That is great news! If anything, think of it as there are milion less suicide bombers and a milion more intelligent people.
As un-christian this might sound, how about if the entire world bans islam, and those who choose to stop believing this Satanic religion that they be allowed to convert to ANY religion they wish! It would show these Islamo-Idiots that the world is united finally and that unlike Islam, they are given an option of an alternate belief that doesn't support suicide bombers, raping of women, killing of Infidels,....too many to mention...
I would invite all of JTF-ers to read 2 books by Serge Trifkovic "Sword Of The Prophet" and "Defeating Jihad" is available on The reason I mention these 2 books is because it talks a lot about this subject. Also, go to and just look at the reviews that readers have given these 2 books. Once again, interesting that the only people who gave these 2 books 1 or 2 stars are those who just happen to have a islamic usernames.....what a coincidence! LOL!