
Is gun control really implemented so black criminals aren't killed by white gun owners?

Absolutely, without a doubt.
1 (16.7%)
More or less
0 (0%)
To some degree, yes.
2 (33.3%)
Kind of, but there are other, bigger reasons.
3 (50%)
No, it has nothing to do with race.
0 (0%)

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Voting closed: April 20, 2008, 12:00:33 AM

Author Topic: Race and Gun Control  (Read 3340 times)

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Offline Minuteman

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Race and Gun Control
« on: March 31, 2008, 12:00:33 AM »
I feel that a lot of left winged policies are centered around race, or should I say implemented to cater to the wishes of minority groups.  Such policies are gun control, defense spending, pro-choice(Abortion)/life, death penalty, education spending, etc.  I feel that minority groups and organizations that are anti-white support gun control because they can not stomach a fellow black man being killed by a "whitey" even if that black man was a criminal and deserved it.


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Re: Race and Gun Control
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2008, 12:14:30 AM »
It's not the number 1 reason as far as the liberal elite is concerned, but it IS number 1 as far as the race pimps are.

Gun ownership for self defense & hunting represents independence & self reliance. The two things liberals hate most. Self reliance is at odds with their view of mankind as hopeless, incompetent, needy, helpless creatures who require a large (liberal, of coarse) government to look after them . They want a disarmed populace who (in fear of crime) rely on government to do something. The government in turn will then require more taxes to 'do something' about crime.

Their is also a moral equivalence mentallity amongst liberals that forbids any sort of value judgement. The idead that one can defend oneself against criminals requires a moral judgement about the innocent versus the criminal. This is high herasy to liberals.

A second string (perhaps subcomnsious) reason for gun control with white liberals is self hate. There is a feeling that white society is (by nature) evil and racist and 'must get it's come-uppence' at the hands of the 'down-trodden minorities'.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Race and Gun Control
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2008, 02:32:27 AM »
The first gun control laws were actually targeted towards blacks. The constitution was originally drafted to apply for whites of the United States of America. Courts changed this as blacks were only considered 3/4 a person for census purposes.

The current gun control laws are still somewhat related to race, for example, Brady Campaign targets saturday night specials claiming they are marketed towards poor blacks. It's nothing more than an excuse to ban "cheap affordable firearms". The problem is identifying what a saturday night special is? Sure there are cheap crappy handguns out there but some people may even consider Glocks to be saturday night specials, where does one draw the line? And this is why it's bad to allow government to make decisions for us in determining this. They also target so called "assault weapons" claiming they are mainly used by extremeists, terrorists, and neo nazi groups.

I don't think it's purely aimed at race, I think it applies in a small way, but I think the overall goal of gun control is to disarm the decent law abiding citizen because it is easier for government to tell you what to do without a means to resist or fight back while using propaganda and spinning it.

Brady Campaign is launching all kinds of ad's for example, they are claiming that the .50 cal barrett sniper rifle has no legitimate purpose for sporting or hunting purposes. Notice the bold, anti-gun groups claim they are not against guns, just those that are not used for sporting or hunting purposes. This is pure propaganda, these anti gun lobbies try to classify firearms to justify banning them one step at a time. The right to bear arms was NOT written for sporting or hunting purposes, it was written for us to protect ourselves from enemies foreign and domestic. The current campaign the Brady bunch is running is claiming that Barrett sniper rifles can be used by terrorists to shoot down airplanes, they are spinning everything to fit their agenda.

It's all about banning the "evil powerful looking guns", then they will go after the hunting rifles and handguns next.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 02:34:39 AM by מאיר כהן »


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Re: Race and Gun Control
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2008, 03:51:59 AM »

It's all about banning the "evil powerful looking guns", then they will go after the hunting rifles and handguns next.

Their aim is to ban ALL guns. Just as a frog will leap out of hot water but stay in cold water as is gradually heats up, they intend to ban guns in stages.

To do this, they must start with the guns that are 'of most concern' to Jo public. They tried handguns from 1968 but this failed to get the political 'traction' required. 'Assault rifles' have been their focus since the mid 80s since they are 'scarier' to the uneducated and it has been easy to blur the distinctions between semi-automatic, automatic, machine gun etc.

There have been other efforts too. 'Saturday night specials', 'pocket pistols', 'hand cannons' (the .50 S&W revolver), the .50 cal rifle, 'sniper weapons' (any rifle .30 cal+ with a scope!) etc.

The net effect will be that when types of guns are banned for being, 'too scary, too cheap, too small, too loud, too large or too accurate', the only acceptable firearms will be 18th century muzzle loaders or air rifles.

A liberal claiming they "just want to restrict 'certain types' of guns" is like a pedophile claiming they just want to take your kids to a movie!