(Haven't read all the opove posts), but real converts are concidered Jewish in all aspects except for the fact that Jews being responsible for their actions. Like the saying that all Jews are responsible for eachother, that doesn't apply to converts, but probably (not 100% sure, but probably true) for their children. But in the other sense one has to be extra sensitive with converts, and their are many Halachot that prohibit one from saying or doing things that might hurt them, one can even put down the nation that that person came from- this was learned from Yitro, even thought he disagreed with Egypt when he heard what happened to them it did hurt him somewhat. (If you ask that he was from Midian- He was origionally from Egypt and was one of the 3 advisors to Pharoh, but then he fled after they were alking about what to do with the high Jewish birth-rate.- 3 were present Bilam said to kill them and he was later killed, Iyov was silent and he suffered throughout his life and Yitro fled in protest, and he merited having children who later sat in the Sanhedrin).