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'Will India Destroy the United States?'
Christian Zionist:
Hello Friends,
I am from India. In the year 2000 I came to America for job. But I am a Christian who read about Rabbi Kahane in the late 80's in a Zionist Christian magazine ( in my language) in India. Rabbi Kahane was the only Jewish leader that I respected at that time and I found his message to be the closest to the message of the Bible. In 2000 a poster had posted 3 Kahanite organization website links in the Jerusalem Post and after reviewing all of them I have chosen JTF and consider Chaim Ben Pesach as the true successor of Rabbi Kahane.
Even though I am an Indian I am concerned about the influx of Asians into this great country. I think that is going to undermine the cultural stability of America. In my opinion America is being destroyed by the democratic party, high divorce rate, fag marriage, abortion and other forms of sexual perversions.
Recently I was talking to 2 white women who are my colleagues and warned them about Yoga. The Yoga that is presented in the West is the beautified version and it is presented as a form of a physical exercise. But I and other Indian Christians living in America know that is not the case. Contrary to the popular notion that Hinduism is not a missionary religion like Christianity, the manifesto of the militant Hindu organizations state that Yoga is the best way to propagate Hinduism in America to conquer America for Hinduism. In India in certain states we Christians do not have the freedom of religion and we are persecuted. Here they enjoy infinite freedom.
Even the nuclear deal that the wacko President Bush signed with India is anti-American. It is another republican sell out.
India is a close friend of Iran and our Indian leaders resent the execution of Saddam Hussein.
Americans are addicted to sports and materialism. They watch football, superbowl, baseball, basket ball etc. but spend little time in reading their Bibles. We read in the book of Judges in the Bible whenever Israel abandoned their G-d, they were plundered by their enemies. The same thing is happening in America today. Indians who are in the IT industry, medical profession and in other fields largely finance the growth of Hindu religion in America.
Indians hate Americans (whites) for who they are and they are jealous about the super power status of this great country.
Indians are not as bad as blacks and muslims but still their culture is not compatible with the Judeo-Christian culture of the West.
The Indian new agers are lesser of the other evils.
The only way to take back America is American Christians and Jews should repent, pray and fast before the G-d of the Bible to get His mercy and grace. That is the only way. Otherwise it will be too late.
I and many of my Christian Indian friends do assimilate with the American culture and love this country deeply. We are proud of the Judeo-Christian heritage of America.
Bad enough America has the ACLU and the liberal morons committed to destroy this great country. On top of that this pagan invasion is also destroying America.
--- Quote ---After seeing him one day pricking himself with a safety pin to make himself bleed, it all came together. He was trying to transmit his blood to others - either by direct contact or by putting it in the coffee machine.
Come to find out, he was HIV+ and was trying to transmit it to the Americans.
Praveen went back to India shortly after that, so no criminal action was able to be taken. But a few of the other Indians did transmit HIV to a couple of the American women - and seemed very proud of it.
--- End quote ---
Here we go again. ::) Miscegenation is always cropping up somehow.
I'll bet those American slappers didn't get HIV from their cups of coffee. They got HIV from being slappers for melanin-enhanced males. They have only themselves to blame.
Christian Zionist, you are 100% correct and I am very happy for you to bring that to my attention. I read about that in Hannah Newman's "The Rainbow Swastika". As a matter of fact, I remember her giving many examples of how "Jewish" organizations are using yoga in Israel to attack Orthodox Jewry who are benighted to what you said comparable to the "Christian" organizations are using Yoga in the United States to attack Christianity.
Thank you for bringing that up. It is very important people know and understand that. Perhaps you might open a separate link and give your opinions on how Hinduism and comparable Gnostic faths are being promulgated onto the unknowledged masses....christians and Jews. Very good post brother.... very good... :)
I never understood the sports thing. I do not see how people can become so excited over a [censored] bouncing a ball and cheer like some sorta primitive pagans.
Mizrachi Jew:
I think this is from Afrocentric source lol, most Indians i have met hate Blacks, and also they do belive that their Aryan ancestors were actually Whites
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