
Do you feel weapons/ammunition made in countries that work against us should be banned for import in the US?

Yes, we should not be supporting the economy of these countries
6 (60%)
Yes, we should ban these weapons for safety reasons
0 (0%)
No, it's a free market, we should be able to buy any guns we want, bans only hurt the citizens
4 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Should weapons/ammunition from foreign countries that hurt US/Israel be banned?  (Read 6337 times)

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Offline White Israelite

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So there is some controversy over the fact that we in the US have a huge option of weapons from all over the world to choose from. Many of these weapons are surplus. I would like to engage in debate about the view on firearms from different countries. We hear so many people say they are opposed to gun control, but I would like to test the grounds and see how many people are "truly" opposed to gun control.

As we know, the assault weapon ban and 922(r) regulations has opened up a whole new market for companies in America. Ever since certain weapons like the Galil, FAL, AK47, HK91, and other so called assault weapons have been banned (as in sale of new weapons), the American industry has tried to capitalize on the popularity of these weapons by attempting to make clones by reverse engineering the receivers (which in some cases are superior, and other cases inferior) or by using the actual tooling by these companies.

Regulations currently placed on military type weapons like 922(r) require a certain amount of American parts on these weapons for them to legally be sold.

Bill Clinton banned the import of "assault rifles" from China, the excuse being that criminals were able to obtain these weapons cheaply and launch terror upon innocent civilians. This however did not stop the import of shotguns or other politically correct "sporting" rifles from being imported into the US.

To make things more clear, the poll is in regards to if JTF members are completely opposed to gun control and believe firearms should be a free market, or if you feel that certain countries should be blocked that work against our interests. We'll go over the pro and cons as well.

Recently, theres been some controversy on certain weapons, Austrian manufacturer Steyr has been in the news recently for supplying Iranians with .50 caliber sniper rifles, some of the gun forums are saying that members should boycott Steyr for supplying our enemies. Others feel that this is perfectly justified.

I find this rather odd that Steyr is targeted, if anyone looks at terrorist arsenal, they really have a selection of many weapons from all over the world. The Israeli government have supplied the fakestinians with M16's (Made in America), they have also sold Galils to questionable nations in the past as well, Russia and China have sold weapons to anyone who has the cash from terrorists to rebels all over the world. The AK47 today is symbolized as being a terrorist weapon and many political opponents have used the AK47 as a symbol of terror to justify banning so called "Assault weapons". German H&K G3's and FN FAL's have been found all over South America and the middle east.

I guess the end result is, corporations don't always have ethical purposes for how they generate money.

The other side of the debate, people claim that by purchasing Chinese made weapons, or those made in Pakistan, Turkey (yes a lot of American companies are now outsourcing to Turkey now), or even the popular Springfield XD (made in Croatia), that by purchasing these weapons, we are supporting these countries economies and the companies that manufacture them.

There is also the debate of safety, the surplus market has always been flooded with a number of different products from all around the world. Sometimes ammunition has it's flaws, there was commercial ammunition from UAE a number of years ago that was causing the gun to "KaBoom!" when fired. The casings were crimped too tight.

Both Republicans and Democrats have placed restrictions or bans on imports for various reasons, the Democrats mainly claiming that citizens shouldn't have access to these weapons and imposing restrictions on cosmetic appearance.

Republicans have banned import of new weapons from these countries so that our country does not support their economy.

How do you feel about purchasing weapons from foreign countries of questionable status?

My personal view, I oppose gun control in all forms, the end user that suffers is the citizen when bans are imposed. I think reviewing the facts, that if we were to boycott countries selling to our enemies, then we would essentially have to boycott every country seeing as who they they have supplied in the past and what not.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 05:40:39 PM by מאיר כהן »


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America AND Israel have supplied muSSlim-nazis with M16s!! We'd have to stop buying domestic, too.

I'm in favour of boycotting ALL goods from anti-Israel countries but not weapons alone. It is more important for the cause of liberty to have affordable, military-type rifles available to US citizens so they can protect their freedoms.

Offline old06

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simple if you not with us your against us          O0

Offline White Israelite

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simple if you not with us your against us          O0

Not bashing your opinion or anything, just curious why you feel that way? I wrote up a decent post about how essentially the meaning of supporting a ban of countries who sell to our enemies would mean we would pretty much have to ban all imports of weapons into the US including our own as the US has sold to enemies in the past. It would also mean no more FAL's, H&K G3's, MP5's, Galils, Steyr AUG's, or other fancy weapons. Oh wait, they are already banned, although we have the option of having American clones of these weapons which for some reason, many of them are of worse quality than a bunch of nomads with down syndrome in a Pakistan metal shop. Lets not forget much of the steel is imported into this country from China to make the firearms, so in the end, are we really supporting the enemy? Kind of gives you something think about.


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When the demokkkrats suspend the constitution, form a 'New People's Republic' and send goons out to seize weapons from loyal Americans you'll be glad of any battle-proven rifle.

The german-nazi Mauser, Soviet-communist-nazi Mosin Nagant or Jew-hating British-nazi Lee Enfield will drop the bad guys just as effectively today as the dropped the innocent 60+ years ago.

Riflemen have consciences.......................rifles do not.

Offline wakeupisrael

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I say sell weapons on markets I am excpecting that in the future In Israel when of course territories willb e given things will get worse

Jewish resistance groups will rise

and Maybe they can buy weaponry from other countries.

I don't think that states such as north korea will have a problem providing ak-47's for jewish terrorists since I dont think they really care about what is going on in the middle east but more about their money
There is no god but the F16 and his messenger the prophet JDAM600.

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косово je сербия

Kosovo Is serbia!!!

Offline White Israelite

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I say sell weapons on markets I am excpecting that in the future In Israel when of course territories willb e given things will get worse

Jewish resistance groups will rise

and Maybe they can buy weaponry from other countries.

I don't think that states such as north korea will have a problem providing ak-47's for jewish terrorists since I dont think they really care about what is going on in the middle east but more about their money

.....ok first of all, North Korea supplied Syria, if Jews need guns, then they can take over the Israeli armories which have a stockpile of AK47's, Galils, and surplus m16's/m4's.

Second of all, did you just say "Jewish terrorists"? There is no such thing as a Jewish terrorist.

Offline Zelhar

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I think companies that sell weapons to Iran and other evil countries should be banned. If they sell to Iran they should lose the American market. I don't think FN, H&K or Styer would sell a single barrel to Iran if they knew that would mean they lose the American market.

Regarding Used and surplus weapons such as the millions of FALs and AK-47s, It is much better if they end up in the hands of American than in the hands of terrorists and guerrillas so I think it would be great if the American market would open up for these weapons. 

Offline White Israelite

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I think companies that sell weapons to Iran and other evil countries should be banned. If they sell to Iran they should lose the American market. I don't think FN, H&K or Styer would sell a single barrel to Iran if they knew that would mean they lose the American market.

Regarding Used and surplus weapons such as the millions of FALs and AK-47s, It is much better if they end up in the hands of American than in the hands of terrorists and guerrillas so I think it would be great if the American market would open up for these weapons. 

Unfortunately FN sells to countries like Saudi Arabia and many muslim and african nations. Steyr has sold weapons to IRAN such as the .50 caliber sniper rifle, also H&K has sold G3's, MP5's, and other weapons to Fakestinians, Iran, and other middle eastern countries.

Offline Zelhar

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American companies also sell anything the Saudis would buy from them... I don't understand how can H&K can be a major supplier for the American army and police while selling arms to Iran, is there no arms embargo on Iran?

Offline White Israelite

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American companies also sell anything the Saudis would buy from them... I don't understand how can H&K can be a major supplier for the American army and police while selling arms to Iran, is there no arms embargo on Iran?

Not that i'm aware of, Iran manufactures some of it's own stuff but there have been European companies (like Steyr) who have sold to Iran.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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With regards to our U.S. Military, we should be totally self-sufficient, as well as second to none.

As regards the world market for individuals, collectors, gun shops, etc... everything should be allowed unless U.S. sanctions are placed on a particular country's exports, etc...

And I agree with the position that in defending yourself, your possessions, or in serving in a militia to repel a foreign invasion, anything goes; if for no other reason than an insurgency frequently must use stolen arms from their occupying invaders if they want to have any arms at all!