Author Topic: New Authority Will Coordinate and Push Mass Transit  (Read 2307 times)

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New Authority Will Coordinate and Push Mass Transit
« on: March 23, 2008, 04:37:56 PM »
New Authority Will Coordinate and Push Mass Transit

( The Transportation Ministry is establishing a national authority to regulate all forms of public transportation, according to an announcement by Transportation Minister Shau'ul Mofaz Monday.

The new body will oversee the operations of buses, cabs, railways, light rails and other public transportation.

The authority will work with smaller local bodies to coordinate between the various modes of public transportation to reduce congestion in Israel's cities. Methods will include establishing free parking at the edges of cities and possibly establishing tolls to enter the center of towns in order to encourage motorists to leave their vehicles and board mass-transit. 

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Re: New Authority Will Coordinate and Push Mass Transit
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2008, 05:43:19 PM »
Egged the National Bus company in Israeli is great you can get through every twist and turn in the counrty. From the Golan Heights to Eliat to Judea and Samaria and every place in between. The United States needs to catch up. But as long as we have George Bush or McCain for that matter in the White House we don't stand much of a chance. Shmucks like Bush think that Corn is the sountion to our Oil addcition but it takes over 1 Gallon of Oil to create 1 Gallon of Gas talk about a dumb idea. But it is Bush after all so what do you expect
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh