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Libby Kahane Interview

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--- Quote from: Kahane-Was-Right BT on April 01, 2008, 10:06:18 PM ---Chaim ben Pesach mentioned in last 10 minutes or so, one of the write-in questions asks if she knows him and if the bombings were carried out under the Rav's instructions.

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caller: did VV/CBP
TY: are you familiar with him?
LK: I`ve heard of him
TY: he(caller) wants to know,  did he bomb the diplomatic residence in the bronx on the rabbi`s instructions
LK: I don`t know anything about that
TY: okaay!

I don`t know about Libby, but Robert Freidman, a self hating leftist biographer of rabbi kahane, (who hated kahane and the JDL!)  mentioned Chaim(by english name Victor Vancier) quite a bit.

Many sources refer to him as a JDL head/chief,   or national co-ordinator.  And of course of the bombings.

So any doubting of him would be absurd

Rabbi Kahane, by Robert Freidman
Currently, Kahane is overseeing at least four organizations in America to raise money and build support for his party in Israel: Kach International, the Institute for the Authentic Jewish Idea, Jewish Overview and the Jewish Defense League. The organizations have interlocking board members–all of whom are associated with Kahane. JDL national coordinator Victor Vancier, who pleaded guilty last summer in connection with six terrorist bombings in New York, including the September tear-gas bombing of Lincoln Center during an opening night performance of the Moiseyev Dance Company in which 20 people were injured, says three of the JDL’s 10 board members are also on Kach’s board. "Kach equals the JDL equals Kahane," says New York State assemblyman Dov Hikind, a former JDL member, who is among Kahane’s most fervent supporters.
Nice Jewish Boys with Bombs
Robert I. Friedman
Journal of P@lestine Studies, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Summer, 1986), pp. 193-197metal

"Jews need a crazy image now" ,says Victor Vancier , the brash, tough-talking twenty-nine year old head of the Jewish Defence League in New York "One reason nazis bullied jews was because jews were easy targets. To put it bluntly, crazy jews live longer".

Vancier  - a small, slight, boyish looking man who carries a three-foot long, black metal flashlight that he uses as a truncheon - says that "craziness" helps jews in a lot of ways. "If the soviets are afraid that their diplomats in the US will be killed, that their offices will be blown up, and that we will take other actiosn that will disrupt Soviet-American relations, they`ll realise that they are etter off letting the jews go"  he recently told me.
Dressed in jeans, a faded flannel shirt, and a pale blue parka covered with grime, Vancier said that a crazy JDL would also liquidate the neo-nazis and american arabs who support the PLO, which he calls the proponents of the new holocaust, the new genocide. He even talks about silencing a prominent PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi-american processor who is an outspoken supported of the PLO.  "I think the man is a monster. And that means anything goes. I believe the arabs are the new Nazis, the heirs of teh third reich. I don`t wish him wlel to say the least" he said breaking into peals of laughter.
The processor, however, isn:t laughing. Several months ago his office was ransacked and his aappartment building was broken into by a hand of jewish thugs. Cancier saiys he doesn:t know who was behind the break-ins, but calls them "jewish patriots"
Speaking softly between sips of tea in a manhattan coffee shop, vancier told me he is in contact with the same jewish terrorist underground that the FBI says carried out a string of bombings last year that killed 2 people including a prominent arab american official. For all his swagger, VAncier won`t say who is in the udnerground or how they might be liked to the JDL. NEvertheless, he claims to speak on their behalf.  "Gorbachev`s proposed summit with Reagan in the US next summer will be met with an unprecedented wave of violence" he says with rising exitement.  "If you think the shiites in lebanon are capable of fanatastic"
(rest of quote comes from other links"  "If you think the shiites in lebanon are capable of fanatastic acts of suicidal terrorism, the Jewish underground will strike targets that will make Americans gasp: "How could Jews do such things"?'

That was back in his terrorist days obviously.. He is law abiding now and has even said bombings wouldn`t work anymore anyway, because bombs are not news anymore.
In 1985, Said's office at Columbia was torn apart. (Victor Vancier, a member of the Jewish Defense League convicted of a series of J.D.L. bombings, later told writer Robert 1. Friedman that the vandalism was the work
of "Jewish  patriots," but he would not say whether the J.D.L. had been
Prison for Ex-J.D.L. Chief in Bombing
Published: October 27, 1987
A former head of the Jewish Defense League was sentenced yesterday to 10 years in Federal prison for taking part in a series of ''terrorist bombings'' in the New York area since 1984 to protest Soviet treatment of Jews.
VICTOR VANCIER  22879-053      51     White   M
RELEASED 03-29-1991

Zvulun Ben Moshe:
Bowing in utter respect. G-d bless her and her grandchildren!

I think Chaim's actions were right for the time and this Friedman is an animal. O0

Dr. Dan:
Applause chaim!


--- Quote from: Ari on April 02, 2008, 08:23:12 PM ---I think Chaim's actions were right for the time and this Friedman is an animal. O0

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Baruch Hashem Friedman, who despite the name was an Arab, is dead; probably of AIDS :::D


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