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Herzl and the Zionists (Yimach Shemo)
Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
soryy CZ, but we dont allways read the Tannah at face value, we have the oral law to explain in details about the events, etc. (I dont want to get into a discussion about it, but bottom line is that great people like for example King David- when things are written extremly negativly about him, its on His high level, but for the average shmoze like us, King Davids (and other ppl in the Torah) "sins" would be concidered great mitzvot for us. If we dont fully understand the events in the Tannah its because of OUR negligence, and soo we must at the very least judge great people like David, Solomon, etc with Favor. (kol Haadam Lekah Zahot - including people in Ancient times).
Wasn't Herzl the one who wanted to make Uganda the Jewish state so Jews can support all the starving nations around it and be blamed when everything goes wrong. Not only would we have problems from the whole Muslim world, but also from the black world. Uganda is south of the Sudan where self-hating Jews and Hollywood Liberals are trying to get American troops killed as is. The Jewish state would surely be called Racist more than it is today if they had their country on the African continent. Oh what a disaster this would be.
--- Quote from: takebackourtemple on December 31, 2006, 10:46:29 PM ---Wasn't Herzl the one who wanted to make Uganda the Jewish state so Jews can support all the starving nations around it and be blamed when everything goes wrong. Not only would we have problems from the whole Muslim world, but also from the black world. Uganda is south of the Sudan where self-hating Jews and Hollywood Liberals are trying to get American troops killed as is. The Jewish state would surely be called Racist more than it is today if they had their country on the African continent. Oh what a disaster this would be.
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Yes that would be the same....
Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on January 01, 2007, 02:16:35 AM ---Speaking of "Ingathering of The Exiles to Uganda", that wouldn't be a bad idea for a different group of people who I won't mention by name because I'm so moderate I won't even say.
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good idea to send Herzl and the Zionists (Yimach Shemo)
I agree Yacov. Pehaps they'd take the Balestinians, Black Hebros and Communist Judenrot from Aretz Israel with them as well... ;)
I managed to find a very applicable passage from the Jerusalem Talmud, Hagiggah 1:7 - "Better the Jews abandon (HaShem) and continue to observe My Laws, through the observance of My Laws they will return to G-d (HaShem)" which relates to Jeremiah 16:11.
Does this apply to a leader of Aretz Israel I do not know.....
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