Author Topic: Kassam rockets fired- left-wing women danger - terrorists demand 1,000 for Gilad  (Read 5049 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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Wow... they are now lumping this stuff together because it's just so ridiculous.

Roundup: Kassams, 1,000 Prisoners, Watch-Women Danger
14:44 Sep 01, '06 / 8 Elul 5766
by Hillel Fendel

Two Kassam rockets fired towards Ashkelon, left-wing women convince commander not to check suspicious Arab, and terrorists demand 1,000 of their number for Gilad Shalit.

IDF forces located and destroyed several Hizbullah bunkers in southern Lebanon on Thursday. The bunkers were located west of the village of Ita A-Shab, the site of harsh battles in the recent war. Shoulder-held missile launchers were found in the bunkers, as were 170 mortar shells, communication devices, and more....

It has been reported that the Hamas kidnappers of Corp. Gilad Shalit demand 1,000 Arab terrorist prisoners - including some involved in murdering Israelis - in return for his freedom. The offer has been submitted to the Israeli government...

A soldier has been removed from an IDF checkpoint near Tul Karem, east of Netanya, after his parents complained of his commander's behavior. The incident occurred when women of the left-wing Machsom Watch organization persuaded the checkpoint commander not to closely inspect a suspiciously-dressed Arab man. The man stood out by wearing a suit on a hot day, and the soldiers wished to have him lift his shirt, in accordance with procedure, to prove he was not wearing an explosives vest. Machsom Watch women, however, speaking by phone to the commander, convinced him to order his soldiers not to do so. The women said, "He is a respected man; you can see that he's OK."

The parents of one of the soldiers filed a complaint with the IDF, saying that the commander, by giving in to the women, issued an "illegal order that endangered soldiers and citizens." ...

Two Kassam rockets were fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza Friday morning towards Ashkelon, landing near Kibbutz Yad Mordechai. No damage was caused...

IDF forces apprehended five Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria over the night...
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