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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part twenty-six...
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2008, 09:42:43 PM »
[101] The New York Times, October 9, 1985, Wednesday, Late City Final Edition, Section A; Page 1, Column 6; Foreign Desk, 1925 words, HIJACKERS OF SHIP VOW AGAIN TO KILL 400 HELD HOSTAGE, By JOHN TAGLIABUE, Special to the New York Times, ROME, Oct. 8

"Uncertainty remained about the identity and number of the hijackers aboard the vessel. But Foreign Minister Andreotti said they seemed to be members of 'a dissident group' within the Palestinian movement 'of an anti-Arafat tendency.'"

[102] * Facts on File World News Digest, October 11, 1985, INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, Pg. 753 A1, 2234 words, Palestinians Seize Cruise Ship, Surrender in Egypt; U.S. Intercepts Jet with Hijackers, Diverts It to Italy; Gunmen Held Killing U.S. Man:

"The hijackers demanded that Israel free 50 jailed Palestinians. The only prisoner named was Samir al-Qantari, a PLF terrorist imprisoned in 1979 after carrying out an attack on the Israeli town of Nahariya in which four Israelis died. [See 1979, p. 296F2]

(The PLF, which broke off from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command in the 1970s, was a small group best known for having launched an unsuccessful series of hang-glider and hot-air balloon attacks against Israel in 1981. The PLF itself splintered in 1983 into an Iraqi-based pro-Arafat faction, a Syrian-backed anti-Arafat faction and a tiny Libyan-backed faction.)"

* October 8, 1985, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 436 words, Smallest PLO Faction Known for Eccentric Attacks, By MONA ZIADE, Associated Press Writer, BEIRUT, Lebanon

"The Palestine Liberation Front believes in escalating the armed struggle against Israel rather than seeking a negotiated settlement to the 37-year-old Arab-Israeli conflict. It is one of the eight guerrilla groups that comprise the Palestine Liberation Organization, but it split into three factions during the 1983 revolt inside the PLO against Chairman Yasser Arafat.

One faction, headed by PLF founder Mohammed Abbas, is backed by Iraq and remains loyal to Arafat. The other two factions oppose Arafat and are backed by Libya and Syria.

The hijackers of the Italian ship have not said which faction they belong to, but Arafat aides said the attack was not carried out by their followers.

Abbas, who uses the code name Abul Abbas, founded the Marxist-oriented PLF in 1976 during the Lebanese civil war when he broke away from another PLO group, the Libyan-backed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command."

[103] "On Oct. 7, 1985, members of the Palestine Liberation Front, a small faction within the PLO headed by Abul Abbas, hijacked an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro." Source: "Palestine, History of." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2003.  Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 07 Dec, 2003  <>.

[104] The Toronto Star, October 1, 1985, Tuesday, FINAL EDITION, NEWS; Pg. A1, 751 words, Israelis bomb PLO base in Tunisia, Reuter-AP, TUNIS

[105] The Washington Post, October 9, 1985, Wednesday, Final Edition, First Section; A29, 788 words, Israel: No Deal With Hijackers; 'Willing to Cooperate' in Ending Cruise Ship Crisis, Says Official, By William Claiborne, Washington Post Foreign Service, JERUSALEM, Oct. 8, 1985

[106] The Toronto Star, October 9, 1985, Wednesday, ME3, INSIGHT; Pg. A17, 898 words, Israel talks tough for Italy but keeps low profile on hijack, By David Landau Special to The Star, JERUSALEM

[107] See next footnote.

[108] The Washington Post, October 9, 1985, Wednesday, Final Edition, First Section; A29, 790 words, Italy Discounts Armed Action; Military Alerted; Criticism Of Israel Divides Cabinet, By Loren Jenkins, Washington Post Foreign Service, ROME, Oct. 8, 1985

"Craxi [from the Socialist Party] and Foreign Minister Giulio Andreotti [from the Christian Democratic Party] triggered a major political row here last week because of the vehemence of their reaction to the Israeli bombing of Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization headquarters in Tunisia.

Both men denounced the Israeli raid in the strongest terms, equating it with the very terrorism that Israel said it sought stamp out. The sharpest criticism of their statements - except for that from the Israeli government - was by Defense Minister Spadolini [of the small Republican Party].

...the newspaper of Spadolini's party attacked the government's request last night for help from Arafat to end the hijacking.

While acknowledging that Arafat and his wing of the PLO had disavowed the hijacking, the newspaper editorialized that either he was being disingenuous and actually had a part in it or, if not, had no power to resolve the hijacking. Either way, the newspaper said, "it was unacceptable that the government asked the head of a terrorist organization for help and established almost a state-to-state relationship with it."

"Either way," the Republican paper said, "the terrorist attack on the Italian liner was the most crude refutation of a faulty policy."

The daily of Craxi's Socialists, Avanti, termed the Republican attacks "inadmissible on their merits" and "even more irresponsible and treacherous having been inspired by the minister -- responsible for defense -- at a time when the whole government is obliged to excercise, with the maximum efficiency in an emergency, its duty to save lives in danger."

[109] The New York Times, October 11, 1985, Friday, Late City Final Edition, Section A; Page 1, Column 3; Foreign Desk, 1802 words, PORT OF ISRAEL DESCRIBED AS TARGET OF TERRORISTS WHO SEIZED VESSEL, By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, Special to the New York Times, JERUSALEM, Oct. 10

[110] The Washington Post, October 10, 1985, Thursday, Final Edition, First Section; A1, 1822 words, Pirates Surrender Ship; 1 American Killed; Outraged U.S. Demands Egypt Prosecute Hijackers, By Christopher [censored], Washington Post Foreign Service; special correspondent Jeffrey Bartholet in Cairo contributed to this report., PORT SAID, Egypt, Oct. 9, 1985

[111] see above footnote.

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part twenty-seven...
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2008, 09:43:18 PM »
[112] The New York Times, October 13, 1985, Sunday, Late City Final Edition, Section 1; Part 1, Page 20, Column 1; Foreign Desk, 791 words, ITALY WEIGHS POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF RELEASING 2 P.L.O. MEMBERS, By JOHN TAGLIABUE, Special to the New York Times, ROME, Oct. 12

Government officials said Mohammed Abbas, also known as Abul Abbas, a close associate of the P.L.O. leader Yasir Arafat, left Italy together with a second P.L.O official from Leonardo da Vinci Airport..."

[113] Reference in the above footnote.

[114] Associated Press, January 1, 1986, Wednesday, Domestic News, 636 words

[115] Source: Panama. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 22, 2003, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online.

[116] See next footnote.

[116a]  "The CIA'S neo-Nazis: Strange bedfellows boost extreme right in Germany"; The San Francisco Bay Guardian, Extra; Reality Bites; March 19 2001; By Martin A. Lee


...The purported goal of the NPD [the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party], according to a recent German intelligence report, is to "build a new Germany out of the rubble of liberal capitalism." Brandishing slogans such as "Work for Germans first" and "Big capital destroys jobs," the NPD has staged "pro-worker" demonstrations in several German cities.

Last year in Berlin the star speaker at the NPD's May Day rally was Friedhelm Busse, age 71. Mahler's newfound political comrade roused the crowd with antiforeigner and anti-American vitriol that elicited loud cheers from shaved-head teenagers and twentysomethings who waived illegal imperial German black-and-white flags. Violence erupted after Busse ended his pep talk with a line from an old Nazi song: "We're marching for Hitler day and night because of the need for freedom and bread."

A veteran neo-Nazi agitator, Busse is especially proud of the fact that he was one of the youngest members of the Hitler Youth during the Third Reich. His current status as an elder statesman among hard-core neo-Nazis in Germany is all the more troubling given that his checkered past includes a controversial stint with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

Back in the early 1950s Busse joined the Bund Deutscher Jugend, an elite, CIA-trained paramilitary organization composed largely of ex-Hitler Youth, Wehrmacht, and SS personnel in West Germany. Busse's group was primed to go underground and engage in acts of sabotage and resistance in the event of a Soviet invasion. But instead of focusing on foreign enemies, Busse's "stay behind" unit proceeded to draw up a death list that included future Chancellor Willi Brandt and other leading Social Democrats (then West Germany's main opposition party), who were marked for liquidation in case of an ill-defined national security emergency.

The Bund's cover was blown in October 1952, when the West German press got wind that U.S. intelligence was backing a neo-Nazi death squad. Norris Chapman, a West German-based State Department official, acknowledged in a once-classified State Department report that the scandal had resulted in "a serious loss of U.S. prestige."

West German "stay behind" forces quickly regrouped with a helping hand from the CIA, which recruited thousands of ex-Nazis and fascists to serve as cold war espionage assets. "It was a visceral business of using any bastard as long as he was anti-Communist. The eagerness to enlist collaborators meant that you didn't look at their credentials too closely," explained Harry Rostizke, ex-head of the CIA's Soviet desk.

The key player on the West German end of this unholy espionage alliance was General Reinhard Gehlen, who served as Adolf Hitler's chief anti-Soviet spy. During World War II Gehlen was in charge of German military-intelligence operations on the eastern front.


With a mandate to continue spying on the East just as he had been doing before, Gehlen reestablished his espionage network at the behest of U.S. intelligence. Incorporated into the fledgling Central Intelligence Agency in the late 1940s, the Gehlen "Org," as it was called, became the CIA's main eyes and ears in central Europe -- an arrangement that many CIA officials would later regret.

...Gehlen rolled out the welcome mat for thousands of Gestapo, Wehrmacht, and SS veterans. Some of the worst war criminals imaginable -- including cold-blooded bureaucrats who oversaw the administrative apparatus of the Holocaust -- found employment in the Gehlen Org, according to author Christopher Simpson. Simpson is a member of the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency Working Group, which was established by President Clinton to review governments documents related to Nazi activity.

While dispensing spy data to his avid American patrons, Gehlen operatives helped thousands of fascist fugitives escape to safe havens abroad. Third Reich expatriates subsequently served as "security advisors" to repressive regimes in Latin America and the Middle East...

Busse went on to direct several ultra-right-wing groups in Germany, while another Gehlen protégé, Gerhard Frey, also emerged as a mover and shaker in the post-cold war neo-Nazi scene. A wealthy publisher, Frey currently bankrolls and runs the Deutsche Volksunion (DVU), which U.S. army intelligence described as "a neo-Nazi party." During the late 1990s the DVU scored double-digit vote totals in state elections in economically depressed eastern Germany.

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part twenty-eight...
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2008, 09:43:56 PM »

EC NOTE: The US absorbed almost the entire Nazi war criminal infrastructure in order to create the CIA. As mentioned above, at the core of this effort was Nazi war criminal Reinhard Gehlen's Organization. In 1956, the Gehlen Org, as it was called, was given over to West Germany, where it became the BND, Germany's equivalent to the CIA! To read about all this, see the 1945 section.

[116b] Cornwell, J. 1999. Hitler's pope: The secret history of Pius XII. New York: Viking

[116bb] "The Pictures Tell the Tale: The Vatican and Nazism in Germany and Croatia"; Emperor's Clothes; 23 April 2005; Photo montage, with text by Jared Israel

[116c] To read about this, visit:

[117] The Independent (London), November 16, 1990, Friday, FOREIGN NEWS PAGE; Page 11 , 1199 words, 'Gladio' dominates Italy's political arena; Operation Gladio was set up to go underground in the Cold War. Was it later used for dirty tricks against the Left? Charles Richards in Rome and Simon Jones in London report, From CHARLES RICHARDS in Rome and SIMON JONES in London

FULL TEXT: ITS CODENAME - Gladio, derived from the word gladium, the short, double-edged sword with which Roman gladiators dispatched their victims - could have been conjured up by a public relations firm. But behind the name lurked a secret ''stay-behind'' army established by Nato and the CIA in the 1950s to wage a guerrilla war in case Italy was invaded by Warsaw Pact forces.

There is nothing special about such an operation, given the fears of the Cold War. But the revelation that it is still operating after the collapse of the Berlin Wall comes as a surprise. For Italy the key question is whether Gladio was subverted by the security services or right-wing terrorist groups to fight the Communist threat internally. In which case, when, how, and on whose orders? This aspect has been dominating Italian political debate for the past weeks. The fullest description of Gladio's structure and organisation was given to parliament by the Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti. Set up to engage in clandestine, non-conventional resistance in the event of invasion, 622 people were recruited and trained by American and British intelligence at the Capo Marrargiu base on the northern tip of Sardinia. They were organised in 40 independent cells. Six were responsible for intelligence-gathering, 10 for sabotage, six for codes and radio communications, six for running escape routes, and 12 for guerrilla warfare. Five of the guerrilla units were named after flowers such as azalea, rhododendron and broom.

Gladio established 139 arms caches, mostly in north-east Italy near the Gorizia gap, through which any Soviet invasion was expected to come. Since then 127 have been recovered, 10 more have been built over, but the last two, storing light arms, vanished. The authorities said they were probably found by private citizens, but the suspicion remains they were used by right-wing terrorists.

To understand the impact of the Gladio revelations, it is necessary to recall the prevailing atmosphere in Italy. Before the Gladio story broke, a large number of copies of papers written by Aldo Moro, kidnapped and murdered when prime minister in 1978, were uncovered behind a double wall in a Milan safe house used by the Red Brigades. Most were written answers to questions put by his captors about his political philosophy, Nato, the Christian Democrat party and so on. One line which may come back to haunt today's political leaders was: Beware of Andreotti. He's too close to Nato.

The revelations helped to reopen wounds scarcely healed in Italy about the handling of the kidnapping and murder. It was traumatic and painful, and led to much soul-searching. The secret services were once more blamed for deliberately not doing enough to follow up every lead. As the conspiracy theorists would have it, Mr Moro was allowed to be killed either with the acquiescence of people high in Italy's political establishment, or at their instigation, because of the historic compromise he had made with the Communist Party, Western Europe's largest, which brought them closer to power than ever before.

At the time of the killing, little was known about the activities of P2, the Masonic lodge which had penetrated every part of the establishment. P2 was not to be uncovered until 1981. Later, it was found that every member of the crisis committee set up by Francesco Cossiga, then interior minister, now President of the Republic, was a member of P2. What was mysterious was the timing and nature of the revelations. After all, this safe house had been thoroughly searched at the time by Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, the head of counter-terrorism. How is it that the papers had not been revealed before? These were photocopies. Where were the originals? In whose interest were the papers disclosed now?

At the same time there was another scandal. It was revealed by the Czechoslovak authorities that Ruggero Orfei, an academic and foreign policy adviser to Ciriaco De Mita when he was prime minister, had been spying for Czechoslovakia. Again, it was the way the revelations were made, rather than their substance, that caused the stir. It led to a public row between Admiral Fulvio Martini, head of the security service Sismi, and Mr Andreotti, who blamed Sismi for passing the papers to the prosecution. Sismi retorted it was a political decision. The result: Admiral Martini is not being re-appointed.

This was the atmosphere in which the revelations made about Gladio first struck a stunned Italian public. The catalyst for the revelations was the inquiry being made by a young investigating magistrate in Venice, Felice Casson, into the deaths in a car bomb in 1972 of three carabinieri in the Veneto village of Petreano, for which two neo-fascists were convicted. The explosives used were found to have come from a secret Nato arms dump. In January he applied for permission to examine the files of Sismi. In July, Mr Andreotti granted him permission. There he found evidence of a covert infrastructure. It turned out to have a codename: Gladio.

Over the years, Mr Andreotti gave three versions. In 1978 he told parliament that no such secret organisation had ever existed. In August this year he said it had existed, but did not any longer. And this month he admitted that Gladio still existed, but said Italy was asking Nato to wind it up. Conspiracy theorists also ask why he made his revelations not to the parliamentary commission on the secret services, but to the one on terrorism. Did this indicate that Gladio was indeed linked to right-wing terrorism in Italy?

The revelations have given a field day to the press, led by the Communist papers and the anti-establishment La Repubblica, to rake up unsolved crimes. They have brought up the Solo plan, under which the carabinieri would round up hundreds of Communists and trade union activists. There have been frenzied calls for Mr Andreotti's resignation.

The Communists see Gladio as tying up the loose ends between right-wing terrorism, the ruling Christian Democrats, and the ''strategy of tension'' - designed to block the Communists from coming to power. The paranoia of the left is understandable. Papers released over the years in the United States under the Freedom of Information Act have established that the US would consider military intervention if the Communists came to power. General Giovanni De Lorenzo, head of Sifar (Italian military intelligence) joined the US in drawing up a plan in case of a Communist takeover, without telling his own government. Links have also been proven between the CIA and P2, and between P2 and right-wing terrorism. What has not yet been conclusively shown is what direct links there might have been between the CIA and right-wing terrorism.

Many issues are not resolved. How much political control was there over this operation? Some ex-ministers of defence said they knew about it. Others denied it. The main loser seems to be the Socialist leader, Bettino Craxi. He said that when he was prime minister he never knew about it. Then a letter was produced with his signature saying he had been informed. It appears he had been told broad details, but chose not to inquire further.

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part twenty-nine...
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2008, 09:44:49 PM »
[118] The Gazette (Montreal, Quebec), March 16, 1993, Tuesday, FINAL EDITION, NEWS; Pg. D12, 825 words, Revolution against corruption to change Italy profoundly; It's a nation that is about to transform itself into a modern Western democracy, RAY MOSELEY; CHICAGO TRIBUNE; REUTER, ROME

[119] The Irish Times, June 01, 1993, CITY EDITION, WORLD NEWS; ROME LETTER; Pg. 9, 881 words, Many question explanation for Florence bomb, By PADDY AGNEW

[120] The Washington Post, April 12, 1985, Friday, Final Edition, First Section; A1, 642 words, Reagan to Go To German War Cemetery, By David Hoffman, Washington Post Staff Writer; Staff writer Juan Williams and staff researcher James Schwartz contributed to this report., SANTA BARBARA, Calif., April 11, 1985

[121] see  above footnote

[122] "The New York Times, April 16, 1985, Tuesday, Late City Final Edition, Section A; Page 1, Column 4; Foreign Desk, 785 words, REAGAN WEIGHS VISIT TO CONCENTRATION CAMP, By GERALD M. BOYD , Special to the New York Times, WASHINGTON, April 15"

"White House officials said today that President Reagan was considering a stop at a Nazi concentration camp site in addition to a visit to a military cemetery in West Germany next month.

The statement came amid criticism from Jewish and veterans' groups of Mr. Reagan's plans to lay a wreath at the Bitburg cemetery, where members of the SS, the Nazi elite guard, are among the dead.

In New York, Elie Wiesel, the chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, said there could be no trade-off by combining visits to a camp and to the cemetery.

'A visit to this particular cemetery is to us unacceptable,' he said. 'This is not just a cemetery of soldiers. This is tombstones of the SS, which is beyond what we can imagine. These are and were criminals.' Mr. Wiesel said the council had sent a telegram requesting a meeting between himself and Mr. Reagan. (Page A5.)

President Reagan's spokesman, Larry Speakes, said Donald T. Regan, the White House chief of staff, had ordered Michael K. Deaver, deputy chief of staff, to leave for Bonn 'to look at additional possibilities' for Mr. Reagan's itinerary.

A White House official said this involved the consideration of several former concentration camps where Jews and other victims were tortured and killed. Earlier the White House had ruled out a visit to the Dachau camp.

The official said no thought was being given to eliminating a visit to the Bitburg cemetery."

[123] Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA), April 22, 1985, Monday, International; Pg. 9, 906 words, West German leader trapped in no-win situation, By Elizabeth Pond, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor, Bonn

[124] "In Bonn, Kohl said in a speech to Parliament that many Nazi troops had 'no chance to escape conscription into the Waffen-SS.' Kohl said he regrets that Reagan has run into protests over the planned visit but added that the trip will go ahead as scheduled next month."

Source: The Washington Post, April 26, 1985, Friday, Final Edition, First Section; A1, 1487 words, Aides Hope To Smother Trip Furor; Reagan Will Honor Anti-Nazi Effort While in Germany, By David Hoffman, Washington Post Staff Writer.

[125] Financial Times (London,England), April 20, 1985, Saturday, SECTION I; Overseas News; Pg. 2, 422 words, Fury grows over Reagan's German war graves visit, BY REGINALD DALE, U.S. EDITOR IN WASHINGTON

[126] The Washington Post, April 29, 1985, Monday, Final Edition, First Section; A1, 805 words, President Supported On Trip; Nixon and Kissinger Back Cemetery Visit, By David Hoffman, Washington Post Staff Writer

"Former president Richard M. Nixon privately urged President Reagan last week not to back down from plans to visit the German military cemetery at Bitburg where 49 Nazi SS soldiers are buried, according to informed administration sources.

Nixon, whose views were solicited by senior White House officials, is reported to have said the planned cemetery visit had caused 'substantial domestic political damage' but urged Reagan not to bow to protests from groups representing Jews, veterans and others to cancel the appearance.

White House sources also said that former secretary of state Henry A. Kissinger had urged Reagan to go ahead with the planned visit May 5, citing the importance of relations with West Germany.

Nixon's advice came as 257 House members wrote West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl last week urging him to withdraw the invitation and 82 senators urged Reagan in a resolution to reassess the Bitburg visit.

The White House has been searching for ways to dampen the controversy. Chief of staff Donald T. Regan said yesterday the Bitburg cemetery visit is now scheduled to last only 10 to 15 minutes, while the president will spend 'over an hour or even longer' at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp earlier the same day."

[127] See next footnote.

[128] NOTE: this footnote contains several references, marked alphabetically (a), (b), (c), ... The source documentation that such letters indicate is at the end of this note #128.

When the illegal involvement of practically the entire US intelligence establishment with the Contra terrorists was discovered and made public, it was known as the Iran-Contra scandal (because the same people were also funding Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamist revolutionary forces).

Before 1984, Vincent Cannistraro was a "CIA agent in Central America" (a) where he was "a member of the CIA's clandestine service" (b).

What is the CIA's clandestine service?

"[The] Directorate of Operations, the agency's clandestine service..., manages the agency's counterterrorism center, espionage and paramilitary operations" (c).

The emphasis is on "paramilitary operations," which is a euphemism for terrorist forces used to destabilize other countries. So Cannistraro was illegally training "paramilitaries" - i.e. terrorists - in Central America before 1984.

Then he became "Director of NSC [National Security Council] Intelligence from 1984 to 1987" (d) where he was responsible for "coordinating intelligence programs throughout the [Reagan] administration" (a).

This is not a coincidence: 1984 is also when President Reagan

"transferred the Contra program from the CIA to the NSC after congressional authorization for the CIA's Contra program expired in mid 1984" (e).


1)  before 1984, Vincent Cannistraro was in the field, in Central America, helping the CIA turn ex-Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza's thugs into the ultra-right-wing Contra terrorist force; and then

2)  in 1984 he was brought over to direct the Contra program (and everything else, as he was the man in charge of all covert activity in the Reagan administration) from his new perch at the National Security Council, when Reagan had the Contra program moved there.

You might think that, after the explosion in the headlines of the Iran-Contra scandal, Cannistraro would be shunned by the American Establishment. You would be wrong. These days, he is "ABC News intelligence analyst Vincent Cannistraro" (f).

[Local footnotes below]

(a) United Press International, June 15, 1987, Monday, AM cycle, Washington News, 519 words, Walsh draws testimony from NSC officials, By LORI SANTOS, WASHINGTON:

"Vincent Cannistraro, 41, the NSC director for intelligence programs, appeared before the federal grand jury in the morning, following Friday's testimony by another former top NSC official -- Ray Burghardt, who served as special assistant to the president and senior director for Latin American affairs.

Both men, once tapped by former national security adviser John Poindexter to take over Contra matters from North, left the NSC when Frank Carlucci took over Jan. 2 in the wake of the Iran-Contra scandal.

Cannistraro, a former CIA agent in Central America, was assigned last summer to work with North on Contra affairs, and in his role of coordinating intelligence programs throughout the administration, he headed several inter-agency meetings on aid for the rebels.

Contra sources have told United Press International they were introduced in the summer of 1986 by North to Cannistraro as someone they would be working with.

Cannistraro declined to comment."

(b) "Vince Cannistraro, a former member of the CIA's clandestine service and one-time director of intelligence programs at the National Security Council." -- Associated Press, March 2, 1997, Sunday, AM cycle, Washington Dateline, 788 words, CIA cuts off more than 1,000 informants, many for criminality, By JOHN DIAMOND, Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON

(c) "the Directorate of Operations, the agency's clandestine service, which manages the agency's counterterrorism center, espionage and paramilitary operations." -- The Washington Post,  August 09, 2002, Friday, Final Edition,  A SECTION; Pg. A01,  2035 words,  The Slowly Changing Face of the CIA Spy; Recruits Eager to Fight Terror Are Flooding In, but Few Look the Part, Dana Priest, Washington Post Staff Writer

(d) "Director of NSC Intelligence from 1984 to 1987, [Vincent] Cannistraro went on to serve as chief of operations for the CIA's Counterterrorism Center and to lead the CIA's investigation into the bombing of Pan Am 103..." -- From a PBS interview that may be read here:

(e) Kornbluh, P., and M. Byrne. 1993. The Iran-Contra Scandal: The declassified history. New York: The New Press. (p.xviii): President Reagan "transferred the Contra program from the CIA to the NSC after congressional authorization for the CIA's Contra program expired in mid 1984."

(f) ABC News, World News Now (2:00 AM ET) - ABC, January 15, 2002 Tuesday, 1056 words, Excerpt from "Nightline" discusses the elusiveness and the possibilities of where Osama bin Laden might be, ALISON STEWART; DEREK McGINTY, MICHEL MARTIN

[128a]  Why the First Gulf War? To Protect Iranian Islamism
Little-known facts make it clear that this was the real purpose of Bush senior's war
Francisco Gil-White; Emperor's Clothes; 8 August 2003.

[129] The New York Times, December 3, 2001, Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Page 19; Column 2; Editorial Desk , 646 words, Keep the Focus on Al Qaeda, By Vincent M. Cannistraro;  Vincent M. Cannistraro was chief of counterterrorism operations at the Central Intelligence Agency from 1988 to 1990 and director of intelligence programs for the National Security Council in the Reagan administration., MCLEAN, Va.

[130] December 30, 1985, Monday, PM cycle, Domestic News, 2171 words, Wave Of Terrorism Voted Top Story Of 1985, By JOHN BARBOUR, AP Newsfeatures Writer.

[131] Both quotes from: Simpson, Christopher, 1988, "Blowback: America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects on the Cold War." New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson. (p.43 and footnote at bottom of page).

[131a] The Guardian (London), January 12, 1988, 971 words, An uprising that took the Israelis by surprise: How Jerusalem misjudged the spontaneous unrest in the occupied territories, By IAN BLACK, RAMALLAH

[132] Source: Public Opinion Online, 81 words, MIDEAST, ISRAEL, RUSSIA, DIPLOMACY, January 1988, MIDEAST SURVEY; LENGTH: 81 words; ACCESSION NUMBER: 0303009; QUESTION NUMBER: 038; QUESTION: (Do you favor or oppose convening an international peace conference comprised of Israel, Arab nations, representatives of the Palestinians, the US (United States) and the Soviet Union to try to resolve the problems in the Middle East?) Should the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) be invited to that conference or should they not be invited?; RESULTS: Yes - 74%, No  - 24, Don't know -  2; ORGANIZATION CONDUCTING SURVEY: PENN & SCHOEN ASSOCIATES; POPULATION: National adult; NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 810; INTERVIEW METHOD: Telephone; SURVEY SPONSOR: Anti-Defamation League; QUESTION NOTES: Asked of those who favor an international peace conference to resolve problems in the Middle East (78%); BEGINNING DATE: January 1988; ENDING DATE: January 1988; SOURCE DOCUMENT: MIDEAST SURVEY; DATE OF RELEASE OF SOURCE DOCUMENT: January 1988; QUESTION ID: USPENN.88MIDE, R38; LOAD-DATE: July 10, 1998
[133] Xinhua General News Service, NOVEMBER 6, 1987, FRIDAY, 280 words, arafat praises moscow, raps washington, moscow, november 6; ITEM NO: 1106007

[134] IPS-Inter Press Service, April 1, 1988, Friday, 679 words, MIDEAST: SHULTZ TO PRESS AHEAD DESPITE PLAN'S UNPOPULARITY, WASHINGTON, April 1

[134a] United Press International, October 15, 1987, Thursday, PM cycle, International, 660 words, Palestinians threaten protests during Shultz visit, By WILLIAM B. RIES, JERUSALEM


[134c] United Press International, October 13, 1987, Tuesday, PM cycle, International, 652 words, Israeli troops kill woman, wound five during general strike, By WILLIAM B. RIES, RAMALLAH, Israeli-occupied West Bank

FULL TEXT: Cornered Israeli troops shot and killed a mother of eight and wounded five people during a general strike by Arabs protesting an attempt by Jews to pray at one of Islam's holiest sites.

The unrest Monday in the occupied territories followed nearly two weeks of clashes and mounting tensions between Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Most shops in Arab East Jerusalem, the West Bank towns of Ramallah and Nablus, and Omar El Muchtar in the Gaza Strip were closed by strikes Monday.

The shooting came during a demonstration by Arabs protesting efforts Sunday by a small group of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the third-holiest site in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. Moslems believe the prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven from the Temple Mount

The site also is holy to Jews, who claim the Temple Mount is the site of King Solomon's Temple.

Inayad Hindi, 35, a school teacher and a mother of eight, was hit by gunfire from Israeli troops who were trapped by a mob in the center of Ramallah, about 9 miles north of Jerusalem, Israeli millitary sources said.

''There is no reason to assume that woman who was hit and killed participated in the riot. To our dismay, she was caught in the area,'' an unidentified Israeli commander told Army Radio. ''When forces open fire to disperse a crowd, sometimes there are additional casualties.''

A spokesman at Ramallah Government Hospital, where Hindi was pronounced dead on arrival, said she was shopping when she was shot.

Five other people, ranging in age from 16 to 68, suffered gunshot wounds. Four were admitted in fair condition, and the fifth was treated and released, the spokesman said. The 68-year-old man also was not taking part in the disturbance, the military sources said.

The incident began when several dozen people threw rocks at an Israeli vehicle, smashing the windshield and slightly injuring one passenger. Border police and two soldiers opened fire on the crowd when they became trapped by the demonstrators, military sources said.

After the shooting, Israeli troops patrolled the streets and rooftops of the city. Broken glass and stones were scattered on the streets in the center of Ramallah.

The hospital spokesman said the demonstrators were mostly young people angry about the tear-gassing of several hundred Moslems Sunday on the Temple Mount and Jews attempting to visit the holy site at the same time.

Israeli troops fired tear gas to quell a riot by several hundred Moslems near the gold-topped Mosque of Omar, also known as the Dome of the Rock. Police said the Moslems began rioting when a tear-gas cannister accidentally exploded.

Jews in the years since Mosque of Omar and the silver-domed Al-Aqsa Mosque were built in the 6th and 7th centuries have been forbidden from visiting the 36-acre Temple Mount platform. Instead, they have made pilgrimages to the Wailing Wall, the last visible remnant of the Second Temple Period.

Since Israel captured the Old City in the 1967 war, Jews have been allowed on the platform, but only in small numbers.

Other disturbances broke out in Arab East Jerusalem Monday, but there were no reports of injuries, Jerusalem police spokesman Rafi Levi said. In the Gaza Strip, stones were thrown at a passing Israeli car, slightly injuring two passengers.

Many merchants in Arab East Jerusalem and the other three towns closed their shops to observe the general strike.

''They're all so mad about the Jews who want to go to the mosque to pray,'' said Omar Said, 32, who kept his brassware shop open.

Monday's unrest came after nearly two weeks of Arab-Jewish clashes and disturbances in Jerusalem and the occupied territories seized in the 1967 Six Day War.

Israeli troops in the occupied Gaza Strip have killed seven alleged Arab guerrillas in shootouts this month. The slayings have sparked major disturbances in the area.

[134d] United Press International, October 15, 1987, Thursday, AM cycle, International, 592 words, Suspected Arab guerrillas arrested, By LOUIS TOSCANO, JERUSALEM

[134e] Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA), October 13, 1987, Tuesday, News in Brief; Pg. 2, 83 words, Israeli soldiers kill one, injure five in unrest, Ramallah, occupied West Bank.

[134f] The Toronto Star, October 13, 1987, Tuesday, ME2, NEWS; Pg. A8, 450 words, Palestinians riot as mom shot by Israelis, (REUTER), RAMALLAH, West Bank

[134g] Herald, October 13, 1987 Tuesday, 525 words, MOTHER KILLED

[134h] Financial Times (London,England), February 26, 1988, Friday, SECTION I; Overseas News; Pg. 3, 933 words, 'After The Violence Comes Civil Disobedience', Tony Walker, Damascus

[134i] The New York Times, December 9, 1988, Friday, Late City Final Edition, Section A; Page 10, Column 3; Foreign Desk, 1685 words, After a Year, Palestinians Call Uprising Stagnant, By JOEL BRINKLEY, Special to the New York Times, RAMALLAH, Israeli-Occupied West Bank, Dec. 8

[135] The Associated Press, January 2, 1988, Saturday, PM cycle, International News, 647 words, Army Says Tough Tactics Thwarted Violence on PLO Anniversary, By JOCELYN NOVECK, Associated Press Writer, JERUSALEM, Israel-Violence

[136] United Press International, January 25, 1988, Monday, BC cycle, International, 348 words, Senior offiical says PLO is behind Palestinian unrest, BEIRUT, Lebanon

[137] Xinhua General News Service, JANUARY 3, 1988, SUNDAY, 296 words, plo leader vows to continue struggle in occupied lands, kuwait, january 3; ITEM NO: 0103055

[138] Xinhua General News Service, FEBRUARY 5, 1988, FRIDAY, 129 words, fatah calls for reinforcing uprising in occupied lands, tunis, february 5; ITEM NO: 0205004

[139] The Associated Press, January 6, 1988, Wednesday, PM cycle, Washington Dateline, 453 words, U.S. Stands Ground Against Israeli Criticism, By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer, WASHINGTON, U.S.-Israel

[140] Xinhua General News Service, JANUARY 16, 1988, SATURDAY, 226 words, arafat on palestinian uprising in occupied lands, beirut, january 16; ITEM NO: 0116062

[141] United Press International, January 7, 1988, Thursday, AM cycle, International, 409 words, Speculation on Palestinian government-in-exile intensifies, BY MAGDA ABU-FADIL, NICOSIA, Cyprus

[142] Xinhua General News Service, JANUARY 20, 1988, WEDNESDAY, 179 words, palestinian commando operation in northern israel, beirut, january 20; ITEM NO: 0120158

[143] The Associated Press, January 4, 1988, Monday, PM cycle, Washington Dateline, 547 words, Peres Says Talks Could End West Bank Violence and Resolve Longterm Conflict, By DONNA CASSATA, Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Israel-Peres

[144] See footnote 41.

[145] The Associated Press, January 28, 1988, Thursday, PM cycle, Washington Dateline, 794 words, U.S. Weighs Reopening Peace Talks; May Seek Missiles For Jordan, By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer, WASHINGTON, U.S.-Mideast

[146] “The PLO issued two declarations this week, one via a PLO representative in Cairo and the other from its headquarters in Tunis, approving Palestinian attendance at a meeting with Shultz next week, Kenaan said.” SOURCE: The Associated Press, March 29, 1988, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 532 words, Palestinian Says PLO Okayed Meeting With Shultz, JERUSALEM, Israel-PLO

[147] Xinhua General News Service, MARCH 27, 1988, SUNDAY, 192 words, egypt applauds shultz's meeting with palestinian professors, cairo, march 27; ITEM NO: 0327117

[148] The Associated Press, March 31, 1988, Thursday, PM cycle, International News, 526 words, Netanyahu Resigned To Protest Shultz Meeting, By MASHA HAMILTON, Associated Press Writer, JERUSALEM, Israel-PLO

[149] The Associated Press, April 1, 1988, Friday, PM cycle, Washington Dateline, 395 words, Senators Urge Shultz Not to Meet with PLO, By RUTH SINAI, Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Congress-Mideast

[150] “The United States vetoed a Security Council resolution Monday calling for U.N.-sponsored peace talks on the Middle East, saying it would interfere with a U.S. diplomatic initiative. The vote was 14-1.”
SOURCE: The Associated Press, February 1, 1988, Monday, AM cycle, International News, 632 words, U.S. Vetoes Resolution On Israeli-Occupied Territories, By CANDICE HUGHES, Associated Press Writer, UNITED NATIONS, U.N.-Israel.

“Secretary of State George Shultz, after visiting Israel and three Arab countries, said Sunday he believes the United States and Egypt have a ''package that is promising'' for breaking the stalemate in Middle East peace efforts.”
SOURCE: United Press International, February 28, 1988, Sunday, AM cycle, International, 590 words, Shultz finds ''promising'' peace package in Egypt, By JIM ANDERSON, CAIRO, Egypt

[151] United Press International, March 22, 1988, Tuesday, PM cycle, International, 557 words, Shamir cheered for opposing U.S. peace initiative, By LOUIS TOSCANO, JERUSALEM

[152] United Press International, December 30, 1988, Friday, BC cycle, Commentary, 703 words, Washington Window Reagan lays foreign policy groundwork for Bush, By HELEN THOMAS, UPI White House Reporter, WASHINGTON

[153] A bulleted list of Donald Rumsfeld's career:

[153a] American Embassy Tel Aviv - Press Section; U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel C. Kurtzer; "The American Role in the Oslo Process"; BESA Center, Bar Ilan University; December 6, 2001

[155] The Independent (London), April 19, 1991, Friday, FOREIGN NEWS PAGE; Page 12 , 667 words, Baker visit angers Israeli settlers, From DAVID HOROVITZ in Kifl Harith, West Bank.

[156] The Times, May 14, 1991, Tuesday, Overseas news, 302 words, Shamir faces US cash squeeze, From Richard Beeston in Jerusalem


[157] The Washington Post, August 2, 1991, Friday, Final Edition, EDITORIAL; PAGE A25, 923 words, Road to Nowhere, Charles Krauthammer

[158] "ISRAEL 1991 TO PRESENT; MADRID 1991"; Palestine Facts.

[160] ARAFAT SHARES PEACE PRIZE WITH TWO ISRAELI LEADERS, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri), October 15, 1994, SATURDAY, FIVE STAR Edition, NEWS; Pg. 1A, 687 words, TEL AVIV, ISRAEL

[161] “What were the details of the Oslo Accords?”; Palestine Facts.

[162] Evening Standard (London) May 19, 1994; SECTION: Pg. 9; LENGTH: 907 words; HEADLINE: A NEW KIND OF JIHAD

[162a] You will find the most complete documentation on the history and ideology of the PLO here:

“HOW DID THE ‘PALESTINIAN MOVEMENT’ EMERGE? The British sponsored it. Then the German Nazis, and the US.”; Historical and Investigative Research; 13 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

Some of this material was originally published here:

“Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership”; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White

[162b] Israel-Palestinian Peace Process Threatened by Kidnapping of Soldier, The Associated Press, October 11, 1994, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 723 words, By ARIEH O'SULLIVAN, Associated Press Writer, JERUSALEM

[163] The Baltimore Sun,  July 11, 2001 Wednesday,  FINAL EDITION,  Pg. 1A,  1574 words,  Israelis taking darker view of Palestinian intentions; Many see existence of Jewish state at risk,  Mark Matthews.

[164] The Associated Press, May 19, 1994, Thursday, AM cycle, International News, 629 words, Brothers Swear Off Violence - For Now, By SAID GHAZALI, Associated Press Writer, DURA, West Bank

[165] Agence France Presse -- English, June 16, 1992, News, 854 words, War on collaborators flares up, GAZA CITY

[166] Rights group says up to 950 Palestinian collaborators killed, United Press International, January 9, 1994, Sunday, BC cycle, International, 430 words, JERUSALEM

An Israeli human rights organization said Sunday between 750 and 950 Palestinians ''suspected of collaboration'' with Israeli authorities have been killed by Palestinian activists since the beginning of the intifada, the Palestinian uprising.

The B'tselem organization issued the first detailed study of human rights violations against Palestinians by other Palestinians under Israeli occupation. B'tselem officials said in addition to those killed on suspicion of collaboration, thousands more were tortured.


The new report said the tortures and killings of collaborators ''constitute gross violations of basic human rights.'' It said less than 50 percent of those killed for suspicion of collaborating with Israel were actually working with Israeli authorities.

Many ''collaborators'' were in fact executed for being ''moral offenders,'' such as homosexuals, drug dealers and criminals whose behavior was unacceptable to Palestinian activist groups.

B'tselem found the fundamentalist Hamas group overtly supported the killings, while Palestine Liberation Organization leaders spoke out publicly against the killings but did not take the necessary measures to prevent them.

[167] Palestinians arm some former prisoners, United Press International, June 22, 1994, Wednesday, BC cycle, International, 478 words, BY SAUD ABU RAMADAN, GAZA CITY, June 22

[168] The Associated Press, May 23, 1994, Monday, AM cycle, International News, 496 words, PLO Security Chief Warns He'll Meet Violence With Violence, By KARIN LAUB, Associated Press Writer, JERICHO, West Bank

[169] Xinhua News Agency, MAY 24, 1994, TUESDAY, 357 words, weapons to be registered in gaza, jericho, jerusalem, may 24; ITEM NO: 0524096

[170] Associated Press Worldstream, May 20, 1996; Monday, International news, 122 words, JERUSALEM

[171] Associated Press Worldstream, March 09, 1996; Saturday, International news, 864 words, RON KAMPEAS , JERUSALEM.

[172] IPS-Inter Press Service, December 2, 1998, Wednesday, 918 words, POLITICS-MIDDLE EAST: SECRET SERVICES IN THE NAME OF PEACE?, By Dilip Hiro, LONDON, Dec. 2

[172a] Islamic Jihad: We Have 50 Willing To Die In Suicide Attacks, Associated Press Worldstream, November 16, 1994; Wednesday, International news, 513 words, JERUSALEM

[173] Associated Press Online, November 27, 2004 Saturday, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 991 words, Palestinian Security Unit to Be Disbanded, IBRAHIM BARZAK; Associated Press Writer, GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip

[174] “Arab Peace Strategy and the Fragmentation of Israeli Society”; MEMRI; July 21, 1999; No.40.

[175] Old Foes Meet Today At Israel-PLO Signing; White House Ceremony to Open New Era, The Washington Post, September 13, 1993, Monday, Final Edition, FIRST SECTION; PAGE A1, 1289 words, Thomas W. Lippman, Washington Post Staff Writer

[176] Much is on hold as we await George Bush's second term,  Ottawa Citizen, January 15, 2005 Saturday,  Final Edition, NEWS; David Warren; Pg. B6, 730 words, David Warren, The Ottawa Citizen.

[177] Associated Press Online, November 27, 2004 Saturday, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 991 words, Palestinian Security Unit to Be Disbanded, IBRAHIM BARZAK; Associated Press Writer, GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip.

[178] Barghouti Seeking Palestinian Presidency, Associated Press Online, December 1, 2004 Wednesday, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 836 words, MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH; Associated Press Writer, RAMALLAH, West Bank

[179] Newsday (New York, NY),  September 8, 2002 Sunday,  NASSAU AND SUFFOLK EDITION,  Pg. A05,  1333 words,  WEST BANK; Inside the Crucible; An occasional series on te Israel-Palestine conflict; Militia Goes More Quietly; Al-Aqsa changes tactics after losses,  By Matthew McAllester. MIDDLE EAST CORRESPONDENT

[180] “The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades…claimed responsibility for the attack in a telephone call to AFP.” Source: Palestinians denounce Tel Aviv suicide attack,  Agence France Presse -- English, February 25, 2005 Friday,  11:03 PM GMT, 123 words, GAZA Feb 25

[181] Tel Aviv suicide bomber identified,  Xinhua General News Service, February 26, 2005 Saturday,  5:00 AM EST, WORLD NEWS; Political, 196 words, RAMALLAH

[182] "Can Israel survive if it does not defend itself?: The Jewish people must come to grips with their radical opposition to self-defense"; Historical and Investigative Research, last revised 13 September 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

[183] “A Palestinian official speaking on condition of anonymity said preliminary inquiries pointed to the involvement of Hezbollah in the attack, although the radical Lebanese Shiite group denied any involvement.”

SOURCE: Palestinian bomber told mother: 'I won't be home for dinner',  Agence France Presse -- English, February 26, 2005 Saturday,  2:25 PM GMT, 487 words, DEIR AL-GHUSSUN, West Bank Feb 26

[184] “IDF Widens Attacks to Samaria; 7 Terrorists Killed”; Israel National News; 17:53 Jul 15, '05 / 8 Tammuz 5765; by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu.

[185]  The following are excerpts from the following article: “A Holocaust-Denier as Prime Minister of “Palestine?”; by Dr. Rafael Medoff; March 2003.

[Excerpt begins here]

While European Union officials praised Yasir Arafat’s decision to appoint his first-ever prime minister, historians of the Holocaust winced at the news  that a leading candidate for the job is the author of a book denying that the

Nazis murdered six million Jews.

The candidate is Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen), Arafat’s second in command, and his book, published (in Arabic) in 1983, is titled ‘The Other Side: The Secret Relations Between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement.’ It was originally his doctoral dissertation, completed at Moscow Oriental College, in the Soviet Union.

According to a translation of the text provided by the Simon Wiesenthal  Center, Abbas’s book repeatedly attempts to cast doubt on the fact that the Nazis slaughtered six million Jews. He writes: “Following the war, word was spread that six million Jews were amongst the victims and that a war of extermination was aimed primarily at the Jews ... The truth is that no one can either confirm or deny this figure. In other words, it is possible that the number of Jewish victims reached six million, but at the same time it is possible that the figure is much smaller--below one million.” Abbas denies that the gas chambers were used to murder Jews, quoting a “scientific study” to that effect by French

Holocaust-denier Robert Faurisson.

Abbas then asserts: “The historian and author, Raoul Hilberg, thinks that the figure does not exceed 890,000.” This is, of course, utterly false. Professor Hilberg, a distinguished historian and author of the classic study ‘The Destruction of the European Jews’, has never said or written any such thing.

Abbas believes the number six million is the product of a Zionist conspiracy: “It seems that the interest of the Zionist movement, however, is to inflate this figure so that their gains will be greater,” he writes. “This led them to emphasize this figure [six million] in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions--fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand.” Another falsehood. In fact, no serious scholar proposes such a figure.

After reducing the magnitude of the Nazi slaughter so that it no longer seems to have been a full-scale Holocaust, Abbas seeks to absolve the Nazis by blaming the Zionist leadership for whatever killings did take place. According to

Abbas, “a partnership was established between Hitler’s Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement ... [the Zionists gave] permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long

as it guarantees immigration to Palestine.” In addition to encouraging the persecution of Jews so they would emigrate to the Holy Land, the Zionist leaders actually *wanted* Jews to be murdered, because --in Abbas’s words--”having

more victims meant greater rights and stronger privilege to join the negotiation table for dividing the spoils of war once it was over. However, since Zionism was not a fighting partner--suffering victims in a battle--it had no escape

but to offer up human beings, under any name, to raise the number of victims, which they could then boast of at the moment of accounting.”


Yet some in the media have treated Abbas with kid gloves, to say the least.  The official BCC News Profile of Abbas reports: “A highly intellectual man,  Abbas studied law in Egypt before doing a Ph.D. in Moscow. He is the author of several books.” The New York Times recently characterized Abbas as “a lawyer and  historian ... He holds a doctorate in history from the Moscow Oriental  College; his topic was Zionism.” Neither the BBC nor the Times have offered any  further explanation as to the contents of Abbas’s writings.

Bestowing the title “historian” upon Mahmoud Abbas awards his writings a stature they do not deserve, and deals a grievous insult to every genuine historian.


[Excerpt ends here]

[186] A Rude Awakening ,  The New York Times, February 5, 2004 Thursday,  Late Edition - Final , Section A; Column 5; Editorial Desk; Pg. 31, 756 words,  By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN

[186a] From the jacket to Friedman's latest book: The World is Flat (2005), New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

[187] Abbas: Death threats forced me to quit,  The Jerusalem Post, June 15, 2004, Tuesday, NEWS; Pg. 5, 270 words, Daniel Farber

[188] “Mahmoud Abbas, 69, also known as Abu Mazen. In pole position, given he has just taken over Mr Arafat's role as chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation following a unanimous vote of its executive committee.”

SOURCE: Key players line up for Palestinian starring role, The Herald (Glasgow), November 12, 2004, Pg. 6, 599 words, Michael Settle And Robbie Dinwoodie

[189] Arafat illness: Sharon's strategy frustrated by demise of enemy: Gaza plan PM loses key justification, The Guardian (London) - Final Edition, November 6, 2004, Guardian Home Pages, Pg. 4, 874 words, Chris McGreal

[190] Key players line up for Palestinian starring role, The Herald (Glasgow), November 12, 2004, Pg. 6, 599 words, Michael Settle And Robbie Dinwoodie

[191] SHARON REJECTS BUSH'S CALL TO TAKE DOWN SECURITY' FENCE, The Independent (London), July 30, 2003, Wednesday, FOREIGN NEWS; Pg. 12, 541 words, RUPERT CORNWELL IN WASHINGTON International activists try to cut through the fence dividing the West Bank from Israel Saif Dahlah/AFP

[192] BUSH CALLS FOR HALT TO NEW SETTLEMENTS AS SHARON WARNS OF ‘CIVIL WAR’ IN ISRAEL, The Independent (London), April 12, 2005, Tuesday, Final Edition; FOREIGN NEWS; Pg. 28,29, 674 words, BY RUPERT CORNWELL IN WASHINGTON

[193] Disengagement Opponents Vow to March on Gaza Despite Police Ban, Voice of America News, July 18, 2005, VOA ENGLISH SERVICE, 437 words

"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Rubystars

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part one...
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2008, 09:52:03 PM »
The current Israeli government isn't even an ally of Israel. It's quite sad. I hope that Chaim or someone like him in the future will change that.

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part one...
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2008, 10:28:33 PM »
can I get the cliff notes for this lol

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part one...
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2008, 11:12:36 PM »
let me just give the bottom line.

It doesn't matter who is allies with whom..

The only ally Israel has is Gd...and if we Jews are terrible to one another and terrible as people, Gd will not be our ally.

Other countries might like Israel but most likely for personal gain and not for anything more...Maybe a select few will bless Israel because they know that vegetables are good for their health..I say, if you're a gentile and you're going to bless Israel do it for the sake of blessing and not for a reward in the afterlife...the same goes with being a moral decent human do it because it's good for you and good for the world...

oh and Dan out!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part one...
« Reply #32 on: March 20, 2008, 01:51:01 PM »
read the article and know thy enemy so you can take steps to protect yourself and other jews from being taken in and duped by these rashayim... i only refer to the govt. here... the elite ruling class... nik. out...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part one...
« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2008, 01:53:51 PM »
I don't think Casper Weinberger and the assistant Secretary of State, under Reagan, ever got in trouble for refusing to give information to Israel, that they promised to give.  And they condemned Israel's actions against the Iraq nuclear reactor.  And Weinberger got Pollard sent to jail.  Those who've given intelligence information to enemies, have received less severe punishments than what Pollard received. 

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: is the u.s. an ally of israel...? part one...
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2008, 03:01:26 PM »
Israel's own leftist are not an ally to Israel or anyone else for that matter.  Except A-Rabs... And you are confussing Americans with leftists in this country that they too hate America as well.