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Author Topic: 5 YEARS IN IRAQ ....  (Read 1114 times)

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Offline Daniel Ben Hanania

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« on: March 21, 2008, 03:28:28 AM »

origunal:  http://doc-serfar.nnm.ru/5ya_godovwina_voiyny_v_irake

The war in Iraq began. During the night of 19 to 20 March 2003, the United States military forces and their allies launched a series of air strikes on Baghdad and other cities of the country.

5-anniversary of the start of the Allied campaign in Iraq marked by disappointing results: the world is not as it was or not, soldiers and foreign nationals continue to be the aim of the militias, the country's authorities are unable to control themselves and that the United States and other countries have so tired of the burdens of war that they are ready at the earliest opportunity to abandon the stated commitments.

Recall that, according to a well-known economist, Professor Joseph Stiglitz, the cost of military action in Iraq is more than 3 trillion dollars, and taking into account the hidden costs exceed 5 trillion, which is more than the cost to the world community the Second World War (excluding inflation).

The campaign in Iraq unhappy, and those who actively advocated the overthrow of the tyrant Saddam Hussein. His overthrow and execution led Iraq instead of plenty to ethnic and confessional strife. Since 2003, more than 4 million Iraqis were forced to migrate, more than half of that number are living outside the country. During the campaign, as a rough estimate, 650,000 people died. The economy of Iraq is experiencing a protracted crisis, which did not save the billions of dollars of foreign aid, and civilians continue to suffer from lack of electricity, water, health and social services, as well as a major cost item in the budget is security.

Assistant Government of Iraq to coordinate with the international coalition forces Liftee Saber, which actively helped move the United States and British plans to remove the dictatorship, said that "better to Saddam remained in power."

"Nobody trusts nobody. All of this boils down to. whole system is set up is designed to do no one" - he criticizes achieve campaign, stressing that "Saddam would find a way to overcome those sentiments."

"If he has made a decision, it will be carried out. People knew what to do. does not matter where they are, they know Saddam has made to implement its orders. now, chaos engulfed the country, and no one does anything because all refuse take responsibility "- he stresses.

"I never thought that I would be saying those words, given that he sentenced me to death, but I would like to see Saddam still stood on the Head of State. only he knew how to make this work God forgotten country" -- sums up Saber, who spent 8 years on death row during the regime of Hussein.

And was there a boy ...?

5 February 2003, Colin Powell, one of the most respected members of the "war cabinet" of President Bush, sitting on the honorable place in the UN Security Council, surrounded by diplomats around the world to a global audience of TV viewers.

Former United States Secretary of State, with the support of CIA Director George Tenet, povedal blood chilling tale of how Iraq is developed and stored biological weapons. At one point, he even waved symbolic tube with the causative agent of anthrax (actually in vitro was talc) to illustrate the danger of Saddam Hussein to the world.

Powell spoke of "a kind of Iraqi engineer-chemist, who headed one of Saddam's mobile laboratories where biological weapons created. "He himself was present during biological pilot production of damaging substances - Powell said. - When it in 1998 there was an accident. Twelve technicians died after exposure to biological substances."

This brave engineer, added Powell - one of those "who risked their lives to tell the world that actually kicking Saddam Hussein. This man - the main source of intelligence, which served as the justification for the invasion of Iraq, which occurred a month after Powell's speech - was confirmed smoker, drunk and swindler who escaped from Iraq. His name was Rafid Ahmed Alwan, and intelligence appropriated nicknamed him "Fint (Curveball -" krucheny ball, "" trick, gimmick. "- Prim. Ed.).

No intelligence officer with the United States are not met. German agents who worked with "Fintom", the CIA warned that this person - "poloumny, unreliable and, most likely," Liar. " However, his declaration that he himself participated in the saddamovskih biological weapons laboratories - all these allegations, it was later proved false - steel rod fateful report - the National Intelligence forecast from the United States in October 2002, which provided the intelligence community to President Bush. The report, based solely on unverified speculation Finta, stated with the "Big certainty" that Saddam "exercises" illegal development of biological and chemical weapons.

Finta History also underlies many striking and blunders of American special services eve of war in Iraq - blunders that are related to methods of collecting and analysing information, and whether and in what form it eventually filed U.S. administration firmly intentional dump Saddam.

Promulgated in March 2005, a report containing 601 page on the topic - painful reading. Report prepared a commission established by President Bush to investigate intelligence mistakes before the war. In the view set out in the report, the fact that agents rely almost exclusively on the testimony of Finta and most blatantly failed to check them, is the main cause of "absolute fallacy" of all pre-assessments, originate from the CIA and other agencies.

"When living witnesses sources not, it is bad - commission said - but even worse to succumb to mislead the witness who lied".

Agent Fint, a former taxi driver and chemical engineer, in 1999, fled to Germany, hoping to gain political asylum - at the same time get a "Mercedes" - and for the sake of all that was willing to tell anything. Initially, he has won the confidence of the German special services officers who worked with him, as demonstrated impressive and thorough knowledge of the development of nuclear weapons (for the most part, these data were derived from the Internet), he had convinced them that Iraq has mobile laboratories 7 to develop weapons . German intelligence interrogation protocols transferred his American colleagues, but, driven by the spirit of an underground rivalry, which persisted since the Cold War, has not allowed the Americans to talk directly with Fintom.

By the time the report was filed with the National Intelligence Germans badly damaged in Finte. Several CIA officers in his testimony at the meetings of the committee to hear from German colleagues that Finta nervous breakdown happened - and that perhaps it is a liar - in turn, strongly expressed his concern Tenet and his deputy John Maklaflinu. Tyler Dramheller, the CIA officer with many years, said that Tenet pleaded not include approval Finta in Powell's speech at the UN. Tenet and McLaughlin, for their part, say that such warnings are not given.

Nevertheless, even with partial verification approval Finta would fiction. The Board found: a fatal accident in biolaboratories, which, he said, occurred when it occurred in 1998, when Finta "never been in Iraq" - a fact confirmed information about his travels. With regard to the history of how Iraq allegedly tried to buy uranium in [censored], it was based on "patently false documents, which allegedly confirmed the existence of a contract between the parties, said commission. "Blanks made roughly forged signatures, some of the words were written with misspellings, the names of organizations and government posts some individuals are untrue." In a fake contract mentioned a certain meeting, allegedly "took place in" Wednesday, July 7, 2000, while on July 7, 2000 had on Friday "- reads the report of the commission.

According to the journalist Bob Vudvorda, at the meeting of 12 December 2002, Tenet assured Bush that the evidence lead, exposure of Saddam will be "easier to light." Tenet, for his part, argues that the phrase vydernuto of context, but in fact he was saying that to convince the American public to support a war would be "easier to light."

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney did not require a particularly convincing - and so they were convinced that Saddam had prohibited weapons. "Put simply, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he collects these weapons to use against our friends, against our allies and against us" - Cheney declared on August 26, 2002 at the national Congress veterans of wars abroad. In the same speech, he said that Saddam is back to the development of nuclear weapons, although reliable intelligence in support of this thesis would not exist before.

On the other side of the Atlantic, British intelligence had committed similar oversight. The Government's intelligence dossier, published in September 2002, provide "evidence" the existence in Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and was used by Tony Blair to persuade Parliament of the need to rein in Saddam. These allegations were unfounded and this led to a catastrophe as politicians, and for the intelligence chiefs.

Intelligence community has experienced, without exaggeration, a huge shock when found that no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq does not. Actually, the staff is so not wanted to believe the mistake that some senior leaders were convinced for a long time: the weapons will still be found. As a result, the so-called "Group of inspection of Iraq", which was tasked with finding Saddam's WMD - more than 1 thousand officials from America, Britain and Australia - raids country a year and a half, but only two nabrela casings of shells stuffed with chemical left over from the time of the Iran-Iraq war. After that British intelligence services re-examine their methods of recruitment agents and work with them. Now introduced a three-tier system of intelligence analysis with test their reliability and validity.

In the United States, shocking story Finta also prompted much more severely and meticulously apply to the selection of sources. "Now Fint not be awarded this honor, as in due time" - explained Bruce Riedel, a retired CIA officer with many years of experience, and now a Senior Fellow Brookings Institution think tank.

Tenet left the CIA in July 2004. Fint, replaced name, lives under the protection of the authorities in Germany - and probably still have to do without the "Mercedes" ...

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: 5 YEARS IN IRAQ ....
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2008, 09:40:10 AM »
you know what? we  have troops committed there...blah blah blah...

we hope they all come home safely and that when we pull the troops, it doesn't compromise this country's safety.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline qwerty

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Re: 5 YEARS IN IRAQ ....
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2008, 10:43:35 AM »
The only way to win a war period is with anger, hatred and brutality.

Offline Jasmina

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Re: 5 YEARS IN IRAQ ....
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2008, 10:48:52 AM »
I don't know but it doesn't look like it'll end anytime soon...
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Re: 5 YEARS IN IRAQ ....
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2008, 12:15:47 PM »
McCain won't end it. But who knows if things go well we should be out in 5 more years *shrugs*
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh