The Republicans have no backbone Marzutra. They're scared of being labeled a racist. They have come under the political correctness spell. It's time we had someone in office that's not afraid to tell it like it is. The Islamic/Nazi religion is not about peace. It's about world domination and destroying all who oppose them. In my opinion, both parties have been ambushed by cowards, especially the Democrat/Communist party. The Republicans however, are trying to fight the bastards, but they need to admit that we are fighting Islam itself and not just the fanatics. By the way, check out my profile on myspace. Search for moondog62001 and you will see it. I'm trying to get out the message there also. I have been making some progress but it is slow. G-d bless AMERICA and ISRAEL!!!!!
I agree with you brother. Here in Canada it is much the same but not as corrupted and the corruption is not as blatantly obvious. Sadly, I will not excuse anyone for remaining silent and too am of the opinion that, especially in the US, it is a one party system where there are no real Republicans-Conservative or even Nationalist individuals at the top levels of either party. None stand, as Savage would say for Borders, Language or Culture. They are all CFR stooges. All are internationalists. People like George Bush, Shvartzanigger, McCain, Giuliani are not at all "Conservative" or even true Republicans but frauds. Honest people like Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo or even the shamed Congressman Curt Weldon would never be allowed to run for the Presidency. Look how Ron Paul, for example, was totally avoided by the CFR media complex. I don't much like the fellow but most didn't know he was running and didn't even seriously consider his platform. Barry Goldwater's '64 election campaign was the most blut example of corruption and undermining of any non-aligned CFR candidate; also detailed in his memoirs "
With No Apologies."
In actuality, there are no republicans or even true democrats above the bottom/local levels of the American political system. George Bush is perhaps the worst President in American history, even surpassing James Carter. I say this because Carter was a Democrat, very corrupt and CFR/Trilateral. Bush lied openly in most of what he said to get voted in and further regress into the CFR international socialist schema. Same as Clinton, Bush and even Regan. Hell American Politics have been infiltrated since the days of Woodrow Wilson and his alter ego Colonel M. House but totally dominated and controlled by the CFR/Trilateral Commission (and their international spiders web) specifically since the days of FDR. If you look at the actualities especially since FDR you will see that much of which is Hegelian Dialectics at work continually "progressing" America to the Left, illegally undermining the Constitution and guiding your foreign policy towards a specific goal. John T. Flynn wrote, as did many others, on this subject but his book "
Decline of the Aemrican Republic" is a gem in my opinion like
all those of Antony Sutton or James Perloff's "
Shadows of Power". I think one must be an true independantly thinking Conservative to review and critique both parties. What you say is certainly correct but moreover one must ask how it got to be this way? Who was behind this continual "progression" into Fascism/Bolshevism and Trotskite thinking? Why are they doing this?
I posted a fabulous article on the site about PetroDollars. Another fabulous little video called "The Capitalist Conspiracy" as well another interview of Dr. Antony Sutton amongst many others. It is all a sham my friend. I'd not bother even voting in the Federal Elections but vote for a true Conservative, G-d fearing Protestant Republican for Mayor, Gov etc.
All one big fraud my friend. Sadly, Americans don't see it and don't actually do. The fact of a "Father then Son" Barak Hussein Mohammad Obama (in a time of war against Islam) and then a "husband and wife" especially when the husband should be tried and hung for treason surrounding Chinagate alone forgetting all of his other "deeds"....common how corrupted can the system be? Short of a civil war will only save your country, like Britian and Israel. People should be out by the hundreds of thousands protesting all of the Government and the Elitist Establishment complex or petitioning their State Governors for a break from the "Federal" Republic as detailed under your founding charter. That, in my opinion, are the only ways America can be saved from these Utopian Socialists power crazed mega wealthy bankers, industrialists, thinkers and their lackys ruining your country.