Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Russia to cancel visas for Serbians

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Quote from: Ultra Requete

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That's the best post I read in all this thread;  I'm with you on christianity I don't like Russia's rulers, but germans, british and french goverments and ukrainian nationalists too; I  don't have vatican mania and know that Ortodoxy can be as antisemitic as other becouse Jews were always presecuted just like non comformist christians were. Jews must be loyal to Israel only as other havens for them like Spain, Prussia and Poland turned to be deathtaps for them so the'll be prosecuted in USA in future. I'm pro Serbian becouse they're slavic, christian and fought against german nazis in WWII as they're fighting muslim nazis now.

BTW I'm christian first, Polish second, Slavic third and lastly European which is artificial term. I'm closer to Americans or Brazilians or even Israelis than Turks living in Europe even if they're white. 

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Thank you Ultra Requete!
I believe that our first calling is our relationship with and worship of G-d!


--- Quote from: DALMACIJA on April 02, 2008, 03:39:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on April 02, 2008, 02:54:39 PM ---Ortodoxy can be as antisemitic as other

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Serbs what do you think of this one?

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Guys, lets got get precious or petty over statements like this one!
We have to admit to ourselves that there have been many incidents in history and Church history where people calling themselves "Christians" have been guilty of being anti-semites! - It's true!!

Certain groupings of "Christians" during WWII were guilty of anti-semite acts, also during the crusades!
Martin Luther of the Lutheran denomination (seen as the father of Protestantism) was an anti-semite!

Just remember that Christianity in its truth and purity is NEVER anti-semitic!
There could Never have been Christianity without the Jewish nation! Everything we have as Christians is because of the Jewish nation!

Jesus is Jewish, the disciples were Jewish, the Apostle Paul who wrote 2 thirds of the New Testament was Jewish!
Without Judaism there is no Christianity!
Anyone who claims to be a Christian but is an anti-semite is NOT a Christian!

All who serve, worship and fear G-d,accept Jesus as the son and accept the Holy scriptures - New Testament And Tanach and seek to live by the scriptures is a Christian no matter which Christian denomination they are a part of or not a part of!


 To cut a long story short...Orthodox Church teaches us and ALL  Holy Fathers of Eastern Orthodox Church that THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE CHURCH AND ONLY ONE TRUE CHRISTIANITY!

You can study Christianity from all possible aspects but  ONLY   those people who reached THEOSIS  can interpret the Bible and Christ's teachings! For God's sake, Bible is not just an ordinary book, you cannot interpret the way you want! and it is NOT SIMPLE!  :o

JelenaSrb, I respect your opinion but cannot agree with this. You cannot possibly think that you as an Orthodox Christian are the only Christians! That is simply ridiculous!

I NEVER said the Bible is a "simple" book in that it is to be taken lightly or not respected as the Holy scriptures and truly the word of G-d! The Bible is to be honoured and treated as Holy, but believe me I did not say it can be interpreted in any way you want!
I am an ordained minister and I have studied Theology, I do not take the scriptures lightly - never would I do that, but people who claim to be Christians MUST read and study the Bible, it is not just for a Priest to read, all Christians must read and know the Bible. It Speaks to you, it was written as the message from G-d to ALL his people not just a Priest.

Sure, those who have reached THEOSIS could be considered "experts" and in a sense guardians of scripture, they give guidance and teaching to make sure scripture is understood correctly by their guidance. PLEASE read the scriptures it is SO IMPORTANT that Christians know the scriptures. It is G-d's manual for how He requires us to live and please Him!


--- Quote from: IslamIsCancer on April 01, 2008, 12:50:48 PM ---This is good news, Serbs deserve to get visas for any country.

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YOu may want to note that there is more neo nazi groups in Serbia today than Albania.  Once again, I just don't think we should praise one country until we learn more about them.  Why do Serbians embrace groups of peopel that butchered them in the past?  And as I recall, there is no where in history that shows Albanians as Nazis.. It was the Croats and Bosnians who were part of the nazi party.  Grand Mufti was a Bosnian, not an Albanian, like most people think.


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