Dear Chaim,The recent banning of
Moshe Feiglin from the U.K. on the grounds that he is a “threat”, “justifying violence”, “fostering hatred” and not “conducive to the public good” is I believe a way to appease the Muslims, something Moshe warns against, and due to him being opposed to the interests of Britain’s anti-Israel foreign policy. The U.K. allowed a Hizballah Nazi official in, allowed a Qatari Muslim Nazi Jew-hater, called al-Quaradri, in, and permits vicious, hatful neo-Nazi parties to exist, Muslim Nazis to peddle their anti-Jewish hate, white anti-semitic material to be sold and Holocaust deniers to preach their lies.
They care of freedom of speech when it suits them, giving evil, barbarians, refuge, but not Jews who speak the truth and are against all these heinous groups, not. Britain, a shameful country, responsible, in part, for the Holocaust and permitting another Holocaust to occur, Chas VShalom, Rachmana Litzlan!

Feiglin is a wonderful, good, righteous Jew - but we believe wasting valuable money and effort with his focus to attain the power of being Prime Minister from the Likud Party.
Thanks Chaim, Zev. Shalom!