdressers.

So when men are eventually forced out of jobs that are suited to them, because of women receiving more attention, training, support, understanding, with consequent neglect of men, they won't be able to find jobs anywhere - women will have a majority stake on the workforce - and many men will have no option but to be unemployed.

This in turn will render them unable to do anything but live a life of crime ... and thus the feminist police state will have an excuse to start locking up disadvantaged white men hand-over-fist.

White women only ever think of themselves.  They don't care about the fact that what they are doing is causing misery to white men.

For that reason I don't ever want children (I'm 23).  The world my children would inherit, especially if any of them were male, would be a living nightmare, hell on earth - women running not just the household but the economy too, the worst disaster imaginable.

Offline JoshMan

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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2006, 09:41:13 AM »
 Well we "us guys" can just go back to hunting and gathering,beating eachother to death,rapeing woman like we used to with all our free time.....oh yes pillaging and buring villages! :D


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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2006, 12:35:37 PM »
Debbie was also on Tamar Yonah and Malka Fleisher's show.

>There is discrimination where women are paid less than men.

That is illegal and the EEOC is suppose to enforce that. Of course the EEOC usually goes after medium size companies and not the big ones because they have political connections and/or sometimes they have access to the media and they will make the EEOC look bad. Why do you think the EEOC doesn't go after organized sports.

The reality is Yacov is there is discrimination for a lot of things and there is a reason for it. If you take two baseball players with the exact same skills and one is 25 years old and the other is 30 years old and they have the exact same skills and they are on the open market as a free agent the 25-year old would be offered much more money then the 30 year old for the same job. That is the open market, Yacov.

How do you think EEOC enforces equality? By results. It doesn't mater if there is a good reason why in some professions it is mostly men. This is communism Yacov. I believe a company should pay what the free market bears. Women should pick jobs that they are naturally good at as women so in the free markey people would want to use their skills instead of being "Little Men" and demand my taxdollars to enforce crazy laws.  When women try to act like men of course they are at a big disadvandage. They aren't men.  Also, the EEOC only works in one directions. It is ok to discriminate against men in the workplace and in some jobs that are actually paying more for women because they are told that have to hire a certain amount of women (some ignore this because it still overall better for the bottom line to have men in certain jobs) and most women don't even want the job. That is OK according to the EEOC. And most studies have found that if you take out experience and other variables if anything in some area's men are being paid less then they deserve compared to women. In the 1950's by the way before the Civil rights act women who were never marrid and never had children did make more then the average guy. This was before the civil rights act.

I don't know if you are aware the Betty Friedman who started the feminist movement was a propagandist for Joseph Stalin and she thought Joseph Stalin was a good man(I'm going to post the article). Her husband also was a leftist and at one time she was attracted to a man that was created the atomic bomb.

G-d created Yacov that there is certain disadvandages to being a women. However, there are many advandages too. This forcing equality is nothing but punishes men because g-d created men and women differently and women looking at the glass half empty instead of half full. The women should be angry at g-d and not men. That is why feminism is so dangerous. The women blame men because of the way g-d created them. It is also sad Yacov because some women are so into jobs they don't want to get married and they are afraid if they do and have children they will be letting down the feminist because they will not be able to work full time. This may affect the way companies hire women going forward when women no longer work full time so they don't want to get married even if it means not having children.

If JTF and the kahanist movement in general really cared about women (and in the end about Jews being able to continue as a people)  they would let them know the truth about feminism before they are in a situation that makes it very difficult for a women to want to get married and be a mother. Instead of just telling them they are great or ASSUMING because they are good in one area this means they are good in all area's when in many cases they are not and the evidence supports that in some area's they (the women) take very bad positions.


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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2006, 02:44:22 PM »
Insincere flattery is wrong. I agree we give credit when credit is due and we should give credit when women do the right thing. ANd, again Yacov giving credit to women in area's that you have NO IDEA how they really feel is wrong. Give credit in the area they are doing the right thing like JTF would do when a guy does something right. Period. End of story. Otherwise, you are a feminist.

>But he also said women shouldn't serve in The IDF because they are Bnot Yisrael and therefore holy.

And Bnei Yisrael are also holy. They shouldn't fight because the torah clearly states that men are suppose to go battle and not women. Again don't claim it is because men are less holy. It says no where in the Torah that women are more holy them men are. Only a Cohen is more holy then a Noncohen.

Yes, Chaim and JTF has criticized the feminist movement. At the same time though there have been times where I do feel JTF has shown compassion for women that don't deserve compassions and at the same time has been very harsh on men as a whole when at best they just went along with the crowd.

Let me give you an example. JTF said about a women marrying a muslim man that they don't know any better. Even if they don't that is going above what even nonreligious woman do and there should be no compassion for women like this because clearly they hate the Jewish people as most nonreligious women are not marrying muslims.

However, when it came to Gush Katif even men that didn't beat Jews but just went along with what other nonreligious Jews were doing those men JTF has comdemmed in the strongest terms. The same logic applies here. The men didn't know any better and some didn't do anything over the top like cursing or beating other Jews. SOme Jewish boys have horrible families and are treated like garbage. THe Rabbi's treat them like garbage. The Rabbi's only care about the women. There mothers mistreat them and sometimes the father if the kid looks more like the mother hates the child also. So if a man never experienced any love or caring their whole life what do you expect these boys to do. Do you really expect them to be heroic? Does JTF by making it the harshest punishment for ALL THE BOYS regardless of circumstance and regardless if they were just passively going along or were really active in expelling their fellow Jews is really going to change anything.

Furthermore, the Jewish Press in which Rabbi Kahane worked for 30 years is a feminist paper. If Rabbi Kahane had this as a major issue I don't think the Jewish Press be what it is today. They criticize black leaders, the JEwish Press does. But they don't criticize feminist. THey have some feminists that openly claim they are feminists that write articles for the Jewish Press. What does that tell you.


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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2006, 03:36:04 PM »
SOme Jewish boys have horrible families and are treated like garbage.

This is just as true of some female upbringings.  How many times have you seen a father shouting at and smacking his little daughter because she wasn't walking fast enough or was interested in something and he just wanted to get home and sit in front of the TV?

Of course you will remember those passages in the Babylonian Talmud which talk about how blessed a parent is who has a son and not a daughter, or the passages which say that women shouldn't be taught Torah (although it's okay for them to be taught an ancient language like Greek to make them feel accomplished too) - which passages prove that it's possible to be hateful towards one's daughters as well as sons.


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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2006, 03:44:37 PM »
SOme Jewish boys have horrible families and are treated like garbage.

This is just as true of some female upbringings.  How many times have you seen a father shouting at and smacking his little daughter because she wasn't walking fast enough or was interested in something and he just wanted to get home and sit in front of the TV?

Of course you will remember those passages in the Babylonian Talmud which talk about how blessed a parent is who has a son and not a daughter, or the passages which say that women shouldn't be taught Torah (although it's okay for them to be taught an ancient language like Greek to make them feel accomplished too) - which passages prove that it's possible to be hateful towards one's daughters as well as sons.

Silly.  In western society women are protected while men are disposable.  That's the design.  Women have children, while men fight in wars and do all the heavy lifting.

Women live longer than men for these reasons.  Boys are taught to act like men, not to cry while the girls are protected.  Of course there are abberations, but that's all they are...abberations.

Such rubbish, GTHS.

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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2006, 05:01:00 PM »
Re:  "...SOme Jewish boys have horrible families and are treated like garbage..."

True.  Also applicable to male & females worldwide of whatever upbringing.

Years ago an acquaintance told me of his very small town upbringing where Church & gospel worship services played a major part in his adolescent life.  On learning that his favorite Gospel Music Quartet (one of the most famous in the world...I will not mention their name) was to perform a worship service at his Church, he arrived early just to be able to catch a glimpse of these entertainers in service of the Lord.  He stood in the Church parking lot, hoping just to see them.  Suddenly the tour bus arrived.  It parked.  The bus front door opened.  The young fan stared in open mouthed amazement as one after another of the Gospel singers staggered down the bus steps "as drunk as a skunk."
Dumbstruck and unable to comprehend the difference between the reality before his eyes vs his solid belief that "religious people are moral and different than are others who don't believe the Word", he was "awakened" to a new reality by the tourbus driver, who, realizing the boy's disillusionment, said, "Hey, dude...What'did'ya expect?.....After all, they're just people!"

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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2006, 08:27:41 AM »
Last year in made the mistake of going into 'best buy', on Queens Blvd. in their Elmhurst store. What a mistake that was. Most of the sales staff were 'non-white', did not know anything about what products they were supposed to help the consumer with. The 'sales staff' were talking to each other, not helping the customers, when check out time came, I had a gift certificate, it was a nightmare. The creature on the registered gave new meaning to 'affrimative action', this transaction was way over her head, she must have punched in the wrong code,and the register shut down. I asked her what was the problem but I could not understand her. I have a limited knowledge of ebonics, her affrimative action supervisor came over and proved that the collective IQ of these primitives is that of a baby chimp. Finally a white manager was able to solve the problem. I have never or will I ever go back to that store again.


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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2006, 12:28:16 PM »
>This is just as true of some female upbringings.  How many times have you seen a father shouting at and smacking his little daughter because she wasn't walking fast enough or was interested in something and he just wanted to get home and sit in front of the TV?

>Of course you will remember those passages in the Babylonian Talmud which talk about how blessed a parent is who has a son and not a daughter, or the passages which say that women shouldn't be taught Torah (although it's okay for them to be taught an ancient language like Greek to make them feel accomplished too) - which passages prove that it's possible to be hateful towards one's daughters as well as sons.

That just isn't true today GTHS. I don't know about other communities but in the Orthodox community overall the women are not oppressed worse then the men are. I go to single events, weddings, bar mitzvahs and the women don't look oppressed to me. If anything it looks like the men have it harder. More of them are out of shape look pale and other fact of their body language don't suggest they have it so easy.

I like Kahanist view every Jew a 22. The problem is some mothers don't even like their son's playing competitive sports. Let us start with A before we get to Z. Yet, at the same time they want their daughters to learn self defense. Some of the phony conservative women who make take conservative positions in some area's like Pat Buchanan except with them instead of Jews when it comes to men and feminism they are consistently as extreme left as can be (WE have a paper here in NJ called the Jewish Voice run by 2 feminist, Susan Rosenbluth, and Sharon Hes, who claim they are very conservative. The women supported Gineen Piro. They want women to know how to defend themselves and know how to use guns but couldn't care less if men were defenseless.

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Re: Guys No Longer Welcome at Best Buy by Debbie Schlussel
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2006, 06:12:28 PM »
Last year in made the mistake of going into 'best buy', on Queens Blvd. in their Elmhurst store. What a mistake that was. Most of the sales staff were 'non-white', did not know anything about what products they were supposed to help the consumer with. The 'sales staff' were talking to each other, not helping the customers, when check out time came, I had a gift certificate, it was a nightmare. The creature on the registered gave new meaning to 'affrimative action', this transaction was way over her head, she must have punched in the wrong code,and the register shut down. I asked her what was the problem but I could not understand her. I have a limited knowledge of ebonics, her affrimative action supervisor came over and proved that the collective IQ of these primitives is that of a baby chimp. Finally a white manager was able to solve the problem. I have never or will I ever go back to that store again.
I guess you will never shop anywhere because those monkeys are everywhere, and in every best buy, circuit city, target, wal-mart, etc.