Author Topic: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women  (Read 7530 times)

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I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:05:26 AM »
Perhaps one of the things extant in this world right now which vexes my soul most is the predilection among young white females, particularly blondes, for black men.

Of course there is evidence all throughout history for white women finding black men irresistible, as a kind of kinky perversion or erotic/aristocratic taste, but today it is pretty much off the scale.  All over America and all over Europe, young white women are literally mating with these sub-human beasts in their millions, nay, I daresay in their tens of millions.

And the natural corollary of this is that many white males are simply excluded from white female company, because these women are too busy lavishing their affections on their beloved negroes.

Now, I am 23 and life is an intolerable burden in my eyes.

In fact I am not worthy of life here, I am not worthy of anything.  And perhaps nothing is worthy of me.  But I am so disappointed in the white woman.  She is, in my eyes, a wicked monster; a Semiramis who wishes us all to worship her beloved Nimrod's sexual potency.

Why do blonde women insist that we all smile and nod while they consciously reject and humiliate us?  For blondes, life is but a game.

I beshrew white women and I beshrew the white race.  I am not 'white', G-d forbid, that were a straw that might break my back.

Well, here is a little gorgeous creature of the negro race.  I hope white women are happy with what they have inflicted on us.  I hope they are happy that they have destroyed white men and brought forth abomination into this world, pure evil conceived in the womb of things most Divine in the eyes of the Holy One, Blessed be He.


Offline fjack

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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2006, 09:41:26 AM »
That 'child' was seen by steven spielberg when he went to madonna's house and saw the 'child' being used as a lawn jockey. Speilberg was immediately impressed by the way the primitive held the lantern up high and his ability to withstand the California heat. Spielberg then knew that he had found his next star for the planned remake of 'The Son of Kong'. I also believe that danny glover will play 'grandpa kong' and maya ugly loo will play 'grandma kong'. Since spielberg is very supportive of blacks in gerneral so this epic will only be should in magic johnson's (hey, I have aids) movie theatres. So keep watching the papers for the headlines saying that the 'son of kong' is coming to a ghetto near you!

Offline Raptorman

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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2006, 10:31:19 AM »
That 'child' was seen by steven spielberg when he went to madonna's house and saw the 'child' being used as a lawn jockey. Speilberg was immediately impressed by the way the primitive held the lantern up high and his ability to withstand the California heat. Spielberg then knew that he had found his next star for the planned remake of 'The Son of Kong'. I also believe that danny glover will play 'grandpa kong' and maya ugly loo will play 'grandma kong'. Since spielberg is very supportive of blacks in gerneral so this epic will only be should in magic johnson's (hey, I have aids) movie theatres. So keep watching the papers for the headlines saying that the 'son of kong' is coming to a ghetto near you!

Owning a [censored] sprog has become a fashion statement.  They are nothing more then an accessory and everyone must own one!

I am one of the webmassa's at http://[censored site].com/ and oftentimes some people call me racist but my "racism" pales when compared to the racism exibited by Madonna and her liberal crowd.

Let's see, Madonna flies to an African sh¡thole, selects her future yard jockey before jetting back to England taking the little turd with her. This b¡tch puts on her Madonna costume telling the world she wanted to "save" that child spending millions on private jets and lawyer fees to do it.

What could she have done with the millions she will spend to save this "one" had she 1)established orpanages 2)paid for HIV drugs 3)established schools 4)open food pantries and the list goes on.

Instead of helping thousands she demonstrates her racism by purchasing a lawn jockey.

Madonna and friends see [censored] as nothing more then fashion statements. 

Congrats Madonna, you are more racist then I could ever be. 
« Last Edit: November 05, 2006, 10:35:14 AM by Raptorman »
"Can you cite one speck of hard evidence of the benefits of 'diversity' that we have heard gushed about for years? Evidence of its harm can be seen - written in blood - from Iraq to India, from Serbia to Sudan, from Fiji to the Philippines.  It is scary how easily so many people canbe brainwashed by sheer repetition of a word." - Thomas Sowell writing for the Jewish World Review August 29, 2006

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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 04:51:17 PM »
It's not off the scale that much. I remember reading only 2 % of the populace are in interracial relationships. Most of the white females I see with black males are ugly fat ones, or skinny white trash ones with wrinkled faces. I remember going to see the movie Gangs of New York and how anti-black that movie was and laughing cause there was a skinny black guy with a 400 pound weight women in the theater.  :D
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline cjd

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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 07:05:08 PM »
It's not off the scale that much. I remember reading only 2 % of the populace are in interracial relationships. Most of the white females I see with black males are ugly fat ones, or skinny white trash ones with wrinkled faces. I remember going to see the movie Gangs of New York and how anti-black that movie was and laughing cause there was a skinny black guy with a 400 pound weight women in the theater.  :D
Yes I think you hit the nail on the head with this post. It is exactly the case!
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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 07:15:07 PM »
That 'child' was seen by steven spielberg when he went to madonna's house and saw the 'child' being used as a lawn jockey. Speilberg was immediately impressed by the way the primitive held the lantern up high and his ability to withstand the California heat. Spielberg then knew that he had found his next star for the planned remake of 'The Son of Kong'. I also believe that danny glover will play 'grandpa kong' and maya ugly loo will play 'grandma kong'. Since spielberg is very supportive of blacks in gerneral so this epic will only be should in magic johnson's (hey, I have aids) movie theatres. So keep watching the papers for the headlines saying that the 'son of kong' is coming to a ghetto near you!

Lol! You're friggin nuts, hahahah.

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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2006, 08:12:40 PM »

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord, to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 09:07:30 PM »
That picture reminds me of something from "The Hills Have Eyes" or Planet of the Apes or something.  I am sorry but last night in Darkmouth (Dartmouth) the shvartzas attacked a loan white, the night before the shvartzas attacked a guy walking in Halifax and for you politically correct the night before the "African American" Naval Officer got stabbed to death outside a Halifax nightclub by an "African Canadian" when he was trying to stop "African Canadians" from fighting during which 2 car loads of "African Canadians", biaches and brovas, pulled up to hold a tribal war in downtown Halifax afterwhich more "African American" Navy guys showed up.  By the time it was all over the "African American" received a stab through his heart and died.  I think it must be a cultural thing?  Oh, I can't remember who it was that praised Bill Cosby but I'll give him credit for speaking out against the primates but his wife is a real racist and an anti-semite.  I believe I read it in "Hating Whitey" - David Horowitz.  Hey that's ok...pure jelousy....
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 11:37:08 PM »
It's not off the scale that much. I remember reading only 2 % of the populace are in interracial relationships. Most of the white females I see with black males are ugly fat ones, or skinny white trash ones with wrinkled faces. I remember going to see the movie Gangs of New York and how anti-black that movie was and laughing cause there was a skinny black guy with a 400 pound weight women in the theater.  :D

I don't know where you plucked the '2%' figure from - from U.S. census data on inter-racial marriages in 1980 maybe - but I can assure you that a much larger proportion of white women in every Western country than that is dating, having sex with, and having babies by black men ... (in London, about 15% of white women at any given time are with a non-white man, so that the total percentage who have had a non-white man at one point or another must be quite considerable.)

There have been innumerable studies carried out which show that no one particular social class or age group of white women are more likely than the other to have black boyfriends.  If a gorgeous, middle-class, prosperous white woman finds a black man who suits her (sometimes the sheer oppositeness is attractive, sometimes it is rich black men in suits that she prefers, it depends), she will be more likely to go with him than an average white man.

This is simply the way it has always been, throughout all of history, and unless society has enacted segregation laws or limits black immigration, eventually the majority of white women will drift away from white men and bear black men's babies instead.

Why does this preoccupy my thoughts, you might ask?  Because where I live I am surrounded by white women.  I have to endure the abuse they give me (they leave me out in the cold and enjoy seeing me suffer), as well as seeing them demonstrate their RACIST preference for black men.  White women let black men off with murder.  White women are so happy to have black men's babies that they simply have one-night stands with unemployed black men and say nothing when the black man dumps her to go and impregnate some other woman. 

This is one of many profound evils which are COMPLETELY destroying the formerly-cohesive fabric of society.  If white female supremacism is allowed to continue unchecked, the world of tomorrow will be populated by air-headed blonde mothers who have raised psychotic hybrid children by a group of men most of whom are in jail ... white women love to have a black baby to complete their family, but then again women like feng shui and other forms of witchcraft - they are well-meaning but HASHEM PROTECT US if they get the upper hand in society ... I liken women to dumb, contented cows, who sit around chewing grass and getting in the way of men, every now and then releasing feces in our faces ... yes indeed, what young white women are doing these days is an ABOMINATION, and I find it intolerable.

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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2006, 01:17:15 PM »
It's not off the scale that much. I remember reading only 2 % of the populace are in interracial relationships. Most of the white females I see with black males are ugly fat ones, or skinny white trash ones with wrinkled faces. I remember going to see the movie Gangs of New York and how anti-black that movie was and laughing cause there was a skinny black guy with a 400 pound weight women in the theater.  :D

I don't know where you plucked the '2%' figure from - from U.S. census data on inter-racial marriages in 1980 maybe - but I can assure you that a much larger proportion of white women in every Western country than that is dating, having sex with, and having babies by black men ... (in London, about 15% of white women at any given time are with a non-white man, so that the total percentage who have had a non-white man at one point or another must be quite considerable.)

There have been innumerable studies carried out which show that no one particular social class or age group of white women are more likely than the other to have black boyfriends.  If a gorgeous, middle-class, prosperous white woman finds a black man who suits her (sometimes the sheer oppositeness is attractive, sometimes it is rich black men in suits that she prefers, it depends), she will be more likely to go with him than an average white man.

This is simply the way it has always been, throughout all of history, and unless society has enacted segregation laws or limits black immigration, eventually the majority of white women will drift away from white men and bear black men's babies instead.

Why does this preoccupy my thoughts, you might ask?  Because where I live I am surrounded by white women.  I have to endure the abuse they give me (they leave me out in the cold and enjoy seeing me suffer), as well as seeing them demonstrate their RACIST preference for black men.  White women let black men off with murder.  White women are so happy to have black men's babies that they simply have one-night stands with unemployed black men and say nothing when the black man dumps her to go and impregnate some other woman. 

This is one of many profound evils which are COMPLETELY destroying the formerly-cohesive fabric of society.  If white female supremacism is allowed to continue unchecked, the world of tomorrow will be populated by air-headed blonde mothers who have raised psychotic hybrid children by a group of men most of whom are in jail ... white women love to have a black baby to complete their family, but then again women like feng shui and other forms of witchcraft - they are well-meaning but HASHEM PROTECT US if they get the upper hand in society ... I liken women to dumb, contented cows, who sit around chewing grass and getting in the way of men, every now and then releasing feces in our faces ... yes indeed, what young white women are doing these days is an ABOMINATION, and I find it intolerable.

1) where did you get the 15% figure from?


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Re: I dedicate this pic of lovely negro child to all you white women
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2006, 01:57:14 PM »
It's not off the scale that much. I remember reading only 2 % of the populace are in interracial relationships. Most of the white females I see with black males are ugly fat ones, or skinny white trash ones with wrinkled faces. I remember going to see the movie Gangs of New York and how anti-black that movie was and laughing cause there was a skinny black guy with a 400 pound weight women in the theater.  :D

I don't know where you plucked the '2%' figure from - from U.S. census data on inter-racial marriages in 1980 maybe - but I can assure you that a much larger proportion of white women in every Western country than that is dating, having sex with, and having babies by black men ... (in London, about 15% of white women at any given time are with a non-white man, so that the total percentage who have had a non-white man at one point or another must be quite considerable.)

There have been innumerable studies carried out which show that no one particular social class or age group of white women are more likely than the other to have black boyfriends.  If a gorgeous, middle-class, prosperous white woman finds a black man who suits her (sometimes the sheer oppositeness is attractive, sometimes it is rich black men in suits that she prefers, it depends), she will be more likely to go with him than an average white man.

This is simply the way it has always been, throughout all of history, and unless society has enacted segregation laws or limits black immigration, eventually the majority of white women will drift away from white men and bear black men's babies instead.

Why does this preoccupy my thoughts, you might ask?  Because where I live I am surrounded by white women.  I have to endure the abuse they give me (they leave me out in the cold and enjoy seeing me suffer), as well as seeing them demonstrate their RACIST preference for black men.  White women let black men off with murder.  White women are so happy to have black men's babies that they simply have one-night stands with unemployed black men and say nothing when the black man dumps her to go and impregnate some other woman. 

This is one of many profound evils which are COMPLETELY destroying the formerly-cohesive fabric of society.  If white female supremacism is allowed to continue unchecked, the world of tomorrow will be populated by air-headed blonde mothers who have raised psychotic hybrid children by a group of men most of whom are in jail ... white women love to have a black baby to complete their family, but then again women like feng shui and other forms of witchcraft - they are well-meaning but HASHEM PROTECT US if they get the upper hand in society ... I liken women to dumb, contented cows, who sit around chewing grass and getting in the way of men, every now and then releasing feces in our faces ... yes indeed, what young white women are doing these days is an ABOMINATION, and I find it intolerable.

Maybe it's where you live. I live in Arizona which has some of the most beautiful white women anywhere and I barely see any good looking ones with black husbands or hispanic husbands. Always the ulgy ones are the ones with the non whites. Maybe you should make a yahoo singles profile there are alot of women on there who have white for ethnicity of the partner they are looking for and nothing else. But I agree with you that white females with non white males is disgusting.  I guess I was wrong about my 2%

"The percentage of all U.S. married couples that are interracial nearly doubled from 2.9 percent to 5.4 percent between 1990 and 2000, to a total of more than 3 million."
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll