Sergio, what can I say, you are right about Jews and Judaism but you must also remember that Jews are in a very different situation than the 1.6 billion Christians. Jews have had the luxury of being on the receiving end continually after the Roman conquest with fabricated "blood libels", Protocols, International Jew and visceral anti-Semitism for the past 2000 years this is a major factor for the development of this “ghetto” Jew mentality you speak of. Moreover, today we have the Islam and egalitarianism marching to global domination plus the added anti-Jew: "P-alestinian", " Bank", "East Jerusalem", "occupied territories" etc. by the anti-Jew. But, You are entirely correct. May it change and soon.

However, being raised Christian, I am lucky to have been learned in Christianity and Christian history and not the Arabist, “Islamically tolerant” version. Christendom, similarly to Islam has had many internal conflicts; reformation, counter reformation, inquisitions and yes the response to Islam’s expansionist aggression: The Crusades.
What you are missing is the fact that Islam has been expanding its borders since the 7th century through "
jihad". In some areas fast, like today’s Sudan, and in some areas rather slow: Eurabia. But today many educators, priests, bishops, ministers and historians lament on the Crusades, the expulsion of the Moors from Spain or the Victory of Lepanto in 1572 that saved Europe from the Turkish armies and from Islamification of Europe.
Where was Christian reaction to the Islamification and massacres of the once Christian Lebanon? The Islamification and massacres in the Sudan? The Kurds, Philippines, the Copts in Egypt or even the "
Eurabian" Europe? These are not question put out as an attack on Christianity or Christians but ones that must be entertained to identify the problems within both the secular political systems and the heads of the Christian Church, even the Pope... as they clearly are not on the same moral level as the charity donating blue-collar Christian as the same stated for the "Jewish" leadership of Israel and the Erev Rav anti-Jew "Jews" active agaisnt Israel....

It is a flaw and a fatal flaw. One can never win advocating “love” and “peace” with another driven by conquest, expansionism, subjugation and death. The only "love" and "peace" one may logically gain is accomplished when evilness is ridden from this Earth. Judging others as by judging ourselves keeps all on the path to righteousness, especially within ones own cultural/national borders. If Israel had practiced the former logic it would not be here today as it, like Lebanon, would have been abandoned and rolled over by the Pan-Arab/Islamist forces turning a Jewel of the Med'an into a filthy Islamic dustbowl terrorist dictatorship. Israel, today,
is practicting this ineptness which is specifically why Gaza is now a Hamas terrorist entity and itself continually threatened with "
jihad". Perhaps if there were more judgments there'd be less savages, haters, rapists, murderers, drug-dealing degenerates infecting this Earth. That is my point brother.