Author Topic: Obama Too Unstable for Presidency ( By J. Grant Swank Jr. )  (Read 1179 times)

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Obama Too Unstable for Presidency ( By J. Grant Swank Jr. )
« on: March 20, 2008, 10:20:07 PM »

Obama Too Unstable for Presidency
By J. Grant Swank Jr. (03/19/08)

The man is simply too frighteningly multi-dimensional to be President.

Who actually is Barack Obama?

I am not sure if he knows who he is. I don’t think Michelle knows who she is.

Is Obama Muslim or not? He has enough baggage to point to being Muslim without question, albeit a closet one in order to get the Big Office.

He’s not biblical Christian in that he pushes pro-choice and sodomy, both condemned in Scripture.

His Senate voting record reveals him the most far left of the left in that conclave. The most far left for President? And that personage is to unite the nation?

He’s aligned too much with Islam to be endeared to Jews. He’s supportive of his Muslim cousin political leader in Kenya, the cousin now responsible for untold deaths there in the last weeks.

He wrote in “Audacity” that if Muslims were slighted, he’d come to their defense before any others.

He endures nuthouse speeches from a crazy cultic preacher who has mesmerized thousands under his tutelage.

He courts evangelicals with Bible belt gospel concerts when discounting the biblical record himself. He tells the evangelical publication, Christianity Today, that he is “Christian” when he is in no way that according to CT’s understanding of that term.

When asked about his position on homosexuality, he revealed his lack of biblical knowledge. He said, “Go read the Sermon on the Mount.” Matthew 5-7 has nothing to do with that issue.

He prays to Jesus, the Jesus prophet of Islam for he does not know the biblical Jesus. If he did he would not disobey that Jesus’ moral standard.

His book, “Audacity,” endorses the eradication of Judeo-Christianity for a meshing of all religions.

In other words, this man has too many sides to his persona. Any one of those could cripple America. Any one of those could powerfully wreck the Republic: leftist of the leftists, anti-biblical Christians, pro-Islam, tolerant of anti-whites diatribes, suave enough to wiggle through issues so as to fool his audiences, and amassing hordes of young who really know nothing of his positions on anything.

We need a stable individual as President. Obama is not that person.


  Excellent article by By J. Grant Swank Jr.     
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Obama Too Unstable for Presidency ( By J. Grant Swank Jr. )
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 10:40:02 PM »
"Stability", in and of itself, is a poor quality by which to assess the personality of a candidate.

This is because one can be completely stable, yet be a dangerous maniac whose values and character never change so much as one iota.

I feel the author of this article only used "stability" for his judging Osama as a "gentlemanly" technique to avoid stating what he really feels about OsamaBarama.

Of the three candidates for the Presidency still standing, OsamaBarama is without a doubt the most dangerous and destructive.  Hillary is bad news but even so is far safer to have as President than some mulatto Moslem who hates whites and Jews.  McCain is better than both the others yet is a clear and present danger to America.  Face it...anyone who gets beaten by George W. Bush in an election is a big time loser.  That means that an insane, stupid, and uneducated ex-alcoholic and ex-cocaine user trounced this bent over old man now in the running to be our next Republican President!

This country is truly in deep doo doo!

Offline MrMensa

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Re: Obama Too Unstable for Presidency ( By J. Grant Swank Jr. )
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2008, 02:31:29 AM »
  I  have heard anecdotes, concerning  Hillary, and to a lesser extent, McCain, that they both have a temperment problem.  Hillary in particular is alleged to go into hissy fit mode, over little things, that irk her.
  Of the three, Obama may be the most stable,as in most in control of his  emotions, and coolest under extreme pressure. Or, at least Obama is able to give that impression.  The next six months could tell a lot about his character.
  The little slip of the utterance "typical white person" may be a true window into this guy's true inner attitudes.
  I wonder if we  will ever get to hear from Obama's white grandmother, Madelyn Dunham.  She must be about fit to be tied. Can you imagine what she must have felt like if she was listening to that speech that morning when he brought her up, just to throw her under the bus?

Offline cjd

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Re: Obama Too Unstable for Presidency ( By J. Grant Swank Jr. )
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2008, 07:39:35 AM »
  I  have heard anecdotes, concerning  Hillary, and to a lesser extent, McCain, that they both have a temperment problem.  Hillary in particular is alleged to go into hissy fit mode, over little things, that irk her.
  Of the three, Obama may be the most stable,as in most in control of his  emotions, and coolest under extreme pressure. Or, at least Obama is able to give that impression.  The next six months could tell a lot about his character.
  The little slip of the utterance "typical white person" may be a true window into this guy's true inner attitudes.
  I wonder if we  will ever get to hear from Obama's white grandmother, Madelyn Dunham.  She must be about fit to be tied. Can you imagine what she must have felt like if she was listening to that speech that morning when he brought her up, just to throw her under the bus?
The Obama you are seeing is not the Obama that will be sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office should he make president. This guy wants you to believe that he is a really nice and friendly guy someone who can get along with everyone. Watch his face body language when he is dealing with a tough issue. The tension is off the charts.  He feels he is above questioning from white America. His statement "Our time has come" really said how he feels. This guy really feels that this is something that he has coming to him.The man had a melt down a few weeks ago when for the first time the press asked him a few tough questions. This past week has really put all cards on the table for Obama and still the American people refuse to look at them. He claims he never knew and does not agree with the statements of Pastor Wright. He not only knew he agrees with them 100%. Obama is Pastor Wright all buffed up in a more likable form. Any mulatto or quadroon that could speak about their grandmother as he does must really resent any white roots they have. Here he says she was good to him but still the resentment to her is plain to see. If he is like this with grandma what would he do with the rest of white America. 
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