Author Topic: Kapo cops deny right of self defense to Israelis!  (Read 1912 times)

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Kapo cops deny right of self defense to Israelis!
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:42:30 AM »
Israeli police guard their patch: "The Israel Police opposes a bill that would grant additional legal protection to homeowners, businessmen and farmers who shoot at intruders, because of concern it would encourage people to take the law into their own hands. "I would not like to put such power in the hands of private individuals," police Supt. Liat Lav told the Knesset Law Committee on Wednesday. "Policemen themselves do not like to shoot. There are many stages along the way before they can open fire." The panel is preparing the bill for second and final readings in the plenum. The bill is known as the "Shai Dromi Law" because it was inspired by an incident in January 2007 in which Dromi was indicted for murder for killing a Beduin who had trespassed on his Negev ranch to steal sheep. The incident led to a public outcry justifying Dromi's actions, especially because of the increasing number of thefts in the agricultural sector."

What ghetto kykes!!!!!................"Oy oy oy, we can't hurt the poor's better to be a victim, oy oy oy oy"