Author Topic: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?  (Read 9997 times)

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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2008, 11:26:15 PM »
Definitly! Osama is so awful and will win the presidency unless he's exposed to the Christians and patriots of America.  There are so many sick, sick people who will vote for him so the more info on him, the better!!!!  Is there any way to dig up any info on Michelle Obama? She seems like the real anti white-Jewish racist even more than Osama. Both Michelle and Barak have huge parts of thier lives that are not known to the public.  Perhaps through public records searches or extensive searching through the internet?  >:( 

Offline Christian Zionist

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2008, 12:48:13 AM »
Chaim, I think we should start it right now. sends a free ObamaExposed.pdf via e-mail.  It is a collection of article written by right-wing authors!

Here are the authors with the titles.

Amanda B. Carpenter (Assistant Editor of HUMAN EVENTS (where this Report was published))
Obama More Pro-Choice Than NARAL
Obama’s Voting Record Belies Moderate Image
Barack Obama Is Just Another Liberal

Ann Coulter (Author of Godless: The Church of Liberalism)
Jonathan Livingston Obama

Tom Fitton (President, Judicial Watch)
Barack Obama’s Whitewater?

Steve Chapman (News Columnist, Chicageo Tribune)
Barack Obama and the Pertinent Precedents

D.R. Tucker (Not sure who he is, but he’s not Tucker Carlson, that’s for sure)
Will GOP Be Ready for Obama Onslaught?

L. Brent Bozell III (Writer, activist and President of Media Research Center)
Youth Double Standard: Obama vs. Dubya

Robert Spencer (Islam Writer)
Our First Muslim President?

Dennis Byrne (Chicago newspaper columnist. Check out his blog)
Is Obama Black Enough?

Bill O’Reilly (Social Commentator… if that’s what you want to call him)
The Perils of Obama

Mac Johnson (Writer, HUMAN EVENTS)
Barack Obama: The Human Rorschach Blot

Michelle Malkin (columnist, blogger, author. She writes for a site call, get this, "Hot Air".)
Obama: Wasting His Own Breath

Ben Shapiro (Orthodox Jew and conservative political columnist and author)
Iran: Praying for Obama

Ericka Andersen (News Producer, HUMAN EVENTS)
Debate Coverage: The Obama Question

Monica Crowley
Who The Liberals Really Are

Erica Anderson
The Liberal Egotism of Barack Obama

Dan Proft
Reality of Obama Taking Hold

Robert J. Caldwell
Obama in Perspective

Star Parker
Huckabee and Obama: A Study in Contrast
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2008, 12:56:19 AM »
I think we should be in full force of anti all dem candidates, cause they are both horrific.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2008, 02:49:55 AM »

The upcoming primaries are in the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. 

I posted a thread about the upcoming Virginia primary.  In addition to the possibility of McCain losing in Virginia which would make him look bad, I also want Obama to lose the Virginia primary. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2008, 03:00:42 AM »
Yes Chaim, it is never to early to start a campaign against this guy.  Please tell me he won't be a VP candidate if Hillary wins the nomination too.

If Hillary gets the Dem nomination, I think she would be under a lot of pressure to select him as the VP nominee.  I don't think she would want to because if their ticket were to win, he would overshadow her.  Hillary wouldn't want to be overshadowed by her VP.  I think she would be pressured to offer him the VP position but maybe he wouldn't want it. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2008, 03:39:33 AM »
Everyone read the posts by Cyberella in this thread.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2008, 03:52:18 AM »
But when a leader don't have leadership expirience, he may do things that are bad for sure, while Hilary, will do things that are bad for sure because she know's what exectly she wants to do. That's my opinion...

Can someome please answere my question on the first page.

Helping Hillary indirectly is necessary.

The Democrat nominee is going to be the favorite to win the general election.  If Hillary's their nominee, maybe it will be close, with the chances of an upset.  But if Obama's the nominee, I think he'll win. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2008, 03:54:18 AM »
Dexter, you are correct.  It will help Hillary Clinton, but Hillary could be pushed by strong public opinion.  People would be afraid to criticize Obama.

 As far as leadership experience, you are correct on that also.  But I just don't trust Obama to lead a marching band, let alone a country that NEEDS a strong moral leader now.

You are correct.

People will be willing to criticize Hillary and oppose some of her policies.  They would be afraid to oppose Obama. 

People like David Letterman make fun of Hillary.  They never make fun of Obama.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2008, 04:28:31 AM »
Chaim, I think we should start it right now. sends a free ObamaExposed.pdf via e-mail.  It is a collection of article written by right-wing authors!

Here are the authors with the titles.

Amanda B. Carpenter (Assistant Editor of HUMAN EVENTS (where this Report was published))
Obama More Pro-Choice Than NARAL
Obama’s Voting Record Belies Moderate Image
Barack Obama Is Just Another Liberal

Ann Coulter (Author of Godless: The Church of Liberalism)
Jonathan Livingston Obama

Tom Fitton (President, Judicial Watch)
Barack Obama’s Whitewater?

Steve Chapman (News Columnist, Chicageo Tribune)
Barack Obama and the Pertinent Precedents

D.R. Tucker (Not sure who he is, but he’s not Tucker Carlson, that’s for sure)
Will GOP Be Ready for Obama Onslaught?

L. Brent Bozell III (Writer, activist and President of Media Research Center)
Youth Double Standard: Obama vs. Dubya

Robert Spencer (Islam Writer)
Our First Muslim President?

Dennis Byrne (Chicago newspaper columnist. Check out his blog)
Is Obama Black Enough?

Bill O’Reilly (Social Commentator… if that’s what you want to call him)
The Perils of Obama

Mac Johnson (Writer, HUMAN EVENTS)
Barack Obama: The Human Rorschach Blot

Michelle Malkin (columnist, blogger, author. She writes for a site call, get this, "Hot Air".)
Obama: Wasting His Own Breath

Ben Shapiro (Orthodox Jew and conservative political columnist and author)
Iran: Praying for Obama

Ericka Andersen (News Producer, HUMAN EVENTS)
Debate Coverage: The Obama Question

Monica Crowley
Who The Liberals Really Are

Erica Anderson
The Liberal Egotism of Barack Obama

Dan Proft
Reality of Obama Taking Hold

Robert J. Caldwell
Obama in Perspective

Star Parker
Huckabee and Obama: A Study in Contrast

Great find.

I saw that a while ago and was about to search for it to post it. 

People on this forum need to see it.

Offline cjd

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2008, 06:47:19 AM »
    Obama seems to be able to inspire people in much the same way that Adolf Hitler did.  Liberal Whites and young people, particularly Whites, are mesmerized and hypnotized by the anti-patriotic, America-hating Obama.  Blacks see the first chance in American history, to put one of their own in the White House and have united for him.   Chaim, if JTF can spread the truth, it must be done now.  The mainstream media has bought into the Obama lie, and is spreading pro-Obama news 24/7.  In today's politically correct world, Obama can't be critizized because he is Black and has a Muslim name. 
   The mainstream media has negated the Muslim origin angle, and the majority of Americans have bought it bigtime.  I think exposure of all the facts about Obama's racist church, its' pastor and its' honoring of Farrakhan could influence older, White Americans. In addition, revealing Obama's desire to end the Patriot Act and disband the Department of Homeland Security should be stressed.  The newest gem about Obama this week is his proposal to hold a summit with all the leaders of the Muslim nations. 
  All these facts could probably sway the majority of center-left and center-right Americans over 30 away from Obama.  I think the majority of the 18-30 crowd are already brainwashed by "Obamamania."  They believe what the mainstream media and what their Marxist college professors tell them to do.  If some of the 18-30 crowd can be swayed away from Obama, that would be a major accomplishment. 
Excellent post! It hits the nail exactly on the head!!
After rereading I had to modify my position on this post a bit. Although Obama may have the same hype around him as Hitler did in his early days I don't think that we are dealing with the same situation here. Other than that I think the post is great.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2008, 06:56:14 AM by cjd »
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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2008, 09:14:35 AM »
    Obama seems to be able to inspire people in much the same way that Adolf Hitler did.  Liberal Whites and young people, particularly Whites, are mesmerized and hypnotized by the anti-patriotic, America-hating Obama.  Blacks see the first chance in American history, to put one of their own in the White House and have united for him.   Chaim, if JTF can spread the truth, it must be done now.  The mainstream media has bought into the Obama lie, and is spreading pro-Obama news 24/7.  In today's politically correct world, Obama can't be critizized because he is Black and has a Muslim name. 
   The mainstream media has negated the Muslim origin angle, and the majority of Americans have bought it bigtime.  I think exposure of all the facts about Obama's racist church, its' pastor and its' honoring of Farrakhan could influence older, White Americans. In addition, revealing Obama's desire to end the Patriot Act and disband the Department of Homeland Security should be stressed.  The newest gem about Obama this week is his proposal to hold a summit with all the leaders of the Muslim nations. 
  All these facts could probably sway the majority of center-left and center-right Americans over 30 away from Obama.  I think the majority of the 18-30 crowd are already brainwashed by "Obamamania."  They believe what the mainstream media and what their Marxist college professors tell them to do.  If some of the 18-30 crowd can be swayed away from Obama, that would be a major accomplishment. 
Excellent post! It hits the nail exactly on the head!!
After rereading I had to modify my position on this post a bit. Although Obama may have the same hype around him as Hitler did in his early days I don't think that we are dealing with the same situation here. Other than that I think the post is great.
We very much are dealing with the same situation with a 3rd Anti-Christ in Obama but this time the enemy controls the HOMELAND.  The man is actually attempting to be Slick enough to take America away from us without a war, similar to what the Muslims in Europe are doing.  We are very much facing a sullen, hostile situation, and might overreach the damage Hitler placed unto the world.  We must listen to Barack's words when he quotes Doc King message of the "FIERCE >:( URGENCY OF NOW!!!
America isn't bring taken away its being given over by sick self hating whites.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2008, 10:56:19 AM »
Chaim, in spirit I agree with you. In practice, I don't.

Obama IS more dangerous than Hillary because he is more popular and will unite more of America behind his evil plans. Politically and morally, there is zero difference between them. Hitlery is a black Muslim in a white woman's body. So yeah--I do think Hillary should beat Obama, but at the same time, I don't think the practical result will be that great.

I still think you should be urging us to vote for the Democrat, and for Republicans for Congress and the Senate. That is the best-case scenario for holding off evil plans and legislation.

Offline Cyberella

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2008, 02:13:36 PM »
Would somebody like to list places to start on our project to trash Obama then?

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #39 on: March 29, 2008, 10:35:14 PM »
Obama has been leading by the Republicans votes to ger rid of Hillary for a while! But he definitely gained strength and "God Bless USA and Israel "if he ever gets elected as president of the Unites States Israel is big time in trouble with this anti semite Hamas supporter! That is why I think we should cut the snake's head now!  Obama must be stopped now! Plus Hillary can not win against Mccain anymore because the blacks will never ever vote for her, ! I suggest to start anti_Obama campaign before the parimaries right now!

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Re: Attention JTFers: Should we start an anti-Obama campaign now?
« Reply #40 on: March 29, 2008, 10:44:29 PM »
Obama is the worst thing ever can happen to Israel!  I think that Hillary is much better than Obama! But if the Democraps gives the nomination to her, she won't win anyway!  Because the black voters will always think that the election has been stolen from them!
Hill is done, if she gets the nomination, I think that John McCain can win easily!
The worst scenerio, I'd rather Hill than Nobama!