What Donald Had To Say (Obama's murdered choir director & Larry Sinclair)
LarrySinclair0926 ^ | 3/31/08 | Larry Sinclair
While I cannot for obvious reasons, disclose the exact content of the communications between Donald Young and myself, I believe it to be important to provide a general outtake to maybe help you and I understand why I asked “how did Mr. Young obtain my contact information before I ever went public?”
At first I was under the impression that I was being contacted by a member of the Obama staff to address my request that Obama himself correct his drug use record. I believed that to be, based on the questions Mr. Young had asked. What had in fact, shocked me by the conversation, was when I was asked why I had not asked Obama to disclose anything regarding our sexual encounter.
It was at this time I had a question of Mr. Young, which was “how do you know about that?”
It was after the first contact that I became very much aware that Senator Obama was fully aware of my contact with his Office and it was at that point I firmly believed Obama was going to set his drug record straight and acknowledge his crack cocaine use in 1999. I was wrong, and later communications with the person who had become know to me as Mr. Young would make that perfectly clear to me.
It was later that I learned I was not speaking to a member of Obama’s staff, but rather an individual with very personal involvements with Senator Obama. That became ever more clear in each communication.
What also became very clear to me was that these communications had begun with an intent to obtain as much information as possible as to whom I had informed about the 1999 encounters between Obama and I. And it became clearer in the end that the individual I was speaking with also had a very personal and intimate involvement with Senator Barack Obama.
I do hope those of you seeking the truth understand that I must allow the proper venue and authorities to deal with this as not to put anyone or the truth in jeopardy of being tampered with. So please, do not ask me to post anything more specific that I am able to do at this point.
I did want to make it clear for all, that no matter how many wish to try and make this about me, it is and always has been about one person and what that one person will do to keep the public from seeing him as he truly is. That one person is the DIS-honorable Jr. Senator from IL, Barack Obama.
And THIS from a poster on his website: (

So, Obama was always meant to fall after knocking out Hillary so Bloomberg could launch, and be successful, in an independent run. The rumors were that something absolutely disgusting would end his campaign. I thought it was Rezko. But, on second thought, that’s not radical enough. This is. The gay stuff is not even disgusting enough. Murder is. Hillary threw a monkey in the wrench when she won Texas/Ohio. Now the drip drip drip necessary in any well executed slander campaign has started. But Hillary is still in the race! Problem! Well Felix, turn your pet cat, Pelosi, loose to finish her off. So, Larry, are you a witting, or unwitting pawn in this campaign? Because if you are an unwitting one, watch your friends closer than your enemies. That is, I believe you. However, should the formula change and a back-up plan be required that doesn’t include you, you would be in danger. The part I haven’t figured out is the Brezinski / Volcker crowd that assembled their puppet, Obama, that stupid? I would not think so. The latest talk is a Bloomberg VP. That could work for them. Obama resigns under disgrace after winning the election and the VP steps in, same as New York. The most apparent tie between the Obama creators and the Bloomberg crowd is Pelosi. She’s Rohatyn’s puppet. Rohatyn is a key figure in that Bloomberg plan. Just thinking out load.