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3 New JTF Videos (03/26)
Some of videos are still up on ZOOTUBE! One can download them fromm - past the link - that's the exact youtube video link - paste it into the space and press downlaod. Plays in vlc or flv players - free to download.
Great work Chaim! Amazing videos!! :laugh:
Obama lies when he says he didn’t hear or doesn’t agree with all the anti-semitic filth coming from his pastor or from Farrakhan and the black Nazi piece of garbage Jesse Jackson, a so-called “minister”. His Pastor, an evil bigot, justified the 9/11 Muslim terror attacks on the U.S., basically saying that America and Israel are “racist nations” that have no right to exist. Obama tries to get away from it when he says “he doesn’t agree with what his Pastor said”, or “didn’t hear what he said” or even “he wasn’t in the pew when it was said”.
He knew exactly what was going on and has been a member of this “Church” for 20 years! It is because his Pastor is a white-hater and a Jew-hater that he is attracted to him (Wright). He was aware of what all that was being said, all the hate mongering, already 20 years ago. The media wants to help Obama get out of all of this and escape form it, so they promote him and show him in a good light and they themselves are trying to help him! That Pastor speaks for Obama and that was why he married Obama and who baptised his children. Obama said that the spiritual inspiration of him joining the “Church” was because of this minister. But it really was to cover-up the fact that he IS a Muslim – because he always planned to run for president. Obama shares this racist hatred from his minister and that’s why Obama finds him “so inspiring”.
Jeremiah Wright said very name of “Israel” is a ‘dirty’ word. Obama agrees with his Jew-hating spiritual leader and Pastor, who want Israel’s destruction, the destruction of this tiny, minute, little place – the only place the Jews can call home, whilst the Muslims have 66 nations/countries, many huge, gigantic and rich. Like a Nazi, he calls for genocide and a Holocaust against the Jewish people. That’s acceptable! Obama even says he won’t disown Wright, and the news media cover over for him and are promoting him as a “great” candidate. Wight also said “G-d dam America” – calling for her destruction, in effect.
Many vile, evil, sick, self-hating Jews (like George Soros David Axelrod) and self-hating whites are funding and helping his campaign! These insane wealthy, Hollywood, Disney, establishment Jews are ashamed to be Jews and of their history, and hate Israel! They have no loyalty or self-respect to Israel and the Jewish people. They are traitors to the Jewish people!
Obama gave a donation of $27,000 USD, in 2007, to his so-called ‘Church’. And that is from pretty stingy person! His biggest donation to any charity! Obama has a very close relationship with this racist black, Jeremiah Wright, to this day, and completely supports him and his sermons. Wright says the same anti-semitic things as Farrakhan does against Jews and whites. He continues to be the Church to Obama.
Any non black that votes for Obama really should die of the most painful diseases. Obama has an agenda that will make all non blacks life a living hell should he become president. What is wrong with people even with the little we know about this guy he is an open book.
The videos are still up there. I think this is a good move - but not a precedent. Thanks to all who have posed questions on my ASK YESHA show so far!
Confederate Kahanist:
Rush is being such a neocon.
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