Author Topic: David Duke and the Savage Blacks  (Read 1106 times)

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Offline Odie

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David Duke and the Savage Blacks
« on: March 12, 2008, 06:40:18 PM »
  I am VERY Pro-Jewish and Pro-Israel,,,
but out of curiousity I read the book by the Klansmen David Duke called "My Awakening"
it seems that Duke is CORRECT in what he says about Blacks
       The criminal behavior of Blacks, often annimalistic behaviour of Blacks, and how Blacks commit most of the Violent crime in America even though Blacks are a minority, and often the victims are Whites.. And that Blacks are of Inferior intelligence that whites, and score lower on IQ tests
And how Blacks lack the Self-Control that whites have
    And how Blacks have made no real positive achievments or contributions to mankind, like the
Whites and Jews have
       I hate David Duke, he is NUTS, but their seems to be alot of Truth in what he says
about Blacks

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: David Duke and the Savage Blacks
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2008, 07:58:03 PM »
Odie:  "David Duke...their seems to be alot of Truth in what he says about Blacks"

Particularly so, if your education level is so low that you somehow actually believe that Duke was "the first" to reach those same conclusions.

Such points to a true pathological condition, being that of modern American youth so ignorant and dumbed down that "they truly believe that all of history began last week".

A grave affliction indeed; always encountered with another pathological condition exclusive to stupid American youths...that being "their inability to remember anything that happened earlier than last week."

Some folks just aren't smart enough to recognize a Nazi Faggot when they see one.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: David Duke and the Savage Blacks
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2008, 05:36:15 PM »
Odie, David Duke is a racist, sick, evil piece of excrement. Why would you fill your mind up with that sick and twisted garbage?

This concerns me deeply. You wouldn't voluntarily read and invest so much time in a book like that if you weren't some-what comfortable with what it says.

Do NOT bring nazi kkk garbage onto this sight. JTF is a human rights and religious organization.

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