Regarding the great new JTF.otg / home page, I strongly believe there should be a link to the videos and JTF audio programs that Chaim, David, and others have put together over the years. This way, people can have immediate access to this invaluable info. Words can't even describe how much the JTF video and audio programs I've seen and heard, have enhanced my life in the last 2 to 3 months.
In my opinion, these videos and audio programs are an excellent marketing tool that the JTF can use to increase participation in the forum and hence spreading word of mouth about JTF.
The is a great foundation as a marketing tool but the videos from the last few months aren't included on that page. The audio programs though have been updated.

If the video programs are updated on the JTF Archive site and a link to the JTF Forum Online Video Coordinator Center can be provided on the JTF Archive site, people coming to the JTF. org / home page would then be only ONE click away from all the video and audio programming of the JTF.