Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

Seeking nice modern orthodox female

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 I'm a nice very well built 12 yrs of yeshiva... photo on request

Just one NICE woman that hasn't embraced "diversity", "feminism" and all other Liberal "Politically Correct" ineptitudes will do me just fine.  Between 20-30 and wants to have a Jewish family and likes to be active and do a lot of traveling... :)

I was just on the Rabbinic Council of America site. It cracks me up what hypocrits these Rabbi's are and how POWER MAD they really are. I'm looking at list of officer and other positions and of course EVERY POISITION is held by a man except 2 administrative jobs help by women. And yet these Rabbi's force FEMINISM OR EXTREME SENSITIVITY TOWARD'S WOMEN on everybody else's throat. The reason is obvious. They want the men to have so many demands put on them that they don't have time to organize fire these worthless Rabbi's.


--- Quote from: adam613 on December 30, 2006, 10:55:33 PM ---I was just on the Rabbinic Council of America site. It cracks me up what hypocrits these Rabbi's are and how POWER MAD they really are. I'm looking at list of officer and other positions and of course EVERY POISITION is held by a man except 2 administrative jobs help by women. And yet these Rabbi's force FEMINISM OR EXTREME SENSITIVITY TOWARD'S WOMEN on everybody else's throat. The reason is obvious. They want the men to have so many demands put on them that they don't have time to organize fire these worthless Rabbi's.

--- End quote ---

Jews have a Torah as their guiding light which prohibits women from becoming rabbis etc.  But the gentiles, do not only have no such code, but they have also a precedent of equality with women.  The Nordic peoples in particular have always been feminist.  Most EUropean monarchies have long featured female monarchs.

So there's no real reason why the white gentiles should not have equality with women, especially since white gentile women are nicer than the men anyway.

Sorry to disagree with you GTHS but if one notes Catholic and Christian history women never held any positions of power or equality with their male counterparts.  This, equality of the sexes; "Feminism", is a product of Socialism and the Socialist molestations of Christianity and too Judaism.  Women are upheld as being righteous but women have their righteous place amongst humanity and men have another. It is not whatsoever about "sexism", it is more about logic.  Men cannot have children and the family unit under Judeo-Christian teaching is the most important pillar to moral and productive civilization.  Today, with women embracing "feminism", "homosexuality", "bi-sexuality" and all the liberal ineptitudes we see that bi-product drastically effecting the West as a whole.  This is my opinion to which you can absolutely disagree...

If one looks carefully at the legacy of Golda Meir, Margeret Thatcher and others you will see that the Shah of Iran's statement about women leaders as being very accurate... :)

PS: Just imagine Hillary Sodom Arafat being your President for 4-8 years?


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