But how come when some one would say that they are against Affirmative action blacks and hispanics call them racist
Well this goes along with some of the things that were talked about in other threads.
If things were left to whoever did the best job, or whoever was the best qualified, then whites, Jews, and Asians would get most of the promotions and hold most of the high positions. Chaim talked about in one video how one particular school, before affirmative action, used to be almost exclusively Jewish because of how bright the Jewish kids were. I think that's both cultural and genetic for them that raises their IQ up that high. Anyway, both culture and genes do something very different for blacks, and while there would certainly be exceptions, they would tend not to have the highest positions based on things like work ethic and skill level, communication skills, etc.
The only way to have a "diverse" work force (that is, to have a visible number of blacks in high positions) is for affirmative action to be in place. Of course, that causes a lot of racial discrimination and harms truly qualified applicants. I still have a lot of pain left over from what happened to me.