Author Topic: The Nazis were not Communists  (Read 6601 times)

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Offline EagleEye

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2008, 12:30:34 AM »
Nazism is not Marxism, it may be socialistic, but Hitler focused more on the National Part than the Socialist part.  Neither is socialism "communism."  Socialism is just a left-wing dictatorship, and communism is the abolition of private party.

The nazis were racial nationalists who were willing to expand at the expense of the Jewish and Gentile people's of Eastern Europe.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2008, 12:33:21 AM by EagleEye »

Offline MarZutra

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2008, 10:14:45 AM »
Nazism is not Marxism, it may be socialistic, but Hitler focused more on the National Part than the Socialist part.  Neither is socialism "communism."  Socialism is just a left-wing dictatorship, and communism is the abolition of private party.

The nazis were racial nationalists who were willing to expand at the expense of the Jewish and Gentile people's of Eastern Europe.
You must not have read Mein Kempf nor known that Hitler invaded, expanded his power internationally soon after gaining his dictatorial power.  This negates the "National" aspect within "National Socialism".  It was an internationalist ideology akin to Communism albeit as aforementioned combined with a contortion of Blavatsky's Theosophy promulgated by Rudolf von Sebottendorff's Thule Society and later by Houston Stewart Chamberlain; author of "The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century" . 

Both Nazism and Communism followed Marx's philosophy of revolution, propaganda, subversion, suppression, brute force, concentration camps, extermination ect. to become the dominant private party of the day...  Hitler gained a great mass of his political drive and "education" through being member of Germany's Communist Party.

In this case you are denying Karl Marx's own views on Socialism as well as Leninism which is slightly different than Marxism albeit with the same conclusion.  Karl Marx himself stated "I'm not a Marxist."   ;)  Vladimir Lenin "The goal of socialism is communism". 

You might research the objective of Lenin's Perestroika or better, read "The Perestroika Deception" by Anatoliy Golitsyn.  O0

I see what you are trying to say but must however disagree with the base of your arguement brother... :)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline EagleEye

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2008, 02:23:41 PM »
You must not have read Mein Kempf nor known that Hitler invaded, expanded his power internationally soon after gaining his dictatorial power.
You must not have read my post because your reply is idiotic in context with what I originally said.  Hitler was a racial nationalist and yes, I have read parts of Mein Kampf.
Vladimir Lenin "The goal of socialism is communism".
No.  You are quoting out of context.  The goal of socialism is communism according to Marxist theory, but not all socialists have the goal of communism.  Secondly, in Marxist theory, socialism and communism are two separate and distinct stages.

Offline EagleEye

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2008, 02:29:17 PM »
I'll repeat.

Fascism = Corporate dictatorship
Nazism = Racist dictatorship
Socialism = left-wing dictatorship
Communism = the abolition of private policy

Marxists believe that capitalism must be replaced with socialism, but then that socialism must be replaced with Communism.  They are not one in the same, and Hitler did not have the goal of replacing socialism with communism, neither did he fully implement socialism.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2008, 04:05:11 PM »
Brother please do not insult me. I disagree with you.  You are saying that Lenin didn't know about Socialism as per his quote.  How do you think Hitler came to power?  His tactics were akin to the Bolshevik Revolution.  I'm not argueing about your theories about "race" and Nazism simply explaining where these racial dogmas came from.   You have read parts of Mein Kempf but not the whole.  By your statement about Communism you only outline one precept of the Communist ideology/goal. 

Communism is as far to the Left wing as one can get.  National Socialism is, solely by the title and without the racial dogma is akin to Fascism.  International Socialism is akin to Communism.  There was a difference between traditional Marxism and Leninism but the end goal is the same. 

I fully realize what Marxism is and have read all of Karl Marx's works.  Socialism is, as aforementioned, only a step towards Communism.  Shitler's Germany and Stalin's Communist Russia were very very similar in nature.  Not once did I say that Communism IS Nazism but without the Racial undertone, which I explained earlier, they are very similar ideologies.  To deny that is to deny reality...  I have not insulted you so please do not insult me.  Thank you... MZ

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline EagleEye

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2008, 10:15:45 PM »
Hitler came to power more democratically than the Bolsheviks did.  Russia was a third world nation at the time and it was determined via war, whereas Hitler legally took power, and then declared martial law.

Fascism believes in supporting the corporate class and supporting business interests.  Hitler did not.  But he didn't speak of class warfare either.  What Hitler tried to do was unite people of German racial background regardless of class, and expand geographically.  It's neither fascism nor communism, though it may have some socialistic influences, they were not the main goals of the regime.

Socialism leads to communism according to marx, but plenty of socialists are not communists, and Hitler was at most a Socialist and not a Communist.  He had no goal of Communism, even for just German people.  On economic issues, he was more moderate than the Bolsheviks.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2008, 11:10:10 PM »
Ok, we agree to disagree...  Antony Sutton has some fabulous books on this subject.  Enjoy ;)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2008, 10:34:12 AM »
Hitler came to power more democratically than the Bolsheviks did.  Russia was a third world nation at the time and it was determined via war, whereas Hitler legally took power, and then declared martial law.

Fascism believes in supporting the corporate class and supporting business interests.  Hitler did not.  But he didn't speak of class warfare either.  What Hitler tried to do was unite people of German racial background regardless of class, and expand geographically.  It's neither fascism nor communism, though it may have some socialistic influences, they were not the main goals of the regime.

Socialism leads to communism according to marx, but plenty of socialists are not communists, and Hitler was at most a Socialist and not a Communist.  He had no goal of Communism, even for just German people.  On economic issues, he was more moderate than the Bolsheviks.

Russia was a third world nation at the time ... = 1917

yeah right...

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2008, 10:44:36 AM »
Your are correct Ambrioix.  Russia was far from what we know as a "Third World Nation".  It had its wealthy and its poor as did Germany.  Russia was not on the "enlightened" and "educated" level of Germany nor at the hight of Germany's Industrial complex, although after the Treaty of Verseilles, Germany, with American/British Financial assistance did do immense business developing Russia's Industrial complex, especially Germany with respect to its Armorments Industry to evade this treaty.

You are correct in many ways.  Remeber "The Beer Hall Putsch" which was a failed coup d'état that occurred between the evening of Thursday, November 8 and the early afternoon of Friday, November 9, 1923, when the Nazi party's leader Adolf Hitler, the popular World War I General Erich Ludendorff, and other leaders of the Kampfbund, unsuccessfully tried to gain power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany. This attempt was akin to Lenin's Bolsheviks and was also financed-assisted by many of the same sources...

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2008, 11:48:04 AM »
We Flemish and Jews from Antwerp , fleeing for the spanish invaders in 1585, established the Golden Age of the Nation of Holland, and made the cities of Amsterdam, New York (nieuw-Amsterdam) were developed by them.

The Russian tsar Peter the Great, learned to build ships in Holland,
and thus established the first Russian marine.

This a special connection we and the Russians have, and Russians are very thankful and respectful to our small nation for providing them this technology.
All marine-words in Russian are Dutch. Even the Russian words for chair and kitchen,... change to the Dutch words, when in a ship!

Russia today is in a terrible state. Negative birth-rate, alcoholism, ruzism, muslims, china wanting to invade Siberia, USA/NATO/EU increasingly hostile, but at the other hand, Moscow is the fastest developing city in Europe.

The country side and the farmer-class has been destroyed by the evil communists,
the genetic composition of the Russian people is even affected by the horrors of the Revolution , the World Wars, and the horrors of Leninism, Stalinism.

The good thing is , that the Russian have no "pussification" as here, and in the USA.
So, probably, they will emerge as more powerful, and stable country, once West-Europe is in total decline due to the collapse of the states here under muslim-pressure.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 12:17:06 PM by Ambiorix »
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline EagleEye

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2008, 09:16:45 PM »
Russia fought WWI using a very weak army, even using swords.  Russia was not an industrialized nation until Stalin forcibly modernized it.

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Re: The Nazis were not Communists
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2008, 09:36:14 PM »
I think they are worse than an average commie!  Despite both of them being restrictive (best word I could use) forms of government, National Socialism (Nazis) are worse!  They create bigger governments than huge communist governments and they enforce harsher restrictions on basic rights! :'(
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!